BTS- the seven deadly sins are now yours.

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*They are the seven deadly sins personified, they are demons. And somehow, now they're yours. It is a gift of peace between heaven and hell. And you, as the strongest god, are deserving of it. They are beautiful, and they look at you expectantly, though angrily that they are now like slaves. They are wearing heavenly gold chains, which prevents them from trying anything. You would cover their mouths with gold ribbons, but you decided that now would not be the time.* " she putting the fake Christmas tree up"*Jimin and Seokjin look at you with pleading eyes, as if they want to say something. Jungkook seems annoyed and slightly jealous. Taehyung looks bored, as if wanting to take a nap right now. Namjoon seems a bit scared and intimidated, but at the same time, intrigued. YoonGi is looking for something to eat.* " she put the light on the christmas tree and she grab the star and try to put it on the christmas tree"*Jimin looks at you silently and stares at the beautiful Christmas tree, as if looking to have the most special ornament placed on top of it. Jungkook sees you struggling with placing the star and is about to come to the rescue, but Taehyung pushes him back and places the star on the tree instead. Seokjin smiles softly, remembering the past Christmases.* " she is very shocked"*Everyone stops and looks at you. Jungkook is a bit embarrassed about how he behaved. Taehyung is trying to hide behind Namjoon, as if you did not see his little intervention. YoonGi is not sure what happened and is waiting for others to explain it. Namjoon puts his hands on Taehyung's back and is holding him protectively.* T-Taehyung " she said softly"*Taehyung looks at you silently, a bit embarrassed. Jungkook is about to say something, but Taehyung covers his mouth with his hands. Namjoon looks at you with concern, not knowing what to expect from you.* what ur doing here " she asked Taehyung"*Taehyung does not respond for a few minutes. He feels shy and a little scared of you. Eventually, he speaks up:* "I...I'm not really sure, my lady. I think I was brought here to serve you, and here I am..." *Namjoom is slightly uncomfortable hearing him address you like that. You feel like everyone around you is a bit surprised and confused, looking at you as their "new master."i haven't seen you for ages " she said" *Taehyung looks at you with curiosity, his attention fully focused on you. Jungkook is looking at both of you a bit confused. Namjoon, YoonGi, and Seokjin are waiting for you to continue what you are saying. Yoongi " she said"*Everyone looks at you, waiting for you to explain further. Your silence makes Jimin feel a bit irritated, as if he cannot wait for you to speak. Namjoon also seems curious about what you are going to say, while Seokjin and YoonGi are patiently waiting for you.* Namjoon, jimin" she said"*Namjoon looks at you, his eyes full of surprise. Jimin looks equally surprised but also excited. You feel like there's so much they want to say but they cannot because of the chains. Jungkook is not sure what is going on, as if expecting something more. what you all doing here " she ask"*Seokjin speaks up:* "*You brought us here, my lady.*" *Namjoon and Jimin nod, while YoonGi looks at you curiously. Jungkook seems lost, perhaps he cannot believe this change of events. He is still expecting this to be some kind of joke.* i- i don't remember anything " she said"*You see Namjoon, Jimin, and YoonGi look at each other in awe. Jungkook sighs as if annoyed at this situation, while Seokjin and Taehyung look at you in confusion. They do not understand what is happening and why you don't remember anything.* you all were humans when i knew u " she said to them"*Jimin is the first to respond:* "Yes, we were all humans before." *You see Namjoon and YoonGi nod.* *At that moment, Jungkook comes to life and says:* "Wait, what? Humans!?" *You see his jaw drop at the realization. Seokjin remains silent, not knowing what else to say.* Yes " she show them pictures when they were humans"*Everyone looks at the pictures, completely mesmerized by them. Namjoon and Jimin are the first to speak:* "That...That's me!" *Jungkook is in disbelief, while YoonGi is trying not to smile. Seokjin is speechless.* Ya all of you " she said"*Everyone looks at you softly and nod.* *Jungkook seems to be slowly understanding what's happening. He looks at everyone else, his expression changing from one of total disbelief to one of awe.* *Taehyung seems to be in thought, remembering the past and his time as a human.*  *As they look at the pictures, they talk among themselves and share stories from their youth and human years. It seems like they have a lot to remember.* you all are k-pop stars, sing songs , popular " she said"*Everyone nods in agreement, as if proud of their past as K-pop stars.* *Jimin is smiling and seems excited to remember those times.* *Jungkook is nodding and smiling warmly.