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"Do witches truly exists?"

Do they really exist or just another myth? Witches are usually portrayed in stories as evil beings who loves to feast on kids— just like the dark story of Hansel And Gretel. Or sometimes, ugly old ladies living in a forest who curses people— well wrong! In this world witches truly exist. Living amongst mortals, hiding their true identity.

"Hey! Are you mute or something?! Speak up!" a group of peers surrounding a young boy with his uniform tattered and his face swollen from all the beating. Still the young boy remained silent as his blank eyes fixated on the ground.

"This one is really pissing me off! Hey! Aren't you feeling pain?! Are numb or what?!" the bully shouted loudly as he landed another blow on the young boy's abdomen.

The bully's expression was dissatisfied by the lack of emotions on the young boy's face now on the ground. Another one of the bully grabbed his backpack as he passes it onto one of his peers, as they were about to tilt the backpack downwards— suddenly a pebble, out of nowhere landed on the forehead of the bully who mercilessly punched the boy earlier.

"A-ahh! W-who the heck..!" his furious gaze scanned the surroundings and then to his peers, they all shook their head almost immediately.

"I-it wasn't us."

With gritted teeth, he glared at his peers before turning again at the young boy on the ground. "Now where was I? Oh right next time you should keep your eyes away from her, do you hear me?!" then the bully flipped the backpack downwards, resulting of the contents of the backpack to fall onto the ground.

Laughter surrounded the young boy, despite everything, he remained still and quiet. With blank eyes he lifted his gaze to meet the bully's.

"What?! The look on your eyes irritates me!" the bully raised his fist but before he could even land another blow on the boy, another pebble came flying but with stronger force than the last one.

And then the fallen contents of the backpack all floated onto the air as it launched it selves towards the bullies.

As blood trickled down the bully's forehead, they all screamed and ran away, leaving the bleeding boy behind while crying out,

"It's the g-ghost! T-the rumors were true! The g-ghost is here!"

"I told you! This place is haunted!"

"H-hey! Wait up! S-scaredy cats! You're all d-dead!" the boy glanced at the young boy on the ground before slowly backing away, a strange force blocked the boy's feet and lost his balance, falling to the ground face flat.

The boy helplessly groaned in pain as he lifted himself up, blood running down his nose and forehead. A horrified look on his face was imprinted before running away in horror.

The young boy on the ground was dazzled and stunned. He couldn't seem to comprehend what he just witnessed, things floating in the air? Is that even possible?!

Well for mortal's like him, it isn't possible but for a certain someone— hiding in a corner, a young girl huffed in annoyance.

"Geez just because of a girl? Low life bastards." A young girl by the name of Y/n, mumbled before dusting herself off.

The girl took a deep breath. "Augh just for something like that, it took alot of magical energy." Y/n murmured furiously before grabbing her backpack, despite the consequences of using her magic she walked away, feeling a sense of pride after saving a bullied boy.

'Now I can write this in my good deed notebook.' she thought, walking with her head high and a smile on her face.

'Good deed notebook' is a notebook where she writes the good deeds she has done. Determine to prove that not all witches are evil.

'Not all witches are evil!' that is her 'motto' in life but she was always ridiculed because of it, believing in such nonsense they said.


"Y/n L/n!" a terrifying shout was heard as it echoes through the corners of the room. The young girl, Y/n, sat still with her head hung low not daring to meet her mother's furious eyes.


Her mother glared and grabbed Y/n's ears. "Shut your mouth?! How many times do I haveee to tell you to not use your magic outside recklessly!"

"O-ouch mother, mother, m-mother it hurts!" Y/n groaned in pain, her mother let her ears go before sighing. "Ma! Y-you were spying on me didn't you?!"

"I was just monitoring you to make sure you aren't running around using your magic carelessly!"

"I... was just saving a bullied boy."

Her mother sighed heavily once again attempting to calm her nerves. She took a deep breath before plopping onto the sofa. "Y/n I know you're on your silly little mission of proving that not all witches are... wicked. But you have to be careful alright? If someone finds out you're a witch, you.. no, we will be in terrible danger."

"Yes, I understand." the naive young girl smiled brightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2023 ⏰

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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓 | Scaramouche.Where stories live. Discover now