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Damon opened the door to the Salvatore Crypt, and walked inside. He walked down the stairs slowly, sliding his hand along the cement walls that were moist and slippery from last night's rainstorm. He shivered, even though being a vampire, he shouldn't feel the cold. His eyes danced over the inscriptions on the tombs that held his dead family members; Anna Salvatore, Giuseppe Salvatore, Isabelle Salvatore, Zach Salvatore...

Damon dragged his feet forward to where the casket that held the love of his life--Elena Gilbert--resided. As usual, he brought a new bouquet of flowers, white daisies, and placed them gently on the slick amber toned wood. Damon visited Elena like this almost every night. He knew it wasn't healthy, but he couldn't stand the thought of leaving her in this dark, cold, underground place, all alone. Secretly, he knew it was more for himself than for her, after all there was no way for her to know he was there. He still took comfort in being in her presence. Damon sighed as he swallowed his Bourbon, relaxing as the warmth of the thick liquid passed through his body. It was June 22nd. Elena's birthday. He closed his eyes, rested his cheek on the cold wood of Elena's coffin, and allowed himself to drift off to sleep.

Damon was staring at the casket. He stared for a long time, memorizing each and every line in the grain of the wood. "Damon? What are you doing here? I told you to move on with your life," Elena said. Damon flinched at hearing the voice of his love, and spun around to search for the girl it came from. Was he hallucinating? "Elena?!" he said desperately, his eyes frantically searching around the room. He didn't see her. "You promised you wouldn't live your life feeling sorry for yourself. You need to let go. You said you would. You promised." She said, her voice laced with sadness and a bit of irritation. "I...I...can't. Elena, please. I know I promised, it's just too hard." Damon said weakly. He looked around again, but she was still nowhere to be found. "Please Damon. I just want you to be happy. I need you to live your life. We will be together again one day, I need you to realize that. I'm not gone forever. Just for a little while." Elena's voice began echoing, and each word faded away a little more than the last.

""Elena? Don't Leave! Elena?!" he asked wildly, tears stinging his eyes. "Elena? Please answer me!" he screamed hopelessly into the air. "No, no, no, no, NO!" Damon said as he sunk down onto the ground and began to sob uncontrollably. She can't be gone. He closed his eyes and continued to cry, hot, salty tears rolling down his cheeks. She can't be gone.

"Damon? Is that you?" a voice called from atop the stairs to the crypt. It was Bonnie. "Are you alright?" He opened his eyes reluctantly and touched his hand to his cheek. It was wet with tears. He straightened himself up quickly and tried not to look as defeated as he felt. "Oh. Hey Bonnie. I'm fine. Just tired. I guess I fell asleep." His voice trembled. He wasn't yet recovered from the nightmare he just had. Standing up, he grabbed his bourbon and headed toward Bonnie. They were still best friends, of course, but ever since that day when Kai ruined his life, he couldn't look at Bonnie the same way. It wasn't her fault. Really, it wasn't. It's just that any time he saw her, he thought about how he chose her over Elena. Some days he hated himself for what he did, but he knew it was the only way. Elena never would have forgiven him if he hadn't saved her life. He never would have forgiven himself.

"Would you mind staying a little while longer? I just wanted to give Elena something." Bonnie said softly looking down at her hands where she held an envelope. Damon noticed that her eyes were a bit puffy, and he guessed that she had been crying. "Yeah, of course Bon-Bon," he said wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She was no longer a petite young girl, she was more mature, and time had given her curves. It felt different to hold her. Damon walked with Bonnie over to the casket and they sat on the cement floor beside it. Bonnie placed a letter next to the flowers and secured it down with a white stone. Her eyes pooled with tears, and Damon couldn't help but feel terrible for her. He suddenly felt very selfish for feeling so sorry for himself, meanwhile he would get to see Elena again, and Bonnie had absolutely no chance. He pulled her closer, and he could feel her body trembling against his as her sobs intensified. His shirt was drenched where her face was buried in his chest. "Happy birthday Elena." she said, and Damon could literally hear the pain in her words.

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