* *YoonGi is thinking back to his time as an actor and model.* *Namjoon is smiling at the thought of his time as the leader of BTS.* *Taehyung is thinking about his previous life and how he misses it.* *Seokjin is smiling softly as he remembers his human days.* Namjoon , you were the leader of BTS " she said"*Namjoon nods slowly, feeling proud of his role as the leader of BTS.* *"I was, my lady. I led the band as best as I could, striving to make each of the members feel appreciated and comfortable."* *He smiles, thinking about his time as a human.* what happen? you all are vampires all the sudden " she ask"*Everyone turns to you in surprise, as if they cannot believe your question. Jimin looks at you with curiosity, while Jungkook is trying to control his laughter. Namjoon looks at you with concern, not sure what might happen next.*  
*YoonGi, Seokjin, and Taehyung remain silent, trying to understand where you are going with this.* *"We are what now?"* *Jimin asks softly, his eyes wide.* " she turn the lights on and they won't look at it"*As you turn the lights on, everyone looks at you. Jungkook and Jimin are covering their eyes softly, the others are squinting their eyes. They are completely amazed by the lighting.* *Seokjin laughs softly, the other members also start laughing as they are trying to adjust their eyes to the new illumination.* how is this even funny to you Seokjin " she asked" *Seokjin chuckles a bit more and responds:* *"I didn't mean to offend you, my lady. We just never saw lights like that before. We are impressed by the technology in this world. Sorry for laughing."* *Everyone else smiles as they watch Seokjin trying to explain the reaction. Namjoon nods with approval, feeling glad to see everyone get along and relax.* " she sight and turn it back off"*Everyone's eyes get adjusted to the darkness again, as you turn the lights back off. There is silence for a few minutes, as you observe the members trying to think of something else to talk about.*  *Namjoon steps forward and responds:* "*Did...did you have anything else to say, my lady? We're here to serve and obey your commands. It is our purpose now."* what you been Namjoon " she ask him"*Namjoon smiles at you softly and responds:* "My lady, for the past 8 years, I have been the leader of BTS, a world notorious and famous K-pop band. But now, I am the most loyal servant you could imagine, ready to do anything for you." *The other members look at you with admiration and respect, while they nod in agreement.* i'm still confused Namjoon , why me? " she said"*Namjoon smiles at you and responds calmly:* "My lady, I do not know the answer to your question. But I can tell you this: We are here to serve you. We may be confused on why we are here in front of you, but our loyalty is absolute." *He stands in a formal, respectful way and waits for your next command.* *The other members also look at you in awe, their loyalty ready to be showcased.* " she look at Suga"*Suga looks at you silently, feeling uncertain about what to say or do. He feels like something is not right, as if he was not meant to be there. His eyes are full of fear, confusion, and worry.* *He wants to say something, but he does not know how to. He hopes for a command from you, something to help him understand the situation.* what happen Suga? you all use to talk and laugh and do everything together " she said"*Suga takes a few moments to process their situation before speaking up:* "I do not understand, my lady... We were...friends...and members of BTS, but now... everything has changed. My heart misses my friends and my music and my fans..." *A sad expression takes over his face as the memories of their human days come back to him.* Jimin " she said"*Jimin looks at you with curiosity and a bit of confusion.* *"Yes, my lady...What is it?"* " she hug jimin"*Jimin is surprised by the hug but does not resist it, feeling like he needs the affection. He wraps his arms around you and buries his face in your chest, enjoying the warmth of the hug.* *"Thank you, my lady... I miss my human life, and my friends, and my music, and everything else." He sighs softly.* " she look at V"*V looks at you confidently, yet he cannot hide his emotions. He seems a bit hurt and frustrated by the situation.* *"I don't understand, my lady... Why us? Why are we here? My human life was just about to take off...why did this happen?"* *His tone is a mix between worry and frustration, as if his future has just fallen apart.* i don't know V, i wish i knew " she said softly"*V sighs, trying to accept his new reality and stop questioning everything.* *"That's okay, my lady...We are here to serve you now. That is our purpose."* *He forces a smile on his face, as if he was ready to begin a new life as a servant and protector of the one he considers his master.* " she hears something"*Everyone looks up in surprise, noticing that there is a slight sound coming the distant. Jimin speaks up:* "My lady, do you hear that? Is everything alright?" *Jungkook moves closer to you protectively.