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Satoru was surprised to hear that this was the second scenario of the game that the sponsors set up, and if the next was the immortal realm, where would this actually end.

Satoru snapped out of his thoughts and went back to the palace.

After a couple hours and having explained everything, Satoru left behind some measures and treasures that could save these children in time of need. Obviously they were already very well protected as they were on a mountain protected by a barrier that was created by a Mahayana realm expert.

Satoru after saying his goodbyes, went outside and flew straight towards the center in between all four of the continents. Satoru then sat down in the air and started meditating.

After a good minute, Satoru felt the energy coursing through his body and advancing his realm.
After half an hour, Satoru reached the peak of the Mahayana realm, Satoru then once more pushed a little further and when he felt the power coursing through his veins and the blockage stopping it, Satoru burst straight through the bottleneck and successfully broke through to the Earth immortal realm. A light beam shot down from the sky and engulfed Satoru entirely.

The next minute, Satoru was nowhere to be seen and Satoru had reappeared in the immortal realm.

After recovering from the forceful transfer, Satoru looked around and noticed an infinite plain in front of him, or at least, a seemingly infinite plain with countless mountains and valleys. Satoru's eyes, wasn't attracted to any of those though, his were attracted to what is supposedly the center of the seemingly infinite plain.

A massive tree towered into the sky and pierced even the heavens, the tree was so big that a single leaf could probably hold several Earths.
And if that wasn't the biggest surprise, inside of the tree was roots that extended down into the infinite plain and extended all the way to the edge of his vision.

Satoru felt out of touch All of a sudden, as if the world he was seeing wasn't real, like a dream that was controlled by another person or being.

After an hour of calming down and checking his position, Satoru figured out that he was in the 14th district of the 75 districts.
Every district was called by a number and not a name. One of the districts alone was already hundreds of times bigger than earth and the entire immortal realm could probably house the entire galaxy.

Satoru now having located himself inside the immortal realm and checked his own realm.
Satoru found out that his realm had increased once more when he ascended.

(The immortal realms:
Earth immortal - half immortal
Heaven immortal
True immortal
Mystic immortal
Golden immortal
Immortal emperor
Ascended immortal.)

Satoru currently found himself in the True immortal realm 3rd stage.

After checking his hero egg and demon lord seed, Satoru had confirmed his former suspicions, whenever he broke through to the next level, his hero egg and demon lord seen would be further refined and perfected and thus increase his power ever so much, and when they reached perfection, the skills linked to it would grow exponentially until they were perfected, they would then evolve and carry on the cycle.

It was also the case, that as his physical power grew, his other skills and features would help him out.
The other one that was constantly blurred with question marks, was already at 12% completion, and the power it gave off was huge.
Actually, now that he thought about it, he hadn't checked since he ascended.
{???? ?????? ???? awakening, 12%}
Satoru was bummed out that the percentage didn't increase with his cultivation level, but it did increase after he defeated that dragon, so he probably had to kill dragons in order to increase the percentage.

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