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Here's the deal, in case you didn't read the bio(PLEASE DO!)

I update frequently(Once or more a week) with descriptions of made-up dragons from Wings of Fire. If you are the first person in the comments of that dragon saying you want to claim them, then you will get them.

From there, they are yours to do as you please!

5+ dragons in every chapter!

Here we go!

Dragon 1:

Name: Emberflare


Tribe: SkyWing

Colors: Emberflare's scales are a deep, fiery red, resembling the glow of smoldering embers. The edges of her wings are outlined in golden-orange, reminiscent of a vibrant flame. (You can change this, but I quite like it.)

Accessories: Emberflare wears a set of intricate golden arm cuffs adorned with small, glowing rubies. These cuffs were passed down through her family and are said to have protective enchantments.

Status in Life: Emberflare is a respected SkyWing warrior, known for her exceptional aerial combat skills. She holds a position of honor within the SkyWing military, often chosen to lead daring missions against enemy tribes.

Personality: Emberflare is a bold and passionate dragon, driven by a strong sense of duty and loyalty to her tribe. She is fiercely protective of her friends and family, and her determination in battle is matched only by her unwavering commitment to the SkyWing cause. Despite her intimidating exterior, Emberflare has a soft spot for dragonets and enjoys telling them stories of ancient SkyWing heroes, like her ancestor, Spark of the SkyWings.

Animus: No, Emberflare does not possess animus magic. She relies on her natural strength and combat skills to succeed in battles.

Emberflare's powerful presence and fiery personality make her a formidable ally and a respected member of the SkyWing tribe. Whether soaring through the skies or leading her fellow dragons into battle, Emberflare embodies the strength and courage of her tribe.

Dragon 2:

Name: Wavebreaker


Tribe: SeaWing (Lives on Pantala)

Colors: Wavebreaker's scales have a mesmerizing combination of ocean blues and silver accents, reflecting the moon's glow. Her scales also shimmer with a bioluminescent quality, allowing him to navigate the depths of the seas with ease, despite her lack of the general SeaWing night vision.

Accessories: Wavebreaker wears a necklace crafted from luminescent underwater plants. The necklace emits a soft, soothing light, aiding her deep-sea explorations.

Status in Life: Wavebreaker is an accomplished marine biologist, dedicated to studying and understanding the unique ecosystems beneath the waves of Pantala. She serves as an emissary between the SeaWings and Pantalan tribes.

Personality: Wavebreaker is calm, inquisitive, and deeply connected to the natural world. She has a keen interest in marine life and is passionate about preserving the delicate balance of Pantala's oceans.

Animus: No, Wavebreaker does not possess animus magic. She believes in the importance of respecting nature and its inherent magic.

Wavebreaker's curious nature aligns perfectly with her will to help keep his tribe's peace. She doesn't enjoy fighting, rather preferring to curl up underwater and read or study various oceanic flora and fauna.

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