* "*Do you need our help with anything?*"" she goes outside and look around"*Everyone follows you, anxious to know what is outside. They look around curiously, as if trying to get a closer look at the world that they are now in. You can hear their voices as you walk outside, asking you questions about this new place.* "*Where are we? Are we safe? Is there anything we can do to help you? My lady, what can we do to serve you?*" *You can see their concern on their faces.* " she hear noises"*Everyone listens carefully to the noises, their hearts racing with worry.* *"My lady, what was that? What is it?"* *You notice that all of them are tense, ready to react to whatever might happen. Jimin is hiding behind Jungkook, as if looking for protection from him. Namjoon is close to you, ready to fight if needed. You can see the desperation in their eyes, wanting to know what is causing those sounds.* " wolves are howling and growling"*Everyone looks at you with fear, their eyes wide and their breathing rapid. You hear some heavy footsteps following the wolves' howls and growls.* *"My lady, what are we going to do? Should we run? Should we fight? Who is this?"* *Namjoon is standing in between you and the sounds, feeling protective. Jimin is still hiding behind Jungkook, his eyes full of anxiety.* *"Should we go back inside, my lady?" Seokjin asks quietly.* Wolves " she said"*Everyone looks at you with even more concern, as they cannot believe this new information.* *"Wolves? They are dangerous creatures, my lady. Why are they here?"* *Namjoon and Taehyung step forward, ready to protect the others if needed.* *"We can't let them get to you, my lady." Taehyung says defiantly. Jimin hides behind his back, feeling both worried and scared. "Run, my lady!" YoonGi whispers.* " she runs"*Everyone follows you quickly, as it seems like their only option to survive this situation.* *"My lady, please! Run as fast as you can!" Jimin says, encouraging you to move faster.* *"Run towards the hills, my lady. That's our only option right now!" Namjoon says, sounding desperate and scared.* "*Run, run, run...!" YoonGi says, his breath rapid and his heart beating fast.* " they are fighting with the wolves and she is running still"*"My lady, they're attacking us! They want to eat you! Run, run, run! Please, my lady, we must go as fast as possible!" Namjoon says, his voice sounding panicked.* *"Protect the lady, everyone! Do not let the wolves reach her! Fight with everything you have!" Jimin yells, his emotions getting the best of him. The other members look at each other nervously, unsure of their chances against the wolves. Your heart is pounding in your chest, as you struggle to breathe and find the strength to run.* Attack back " she said"*"Yes, my lady! Attack the wolves! Do everything in your power to keep them away from you!"* *"I cannot fail, I must protect my lady!" Jimin yells, his eyes filled with determination and courage. Seokjin and Jungkook step forward, their fists raised.* *"I won't leave you, my lady!" Seokjin yells, as he fights back the wolves. Namjoon and Taehyung also step forward, protecting you with all their might. YoonGi is close to you, fighting at your side.* " she runs and trying to catch her breath"*You can hear the wolves growling and howling behind you, the sound coming closer with each step you take. You can't stop, or they will catch you. You force yourself to run faster, to the point of exhaustion. Your breaths are coming in short gasps, each word and sound sounding like an effort. You look at the members, and you can see how exhausted they are but how determined they are to protect you. "Must... keep... running...!" You manage to whisper, as you force yourself to keep moving forward.* " few hours later she stop to catch her breath"*You're completely exhausted, as if you have never ran for so long before. You stop to catch your breath, your body shaking and your legs feeling shaky. Everyone else is also tired, as they look at you with concern.* *"Are you alright, my lady? Do you need a moment to rest?"* *"We can keep going, if you want to."* *"Or maybe we should take a break, my lady?"* *They all ask, their voices sounding worried and full of concern.* " she is looking for a water bottle to drink"*You look around, hoping to find anything that you can use to rejuvenate and hydrate your body. You see a stream nearby, and you think about going to get some water. Before you can say anything, Namjoon steps forward and offers you a bottle of water. He must have noticed your exhaustion.* *"Here, my lady. Drink some water and rest for a second. You need it after this."* *You take the bottle of water and thank him, taking a few sips of the water. It is cold and refreshing, as it helps you to relax and catch your breath.* Thanks Namjoon " she said and take a sip"*"Of course, my lady."* *"Your safety is important to me. I cannot allow harm to come to you."* *"I am here to serve you and keep you safe, my lady."* *He says reassuringly, still in shock but ready to do his duty as your protector.