A Love Woven in Starlight

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In the still of a starlit night, when hearts beat faster and dreams take flight, I find myself entranced by your beauty, like a raven drawn to light.

Your eyes, like twin stars, guide me through the labyrinth of shadows that dance around us, leading me to you, my love, my only solace.

And in this world where darkness reigns, your touch illuminates the pain, banishing all doubt and fear, reminding me that love is still here.

Your voice sings to me like angels' wings, sweet melody on moonlit strings.

As we stroll beneath the starry sky, our steps in sync, our hearts beating as one, I find myself lost in the depths of your eyes, drowning in the love that they hold, knowing that in this world, you're all I need to keep me from falling apart.

And as the dawn breaks through the night, ourlove remains strong, a beacon of hope, shining bright, guiding us through thedarkness, and into the light.

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