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"A formidable size it is," Father spoke, eyeing the large, mountainous cavern behind her, within which was an enormous mass of gold, gems, and ancient artifacts from the centuries of eons past.

"Remember to watch the shadows, dear, when darkness arrives," Mother warned, urging her forward with a tiny nod, "They always try something in the dark."

"And don't forget to eat healthy, Cass, and not just those delicious bats," Grandpa winked with a laugh, catching a few trees on fire, thumping his tail on the ground and creating a small avalanche of stones. Cass rolled her eyes and turned away, already hearing the grumble from Grandma for nearly destroying the entire mountainside on her first day.

"Don't worry if it's too much," Mother said again, "I had a small cave on my first watch, and no one came close because of the ice."

Cassiopeia grunted, irritated at her family for coming to say goodbye (it was so embarrassing!) and moved towards the cave in long great strides. But just before she entered the mouth she was pulled back by her father's strong tail, wrapping around her in a gentle hug.

"Don't forget to message. If anything happens, you know what to do. Your body is much smaller than ours, that is true...but I am proud to say that you are still my daughter, and despite your size, I am confident in your abilities to outmatch any who dare. Do well. We'll be back."

Then he let her go, and after Mother blew softly at her back, and Grandpa and Grandma nipped at her hair in affection, the group flew off into the sky, heading back towards the mainland.

Without turning around to watch them go, and quickly composing herself (to which she would vehemently deny later on), she strode into the cave...her own treasure hoard to guard for the next three years.

Cassiopeia's GoldWhere stories live. Discover now