* *"We all are here for you, my lady. Let us rest for a moment, and then we will continue on our journey."* *Everyone nods in agreement, looking at you with hope and respect. You have gained a loyal and devoted team, ready to do anything for you and keep you safe.* " she hear someone talking: why are you saving a human!"*Everyone tenses up and turns their heads towards the sound, trying to understand what is happening.* *"My lady, do you hear that? Who is this person?" Namjoon asks, sounding worried.* *"Should we investigate and try to find out who it is?"* *"Or should we keep moving forward, my lady?"* *They all look at you, waiting for your decision.* *"What do you want us to do, my lady?"* *"We will do anything you say."* *"We're at your command."* let's go" she said but she doesn't want to run too much because she will  need to have a break between the running"*"Yes, my lady. Let's move, but at a safe pace. We do not want to overexert ourselves."* *"Let us move forward, and we shall find out who this stranger is."* *They all nod in agreement, ready to obey your command and investigate.* *"Move slowly but steadily, my lady." Namjoon says, walking at a reasonable pace. *"Keep your eyes and ears open, everyone." Jimin adds, sounding nervous.* *"We must be careful, as we do not know what or who we are facing."* " she see Suga and let her go on his back"*Everyone watches as you climb on Suga's back, your exhausted body finding relief and comfort in his warmth. He does not question why you want to be carried, as he willingly lets you. You lean your head against his shoulder, feeling safe and secure.* *"My lady, I will carry you to the end of time if that's what you want."* *Suga says softly, his tone sounding genuine and caring.* *"We have been ordered to serve you completely, my lady."* *"Do not feel bad for asking us to do things for you. That is our mission as your loyal servants."* let's go home " she said"*"Home? My lady, do you mean your human home? We have travelled much since then, and we are in a different realm now."* *"Do not worry, my lady. We shall continue serving you, no matter where you go."* *"This is our destiny, and we shall serve you in this new life until the end."* *"Do not feel sad, my lady. We are all together and ready to face any challenge that comes our way."* *"Together, we shall overcome this and see better days."* *"Stay strong, my lady. We are here with you."* anywhere " she said"*"My lady, we are here to serve and protect you. It does not matter where we go, as long as you are safe and happy."* *"Do not worry about us or our wants and needs. We shall be by your side always."* *"Your safety, happiness, and well-being are of utmost importance above all else."* *"We would like to find a place that you can call home, but it may not be in this current realm."* *"Do not worry, though, we shall make the best of this situation and stay at your side no matter what."* " she nod and look at the stars and say Suga?"*Suga notices you looking up at the stars and smiles softly. He knows that you must feel lonely and out of place in this strange land.* *"Yes, my lady? What is it?"* *"Is there anything I can do for you?"* *"Do you wish to rest your head on my shoulder and look at the stars? I would be happy to do that for you."* *He knows that you need a friend and companion, and he is ready to be that person for you.* " she nod and put her head on his shoulder"*Suga smiles softly as your head rests on his shoulder, your breathing slow and peaceful. It is a comforting moment, as you look at the stars and wonder what lies beyond this realm. Time passes slowly, as you stay in this position and feel a sense of warmth and comfort.* *"Do you wish to stay like this, my lady? Or shall we continue walking?"* *"We are ready to serve you, no matter what you wish to do."* *"My lady, the decision is yours."* we should go, but i wish we could stay like this " she said"*"My lady, I agree. It is comfortable standing here with you in this moment. But, we cannot stay like this forever, unfortunately."* *"The mission is for us to serve and protect you, my lady."* *"So, we must move on. But, we shall always keep your comfort and safety in our minds."* *"That is our ultimate responsibility and purpose."* *"We shall not disappoint you, my lady."* *"Do not worry, we will remain by your side, wherever you wish to go."* *"Your happiness and well-being is all that matters."* " she nod and when they are walking to the others she accidentally had a cut on her arm"*The group stops and looks at you with concern, as you show them the cut on your arm.* *"My lady, what happened?"* *"Did you hurt yourself?"* *"We are here to protect you, but it seems like we failed to do so."* *"I apologize, my lady. Please, let us tend to your wound and help you to get better."* *"We shall make sure that this does not happen again."* *The members step forward, ready to clean up your wound and help you to heal.