Buzz off.

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Dean pov

"Look, I just got back here, let me enjoy it okay? Or at least for now." I tried to get rid of Roman as I wrap black tape around my fist. He sighed and ran his hand over his face. "Look, I get that you are mad at me. But you at least hear me out. I've been waiting to see you for a while now, just to set things straight." He spoke. Oh, of course he wants to set things straight, maybe he should stop trying to believe he is straight. "Uh huh, Uh huh, I just listened to every word you said. See I heard you out." I know I'm being a bitch but with our history I have the right to be. I push pass him and went to grab my boots.

"Oh c'mon! Can't you be mature for a second!?" He seemed sort of annoyed.

"Can you stay silent for a second?" I throw back at him.

"No, I actually can't." He replied.

"Well neither can I." I talked while tying my lace to one boot.


"Roman I don't want to hear you."

"Just, please hear me out."

"I did that already. Literally like two seconds ago."

He exhaled giving the 'really' look an attitude. I stood up after finishing putting on both sides of my shoes as I punch the air, practicing for tonight. I have to tag with this bitch bag besides me who is carefully looking at me.

"Dean! You know I love you! So I don't get why you are acting so cold towards me!" He yelled at me trying to be the victim, oh no. I gave him a sarcastic laugh as I shook my head. "You are really dumb aren't you?" I stood still facing him. He looked at me and shook his head "no." His words matches his action. I let out a breathe through my nose, which I'm sure hit his face. "Really because for you not to see why I'm acting this way you must be stupid." I spat at him and turned to walk away but he grabbed my arms pulling back to where I was and it pissed me off.

"I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG!!!" His anger finally got set free, fully. But so did mine and you never anger a lunatic.

"YOU LEFT ME THAT NIGHT WHEN I TOLD YOU I WAS IN LOVE YOU AFTER WE FUCKED!" I screamed out watching as he looked taken back by me exploding like that. "THE NEXT DAY WHEN I SAW YOU HERE YOU WERE WITH PAIGE WITH YOUR ARMS WRAPPED AROUND HER WAIST ACTING LIKE I DON'T EVEN EXIST OR WORK HERE!!! Hell, you never even acknowledge my existence you just passed me straight Joe! So yeah you did do something wrong." I pushed him and walked off, I saw people looking at me who was outstanding the empty dressing room which Roman is the only one in now but I don't care, I'm fucking pissed. I came back from a concussion just yesterday and he is already pissing me off. If my day isn't going horrid already I bumped into Paige, literally. She looked up at me and I rolled my eyes and walk around her to where I need to be, she could go fuck herself straight to hell and carry Roman with her too.

What made me so upset that night. It isn't the fact that he didn't say it back, but the fact that he left....or maybe both, I still don't know. He know about my childhood and my abandonment. He knows it takes a lot for me to love a person and a lot more for me to say it. So imagine how hard it must have been on me to say I'm in love with him and actually mean it. I was so vulnerable, even if he would have told me he didn't love me back, it would have been better than him just picking up his clothes which was on my hotel room floor and hurriedly existing while getting dress, ignoring my pleas. It was horrific. I cried that whole night! Shit I had barely picked myself up when I went to work only to be torn back down seeing him in that pale bitch embrace. I had to go out right after that and fight. I was off my game throughout the whole match which led to my concussion which led to me getting two weeks off. I was never so happy and pissed at the same time to have a concussion. Happy because I get to stay away from Roman and get my head back in the game but pissed because I'll be missing out on the action.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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