Lost Property

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Sorting through lost property on my first real evening at Ashford Academy wasn't exactly my idea of fun but I guess that's what I get for standing on a chair and demanding the wifi password.

"Sort through these, school uniform in this box, other clothes in this box, and everything else in here," and with that Mr Murray strolled off. I was left in the hall alone with 5 piles of lost property. Great.

As I slowly crawled over to the first heap of clothes, the gym doors swung open and a panting Abi ran over to me. "Sorry.... I was..... in science.... ran all.. the way," she gave me a small smile and collapsed down on to the floor. "So this is what we get if we interrupt an assembly right," I sighed. She nodded and picked up an item from the first pile. A green sock. "Delightful," Abi murmured and threw it back.

Eventually we dragged ourselves to our feet and started sorting through the first heap. Abi sighed "stupid fat Titely."

I turned to Abi with a large brown jumper on my head, "ABI HARRISON," I plodded around the gym in a large manner. "How dare you insult me,"
I let the jumper slip off my head and then ran around screaming "MY WIG," as Abi rolled around in hysterics.

As we sorted through the second pile of lost property, a pair of navy blue boxers hit me face. I screamed and leaped back, "their Luke's," Abi stated. I gave her a miffed look and smirked, "what the hell Abi!!"

"Like last year Jake, Luke's roommate, stole a load of Luke's boxers. He attached them to a string and hung them out their bedroom window, but it kinda backfired when Mr Murray saw it, who then showed it to the entire year in assembly. And somehow one of them have managed to make its way into here."
I was in hysterics, "omg seriously!! Poor Luke but that is funny as."

"Hey Abi, what do you think," I asked as I strutted around the gym wearing a pink bra on top of my school uniform with a Ashford basketball cap on and a cheerleader mini skirt. "You look so stylish," she laughed. "You'd look good as a cheerleader though, you with the blonde hair and pretty face." I laughed and started the wildcats cheerleader dance. "Strange person," she muttered laughing.

Hours ticked by and eventually we had sorted through all of it and the majority of it was in the boxes except Luke's boxers which I kept, (for further embarrassment,) and a very nice strappy pink top with jewels on.

The 10 o'clock bell rang which meant that students must head to their dorms. "We're done mate, congratulations dude" I high-fived her. "Don't say mate or dude Eden, you sound like Jake!" I laughed, "guess we better head to our dorms, we don't wanna get on Mr Murray's bad list even more so! Who do you share a dorm with?"

Abi sighed, "Esme and Charlie," I gave her a puzzled look, "the blonde and ginger ones."
"Ohhhh, you mean the scary one who hisses, and the nice blonde one," she nodded.

I waved the boxers and top at her, "well at least I gained these from this," she laughed and hugged me. "Hey Abi, you know, your my first female friend here who, you know, who doesn't hate my guts,"

"See you around yeah," I nodded and we departed our separate ways.

As I unlocked the door I heard Eva giggling, I peered in and I saw Eva kissing Callum. Delightful.

I shut the door quietly and knocked on Luke and Jakes door next door, there was no answer so I just let myself in. "I've had to do 3 hours of sorting through lost property and Luke guess what I found.." I looked at the scene in front of me.

Luke was sat on the floor crying his eyes out and Jake was next to him holding a box of tissues in one hand and patting Luke on the back with the other. "Um... guys?"
Luke shakily got to his feet and walked straight past me and shut the door behind me. He was a mess, his blonde hair was matted and stuck to his forehead, he had tear stains down his cheeks and his tight blue top was damp. Still cute though.

He stared at me with his wet blue eyes and sighed, he then plonked himself on his bed and dug his head further into the pillow, weeping softly.

I gave Jake a questioning stare and sat next to Luke on his bed. He shook his head, combing his jet black hair with his fingers and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. "Luke?" I shook his broad shoulders and sighed as he gently cried into the pillow. I yanked him up into a sitting position and lifted up his head so he had no choice but to look at me. I gently slapped his cheek, "pull yourself together, and tell me what the heck is going on!"

He flopped in to my arms, pulling me into a tight embrace, his muscular arms squeezing me. Luke tucked my hair behind my ear and softly whispered, "It's Eva. She's cheated on me."

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