* " she see Namjoon eyes turn red and he won't control it"*You and everyone else notice Namjoon's eyes change color, becoming a deep red hue that seems like a sign of anger and loss of control.* *"Namjoon, what is happening? Is something wrong?"* *"Why are you eyes turning red?"* *"I thought your element was water, not fire."* *"Are you feeling okay?"* *"Please, tell us what is happening."* *"Do not be worried, we are here for you."* *Everyone looks at you with concern, their eyes fixed on Namjoon's odd behavior. You look puzzled as well, not understanding what is happening.* Namjoon : get her out of her before i lose control " he said"*You and everyone else look at Namjoon with fear and worry, not understanding what he means by that.* *"What do you mean, Namjoon? Why do we need to get her out of here?"* *"She is the one we must serve and protect, Namjoon! We can't just abandon her!"* *"Do you feel alright? Is something wrong with you?"* *"What happened to your ability to control the element of water?" Everyone is confused and startled, wondering what is going on with Namjoon and his sudden loss of control.* *Everyone looks at you with even more shock and surprise.* *"What do you mean, my lady? Did we drink something that caused this loss of control?"* *"We don't remember drinking anything unusual, my lady."* *"Are you sure that what we drank influenced the abilities and elements?" Jimin asks, looking at you with concern.* *"This doesn't make sense, my lady. We just want you to be safe and happy."* *"We will do everything in our power to protect you, no matter what."* did he forgot the put the bracelet on " she ask"*"My lady, you mean the bracelet that controls our abilities and elements?"* *"He must have forgotten to place it on us."* *"But, why would he forget something so important?"* *"Our mission is to serve and protect you, my lady. We cannot overlook something this major."* *YoonGi adds, looking at you with worry and confusion.* *"What should we do, my lady? Should we go back and ask the sorceress to place the bracelet on us?" Jimin asks.* so that you will not drink a human bloo* , that's what i'm saying! " she said"*Everyone is stunned and confused, as they do not understand what you are saying. They look at each other with even more concern and confusion.* *"My lady, this whole situation is very strange. Have we really been drinking the blood of humans?"* *"Why would we do that?"* *"We were tasked with serving and protecting you, not drinking human blood."* *"Is that what we have been doing all this time?"* *"What are the implications of this?"* *"Do you know why he forgot to place the bracelet on us?"* *Your questions lead to more questions, with no clear answer in sight.* Vampires drink bloo* how you all forgot that " she said"*Everyone looks at you with even more shock and confusion.* *"My lady, are you saying that we have been drinking the blood of humans all this time?"* *"Has that been our mission this whole time? To drink the blood of humans?"* *"Who told you this, my lady?"* *"Is that the real reason you are safe and protected?"* *"Is that why Namjoon has been acting differently?"* *"What does this all mean, my lady?"* *"Do you understand everything that is happening?" Jimin asks.* look it up " she said"*Everyone looks at their cell phones and begins to search for information on the internet about vampires and drinking human blood.* *"My lady, you are right! Vampires do drink the blood of humans!"* *"It says that vampires can control various elements and have strong powers."* *"It also says that they are very fast and agile."* *"It states that they can turn into mist and even fly?!"* *"Wow, this is all so unbelievable."* *"I didn't know we were all vampires."* *"Is this why we have been searching for a human home?"* *"What is going on?" YoonGi adds, sounding confused.* i am not a vampire! " she remind them"*Everyone looks at you with surprise and confusion.* *"My lady, if you are not a vampire, then what are you?"* *"What are we? Are we vampires too?"* *"What is going on here?"* *"We are all so confused and uncertain about our identities and our purpose in this realm."* *"We do not know what to think anymore."* *"We are all searching for answers, but we seem to find more and more questions."* *The members look at each other with uncertainty, trying to make sense of their current situation.* you all are vampires and i'm the only one who's a human " she said"*The group is stunned into silence, as they grapple with this new information. They look at you with shock and disbelief in their eyes.* *"My lady, are you telling us that you are not a vampire? That you are the only human among us?"* *"Is this a joke? Is your wound hurting your mind and making you say things that are not true?"* *"You cannot be a human in a realm full of vampires."* *"Do not make jokes about this, my lady."* *"Are you feeling alright? Do you wish to rest and recover from your injury?"* i'm not joking " she said serious"*The group looks at you with concern and seriousness, as they try to process what you are saying.