Causes of metabolic syndrome

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The causes of metabolic syndrome are addressed carefully in this article. A metabolic syndrome is a group of symptoms that happen at the same time and make you more likely to get heart disease, a stroke, or type 2 diabetes. Some of these signs are high blood pressure, high blood sugar, extra fat around the waist, and high or low levels of cholesterol or triglycerides.

You do not have metabolic syndrome just because of one of these symptoms. But it does mean you are more likely to get sick with something serious.

Metabolic syndrome is also called dysmetabolic syndrome, insulin resistance syndrome, and Syndrome X.

If you have any of the following, your chance of getting metabolic syndrome goes up: As you get older, your chances of getting metabolic syndrome go up. If you have too much body fat, especially in your stomach area, you are more likely to get metabolic syndrome.

There is an association between the parts of a person's lifestyle and a higher chance of getting metabolic syndrome. Please click for more.

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