Prologue: Shadows of the Night

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It was a chilling night around the edges of Nocturne City. No soul was on the streets. Or even dared walk on them. Their fate being sealed on the moment of departure. Be it for a shopping, walk or jog. No one was safe, especially when shadows kept swallowing people, not leaving one trace behind. A frightening experience. Is as if the horror movie you were watching just came to life in the most terrifying way. Leaving you with only a few choices. Either facing it, surrendering to it or running away from it. In the end no matter what you've chosen, the shadows always reached you.

The shadows dancing on the streets were blurring through their movements. Whenever light came in contact with them, a shape was beginning to take a form. Then silhouettes followed after revealing eventually a pair of kids looking left and right for a possible escape. Trying desperately to find a solution out of the predicament they were facing or running away from.

What could possible scare them in such way to have them running on the streets, especially close to midnight. A prank gone wrong, perhaps. Pranks are fun, but not on the right people.

The echoes of their steps were getting louder and louder on the empty streets. They were all alone, not even a police car surveying said streets. Nothing for them to hang on desperately.

"Do you...(breathe) think...we (exhale)...lost them?" asked one of the kids.

"After...(breathe) running...(exhale)...for so long. I don't think someone...(breathe) is that stupid to...(exhale) continue following us..." Even more out of breath than the other one. 

Unfortunately their hope was crushed when the voice of said chasers kept echoing in the distance. Accompanying the sounds of metal and chains knocking against each other. Creating a screeching sound so terrifying it brought chills down their spines. Keeping them frozen on the spot, too afraid to even move forward. 

"Vlad...Vlad...VLAD! We have to get a move one!" The other kid called his friend "Vlad" over and over. His friend was too frozen to move even after yelling his name. With no other choice he slapped him across the face. The sound was so loud it echoed in the dark. But it did the job in snapping Vlad out of the terror state.

"Wh-what?!W-where? Arthur?" He asked confused. Luckily Arthur was quick to explain before pushing his friend again.

"No time to explain! We have to move, and we have to move NOW! "Arthur yelled desperately but it was already too late.

The chains and metal they heard in the distance has already reached their area. Even if they run now, they would be too exhausted to continue.

"Wh-whats-should we do?!" Vlad was scared, their running turn out to be for nothing. Their pursuers never once giving up on their tail.

Arthur knew his friend reached the last of his limits. Just from his stuttering alone you could tell, there was no use to reason with him at this point. In a sheer luck he spotted an abandoned dark alley. Not even a small light featured on it. 

'Perhaps our only chance to hide till the danger passes away. A risky bet. But it will have to do for now'

Lifting his friend and setting him on his back, Arthur sprinted towards the dark alley as quickly as he could. Once inside the darkness he positioned his friend next to the wall. While he took the wall opposite of his friend. Now it was all about playing the waiting game. A play that could end their life if not careful.

"We are doomed! We are doomed!" Shouted Vlad terrified. Arthur tried to calm him down. To not give away their whereabouts.

"Shhhh...Don't make a noise or we will seriously be bone!" whispered in hushed tones to his friend. Arthur was able to calm him down eventually even if it was temporary. It will do.

The more they kept quiet the more the sounds were getting closer and closer. Vlad's heartbeat was beating so fast he was shaking. So hard he couldn't take it anymore and run from his spot and on the street. So long was he gone that Arthur's small whispered was the last thing he heard before falling down. Where he never risen again. Arthur was thinking of going out there and check on his friend. But the thought of never coming back home scared him. To a point where he put his hands together for one last pray. The lights appearing in the alley pierced the darkness and grabbed a hold of Arthur's body. The boy saw for the first time his captors. A bunch of hooligans, armed with chains and metal poles. One was leaking blood, as if it just now claimed a victim. 

"That was a good chase kid...I'll give you that..., But play time is over. You've stepped on the streets. You were a target the moment you left. As was your friend. A shame he couldn't stay longer. He would've enjoyed it." One of the hooligans, possibly the leader replied. Already explaining the fate of his friend. And his possible death being the next to come. If his evil laugh was anything to go by.

"There is no point in claiming lives here. What could you possibly accomplish by doing this!?" Arthur finally let out his frustrations for the first time since the chase, his friend death and perhaps his soon to be testament.

"Just seeing the look of horror on my victims. IT brings everlasting euphoria! I feel so alive ,so revigorated. I could take on the world without having repercussions! Unfortunately you won't be here to see it happen. Let us start boys!" The leader replied while giving the signal for the ritual to start.

"Yeah!" The others replied in agreement, marching towards their new prey.

' me...please...I don't want to die...I wished I had more time on reflecting on my least once...If not possible at least for my friend's peace...please' were the thoughts storming through Arthur's mind before the imminent death.



The kid couldn't hear anything. When he opened his eyes. The hooligans were gone. There was no sign of them. Leaving that aside, he remembered his friend demise. He ran out of the alley and in the street. Where he found his friend, not moving. He went and hugged him, crying over his body, when he spotted a note in his pocket. He took the note out and into the light. He started reading it. When he was finished he started crying again. The police sirens in the distance brought hope to his heart. So much that he fell unconscious after the events and experience he went through that night.

The lamp pole close to the two kids started to radiate more light around them. As if God have heard their prayers and covered both children in light as means to protect them from said darkness.

The ray reached for the letter and illuminated its contents, which wrote: 

"Rest assured, your friend is still alive. Although he needs immediate treatment. As for the hooligans, I've take care of. The Police will be on their way. You don't need to thank me. For I am just a shadow."

Signed, The Dark Shepherd

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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