Chapter 1

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Mallorys house was a disaster the day I got my acceptance letter to Hogwarts .

Well more accurately an emotional disaster.

Mallory's mother was through the roof happy talking about things she needed to get her first wand , school books and what animal companion I should get . Mallory was disappointed that she couldn't bring a broom to school as she heard there was a new one she really wanted . Mallory loved flying . Mallory's mother Diana Coin was glad one of her daughters was able to attend Hogwarts as Mallory's sister Lisa wasn't able to being a squib. Lisa showed no magical abilities when she was young . Her Mom thought it was simply a phase since she herself was a pureblood wizard who came from a prestigious family. Mallory could sense that her mom was a little disappointed that her  first born wasn't magical gifted . Lisa probably sense this too as she said from the corner of the couch . " It's just a school mom jeez " she said in a teasing manner but her smile didn't quite reach her eyes .

Her mother ignored the comment " You  might be in Ravenclaw your whole family was placed there including me ". She said smiling at Mallory.lisa muttered something about getting water as she slipped out off the couch and stalked off into the kitchen.

" Maybe Mother what about the other houses ? " Mallory asked 

She nodded dismissively " There alright except Sytherin a whole lot of nasty wizards come out of sytherin ." 

She stand up fanning her elegant blue dress " What do you want for dinner Mallory ?" Just then Lisa appeared with a glass of coke . She knew pizza was her sister favourite thing so .

" Is pizza alright ?" She asked 

Her Mother nodded " of course Lisa call the pizza place will you " . Lisa groaned we didn't have a phone in the house messes with magical frequencies so if you wanted to make a call you used the public one . Lisa grabbed her coat and shoes and walked the door slamming it behind her .

Mallory flinches at the sound her Mother barely reacted to it .

Mrs.Coin examines her Honey blond curls in the mirror smiling at her reflection. Her Mother was beautiful with her glowy green eyes and eye catching hair , Lisa inherited the same beauty as Their Mother . Mallory had her father's features long brown hair that turned auburn in the sunlight and Hazel siren shaped eyes she also had a brush of freckles on her nose and checks . When Lisa returns her Mother talks about what owl and newt classes she should take Mallory smiles not really listening to what she saying . She falls into bed her stomach filled with pizza and dreams .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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