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YN Pulled your car into the driveway turned off your ratio and went inside to your broken down house. Collage was very expensive and YN learned that the hard way. The shelves were dusty and the floor boards creaked as YN walked up the stairs to their bedroom. Looking in your room someone might have thought a tornado had went though the place, the desk had a messy cover of papers and soon-to-be-due essays.

YN turned their head towards the small stack of papers that were separate from the rest of the essays, they were for the upcoming test on cluster B disorders. This was very important for your psychology classes and made a small part of your overall grade. You knew that they were due tomorrow but decided to lay in bed and scroll on Tik tok instead and procrastinate.

'I'll do it later I just got home and I'm tired as fuck'

You didn't know how long you were on your phone when you heard a noise down stairs. You assumed it was nothing but decided to check it out just in case. As you walked down the stairs you noticed that you had left the light on in the living room earlier.

You sighed to yourself "just another fucking time my electric bill will go up" you mumbled under your breath.

'it's pretty late I'll probably need to start cooking some supe-'



You whipped your head around your heart pounding. Your eyes darted around the room as you concluded that no one was in your living room.

"Fucking damm floor scared the shit out of me!" YN screamed positive that no one was actually in there house.

As you prepared you're dinner you couldn't shake the feeling of unsafey. It didn't take studying for a psychology degree to know why, the floor creaking must of gave your subconscious brain a surprise. The creaking was an unpredictable sound in a place that should almost always be predictable... your own home. Despite consciously knowing the cause of your unease it didn't take away from the feeling of not being alone.

You spent most of your dinner trying to calm your nerves but ultimately it was only suppressing the feeling. You put your dishes away and was silently debating on whether or not to do the dishes tonight. Your eyes wandered toward the eerily quiet basement with the door ajar, looking into the dark.

The basement had been left open after going down there in the morning to check why the pipes were making so much noise but you had to leave in a hurry going to school and you accidentally forgotten to close it. As much as the door being open and unlocked messed with your mind, you were much to paranoid to actually attempted to close it, instead choosing to stare it down and keep a eye on it incase a demon or something ran up towards you.

'ill do the dishes tomorrow. I have a test to finish and I'd much rather stay in my room then out here with my back to the dark and creepy basement.'

You chose to take the stake knife you used to cut your meal with. You knew it was stupid and mabye even childish to bring a knife to your room. but even if it was nothing it was always better to trust your gut 'better safe then sorry'

You tried to refrain from running up the stairs like you would when you were a little kid when you went to get a drink or go to the bathroom at 3 A.M. Afraid that if you didn't run the "Shadow man" would kill you

Your room felt pretty cold as there was next to no insulin but you chose to just ignore it and continue on your essay. The essay you were working on writing about a cluster B disorder of your choice, you chose one of your personal favorites antisocial personally disorder or ASPD for short.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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