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I woke up on the ground, same time as everyone else actually, it was day time, all of us were in the hallway. The one where Heoyool had died.

"What happened?" I said to myself. Dont know y i said it to myself & not everyone else.

That was until we all got a notification.

"Choi Joowon was executed by the mafia, choi joowon was mafia." The speaker said.

"Who's making this anouncement! Why do we keep on hearing it!" Wooram yelled.

"The broadcasting room is on 2nd floor!" Hyeonho said as half of us ran to go check it.

No one was there

"Aish who the fuck is doing all of this!" I said stamping my feet.

Joonhee then texted everyone on the mafia app to get outside asap.

We were all running but then the alarm started again.

"Everyone must play within a certain area." A speaker said.

Junhee tried telling everyone not to leave but Sanghwan decided to still & Hyeongseok followed after him.

They were reacting the exact same way as Heoyool did after the speaker anounced their executed.

Nahee & I hugged eachother in fear.

The two started to smash their heads into eachother.

Blood leaking out everywhere.

"Stop!!" We were all screaming at different times in our own way.

Nahee was looking down covering her ears like any normal traumatic or scared reaction.

I hugged her for comforting but i was just as scared too.

We all stood or sat around eachother just honestly so shocked & traumatised on everything that has happened in less than 24 hours.

"I just wanna go home." Eunha said.

"We all do." I said

Then Junhee came back w Yoonseo & Jungwon talking abt how they found a pathawah they can go.

"We'll go with you!" Somi said holding onto Wooram.

"Nahee, Yujun, Jisu, Yooa will come to." Somi said.

"Actually that sounds dangerous" Jisu said & Yujun agreeing w her.

"Will you two come?" Somi asked Nahee & I.

"You guys r too weak u need someone athletic, we'll be going" Hyeonho said.

"I'll go to then!" Nahee said

"Me too then." I said

"Its dangerous though." Wooram said to me.

"So what! I'll be fine besides ur going too u can't say much."

"I'll go too" Eunha said

"Lets go" Junhee said as we all went after him.

The entire hike up there was pretty silent & tiring, nothing interesting so far, just nature.

"Yah Wooram, Somi, Nahee, any of u have water?" I asked.

"No one has water here" Junhee said.

"We shouldve packed water" i said.

"Anyways, theres no wifi or internet but i screen recorded & uploaded songs onto my notes for tje trip for when we were on the bus bc i ran out of mobile data do u think the songs will work?" I said

"Omg try it!" Wooram got so excited

I took my phone out & started playing ditto by newjeans

"It works!"

"Aish why this song!" Wooram started to complain

"What do you mean! This is literally soty if you dislike it ur crazy!" I hit Wooram jokingly.

"Yah come back!" Wooram said kinda chasing me

"Yah u two stop before one of u accidentally trips past the line & ends up like everyone else!" Somi said.

"She's right, lets be serious right now." Junhee said

At some point there was a steep hill & we had to go up one by one helping eachother.

Out of nowhere Nahee screamed & as we turned there was Nahee falling.

"Nahee!" We all screamed, I probably did loudest.

"Her ankle looks sprained." Junhee said.

"I think we should go back" Eunha recommended

"Nahee if your really okay do u wanna carry on or not?" Somi asked Nahee.

"Ill be fine, lets carry on."

"Hyeonho help her." Somi said.

I waited for them to get uo the steep bit & then I walked w Nahee making sure she was okay.

"U rlly scared me there r u sure ur okay?"

I asked Nahee.

"Im sure."

"When we get back we're getting u taken care of straight away!"

As we got to the top there was a sign that said muryeong camp but the line was blocking us going there.

Donghyeon was rushing checking everything.

We then found a sign saying the village is that way but it was also blocked.

"Yah! There's people!" Wooram said showing us through his camera zoomed in, it was two people fishing.

"Here! We're here!" We were all screaming.

"Wait this is kinda weird, they're pose's haven't changed, look at the seagulls they're just floatimg there" wooram mentioned

"That's weird, wait so-"

I got cut by the speaker.

"Donghyeon will be executed for violating the rules"

We all ran in shock, he had passed the line, looked like he slipped.

"Donghyeon! Grab him!!!" We were saying.

He pulled his eyeballs out & fell backwards getting stabbed by the true.

We all started crying, Donghyeon was rlly loved by our class, just why did that have to happen?

Betrayal || NIGHT HAS COME x readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora