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The early Sunday morning birds sang beautiful tunes. I had been sitting beside the grand oak tree in my ruby red dress and a bible in hand, waiting on my parents to hurry getting dressed so we could go to church. I heard the front door close, and my parents walked out and waved for me to go on over. "You excited for the new church, dear?" My mother asked.
"Yes! I'm also pretty nervous about my new school tomorrow, but im sure it'll be just like my old one -" My mother cut my words off by putting her finger on my lips. "You talk too much, Lenna. Just keep quiet and act like a pretty little lady, as God intended." I nodded and smiled.
When we arrived at the new church, my father seemed impressed, I was impressed as well. The new church was massive and gorgeous, much like the ones you'd find in old horror movies. However, it didn't give off a scary vibe at all. When we entered the building, we were greeted kindly, and many people complimented my looks and asked us questions. I spotted a group of teen my age and decided to walk over to them. "Hello!" I said as I walked over to them. They turned and made a confused face. "Who are you? I've never seen you before, are you new?" The girl in the flowery blouse and long white skirt asked. "I am new, and I'm looking to make new friends here. My name is Lenna. What about you?" The girl simply smiled and took my hand to shake it. "My name is Kate, and this is Tiffany." She motioned to the girl standing awkwardly next to her. Tiffany shook my hand and smiled.
After a while of talking to my now new friends, we exchanged numbers and then made our way to our seats.

"Glad you're making friends, Len." My mother said to me with a small smile.

Church ended, so we said our goodbyes and headed home. I was especially excited to go home since i would immediately start texting my new friends. I found out they both go to my new school, so I'd have them to hang out with. I made my way to my room and began rummaging through unopened boxes that had my name on  them. "Ou, my pants! I've been looking everywhere for these!" I put them on and looked at myself in the mirror. "Looking good, super star." I smiled. I threw on a gray sweater and shoes and then headed downstairs. "Mom, is it okay if i head out to explore the city?" I asked sweetly and made little puppy dog eyes at her. She raised her eyebrows at me. "Sure, but be back before dinner." She said as she put tomatoes into a pot. "Thank you, mom!" I jumped up and ran into my room to grab my bag. I grabbed the things I needed and then headed back downstairs. "Bye, Mom!" I said as I walked out the front door. I passed the grand oak tree that was in our front yard. I really did like that tree. It was pretty and made the sunsets look even more scenic. The walk into the city wasn't far from my house, and the air tasted great. I saw a group of teens smoking in a dimly lit alleyway. I frowned at the scene. I hope they find God someday. I continued walking down the street and found myself at a huge plaza.  "Woah, this city has a lot of clothing stores.." I said in amazement of all the stores. "Maybe I should invite Tiffany and Kate over to go shopping or out to eat!" I said to myself with a smile. I finished looking around a small portion of the city, and the sun was beginning to set, so i knew i should start heading back home. The walk back was peaceful and quiet. I thought of how I'd do at school tomorrow and maybe how I'd find a cute boy to bring home to my parents. I remembered about my older brother Oliver, who brought home a girl once, and my mother had been furious. I guess it's fine now since he's old and moved away a year ago now. I've decided i think too much, so perhaps i should stop thinking, but how does thinking even work? I was thinking so much that I hadn't even noticed I walked right up to the front porch of my new house. I walked inside and told my parents about what I'd seen today on my trip to the city. My parents were in a fairly good mood and were chatting away with me, and my father told us about how he was getting a job interview sometime in the following week. The only reason we had moved was because my mother got a new job opportunity that required her to move away, and well, of course, she took us with her. "Thank you for my meal, mom! It's delicious." I said and then stuffed my face into the casserole she had made. "So Len, are you excited to begin school tomorrow?" My father asked me while chewing his food. My mother gave him a look. "Yep! My friends that I made today at church go there, so i won't be alone. Plus, they're in my grade, so that's even better! We'll be starting freshman year together!" I said with a big smile. "Well, aint that something. Im sure they're quite nervous, so be sure to keep up that energy tomorrow." He replied, and I nodded and finished my food. I think this city will really be a good change for me.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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