Chapter 2

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By the Gods above, and all the Kings and Queens of Lakonia, Prince Alexander vowed there would be retribution tonight. For his recent humiliation was still raw, a burning, angry pain in his chest at the thought of his... defeat. The losses he had incurred. His father's angry face. His mother's relentless scolding. But that...thing had come out of nowhere, and although many of his men glimpsed the black hair and strange blue eyes, Alexander still didn't quite believe that that... thing...was somehow a girl.

He closed his eyes, trailing behind his father's guards. They were two of the kingdom's most lethal hands, the Dread Brothers, and they were all the King had as far as personal guards, and technically all he needed. After Alexander's defeat, they had decided to bring some dragons too, young ones in need of experience. He smirked at the thought of the thing being burned by one of her own. Domesticated dragons held no loyalty to wild ones, as far as anyone knew. These young dragons would prove their worth tonight.

"Young Lord, if I may be so bold...?" The Beast Master, Ewald Odrick, spoke in a nasally, dripping tone, coming to walk beside him. If he weren't so useful Alexander would have been annoyed at the slimy man's presence and voice.

"Yes Ewald? What is it?"

"The dragons are saying something is strange... the storm approaching is causing them undue nervousness."

"Well, calm them down, isn't that what you're here for?" Alexander said, his irritation bordering on losing control.

"Yes, of course, my Lord, it's just-" Ewald lowered his voice, so only Alexander could hear, "They are saying the storm is not caused by weather patterns, they believe the Old Ones are moving through this region. They assured me they will still fight, but they will not get too close to the storm, and if things progress further, we may have to turn around."

Alexander's anger flared at once. Turn around? Go back to the city and declare he had, yet again, failed to kill or capture the beast?

No, that wouldn't do.

"Well, tell them that the King is personally offended by this wild dragon, and that retreating is not an option. Besides, the Old Ones are legends. Those dragons don't really exist-"

"I assure you, my Lord, they are quite taken by this storm. I will tell them, although I can't help but question whether or not they will agree with you."

The man stalked away after a short pause, back to the large cages where the dragons were still being hauled up through the dense forest trees, their chains rattling in the wind. Alexander watched him go. The man was far too...confident for his liking. He thought himself better simply because he learned the draconic language and could speak with them.

He looked up at the sky. It looked nearly black, with the winds howling at high speeds above the forest.

He would find that thing and personally kill it. Dragon or human, he didn't care. Although his father wanted to capture it alive, Alexander would not hesitate to kill should the opportunity present itself.

They were nearing the cave, he knew, from his past experience this deep in the mountains.

Damnable dragons. Alexander had his own dragon, rightly named Black Thorn for the long protruding spike in his tail that could shatter bones. Alexander had not brought him, although he wished for him now.

These young dragons had better be useful...he thought, and though his lips turned into smile at the thought of finally taking his revenge, two weeks in the making, perhaps his nervousness was paramount as well, in the slowly brewing storm....

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