Chapter 1

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It was supposed to be a normal night for Kevin. He would stand there, wait for no customers (because who would get Candy this late) and ultimately just be so bored.

He didn't expect to meet a cute guy like this.

Kevin was just about to get his dinner before everything closes until he bumped into a young man in a blue werewolf costume. They both stumble back, trying to regain their footing. Kevin looks at who he's dealing with.

His headpiece resembled a bomb and his jacket was red and black, giving off a cool look to him. Kevin stares at him, with a sense of intrigueness in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry" The blue werewolf apologizes. "I was just running to my friend's house and I didn't notice you were coming out the door".

"It's o-okay" Kevin says shyly. "You didn't know".

Kevin starts to develop a light pink hue in his cheeks, this guy was cool, adorable, and kind to him. It was hard not to fall for this guy.

"That's a cool costume you have on."

The blue werewolf blushes and looks away "T-Thanks. My friends made it for me and I just fell in love with it."

"Really? What character is it from?"

"... It's actually my fursona, I never had one done before so I.. made it more costume than the whole thing.. for... comfort."

The blue werewolf gets a bit quieter as his blush turns more red. That just made Kevin fall harder for him. "That's..pretty cool"

"Y-You think so?" The kind costume guy stammers with excitement. "Th-Thank you! Thank you so much"

Kevin feels the butterflies in his stomach. He can't help it. This guy is making him feel some type of way. Is he full of anxiety? Yes. But that's not gonna stop him. He really wants this guy. He wants to know who's under him and what it's like. Finally the candy worker just lets his feelings speak for him.

"I-i think you are a really cute person and I'm.. starting to like you so do you want to g-g-go on a date sometime? I-It's cool if you don't but I just.. I just want to try.

Kevin is a full on tomato as he covers his face. He leaves a hole to see his reaction. The werewolf starts to stim out of excitement and they give a big hug to the candy boy.

"Omg I would love to. It would be so awesome!" Kevin melts in to the werewolf's arms. They feel so warm and comforting... He wraps his arms around the others back and embraces the hug.

After a few moments, they let go of the hug and look at each other lovingly. "Oh yeah! I never introduced myself". The kind werewolf takes off his mask and reveals a cute guy with Dark Blue fluffy hair, about Kevin's age.

"My name is Blaz." 

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