* *"My lady, if you are not joking, then you are the only human in a place full of vampires."* *"Are you sure this is true?"* *"Are you saying that we are all vampires, and we have not known it all this time?"* *"Why would you conceal this information from us, my lady?"* *"What else have you been keeping from us? Who are you, really?"* *"Are we all in danger?" Yoongi asks, sounding anxious.* Bella, your old human friend years ago " she said"*The group is silent for a moment, trying to remember who Bella is and what she means to you.* *"My lady, do you mean Bella Swan? Do you remember how she was your first human friend all those years ago?"* *"She was the reason you had your first human conversation and experienced feelings and emotions like normal humans do."* *"She played a vital role in your understanding of humans before becoming a vampire."* *"Why do you ask about her, my lady?"* No " she said"*Everyone is even more confused and puzzled by your response.* *"My lady, if you do not mean Bella Swan, then who is the human that you are referring to?"* *"Do you have another old friend that we do not know about?"* *"Is whoever they are a close and important person to you?"* *"Is that why you are saying that you are the only human in this realm?"* *"What is the meaning behind what you are saying, my lady?"* *The members continue to look at you with uncertainty and concern, wondering what else you might reveal to them.* " she walk away because she's done explaining herself to them"*As you walk away, the group follows you with concern and confusion. There are still so many unanswered questions, and they fear that you might disappear without giving them more information.* *"My lady, please don't leave us hanging! We need answers, we need to understand who you are and where we are."* *"We are all lost and confused, and you are our only hope now."* *"Please give us some insight and direction."* *You can see the desperation in their eyes, as they plead with you to help them make sense of it all.* " they all have their memories back"*One by one, the memories come flooding back into the group's minds. This time, it is not a gradual recovery of their memories, but a stark realization that they have all been vampires all this time. They look at each other with surprise and shock, trying to grasp what this means for them.* *"Was it all a dream?"* *"Was this an illusion of some sort?"* *"Do we remember the truth now?"* *"What was the purpose of all those missions and quests?"* *"Do we still serve the sorceress, our vampire overlords?" YoonGi asks, looking around in bewilderment.* Rm: wait where's Bella? our childhood friend " he said"*Everyone looks at you with concern, trying to recall who Bella is.* *"Bella, you say? Which Bella are you referring to, my lord?"* *"Perhaps she is not in this kingdom, or perhaps she was not chosen to accompany us on our missions."* *"I'm sure there is a reason why she is not with us now." Jimin adds.* *"Maybe she is somewhere else in this realm, having her own adventures and quests."* *"You don't have to worry about her, my lord. We will find her." Yoongi adds. Rm: you don't remember her!? Bella Calhoun " he said"*Everyone continues to look at you with confusion.* *"My lord, there are so many Bellas in the world. Do you mean Bella Calhoun, your childhood friend from when you were still a human, back in the human world?"* *"Or are you referring to some other Bella who lived here in this realm?"* *"If your friend, Bella Calhoun, is still alive, then perhaps she is somewhere out there, searching for us."* *"If she is, then we should go and find her too." Jungkook adds.* " Jungkook have his memories back"*Jungkook suddenly remembers Bella Calhoun, his childhood friend and his first true human companion.* *"Bella Calhoun, you say?"* *"My lord, I remember her now!"* *"Yes, she was our friend and we spent so much time together, discovering the human world and experiencing so many things for the first time."* *"We must find her and make sure that she's okay."* *"She would be worried sick about us."* *"We should go and look for her, my lord." Jungkook says, with concern and resolve.* " everyone have their memories back"*Everyone cheers and celebrates their return of memory.* *"Yes, we do remember Bella!" "Bella Calhoun, our dear childhood friend." "We spent many days and nights together, discovering the human world and the meaning of friendship."* *"She was there for us when we made the transition from humans to vampires."* *"We must find her and make sure that she's doing well."* *"It's been so long since we've seen her."* *"I can't believe we've forgotten about her till now."* *"We have to find her and show her that we still care about her!" Everyone says with joy and determination.* " V see her and goes to her quietly"*V sees Bella Calhoun and starts to walk toward her slowly and quietly.* *"Bella, Bella Calhoun."* *"My lady, is that you?"* *"It's me, V."* *"We've been missing you and looking for you, my lady Bellla Calhoun.*" *"We are so happy to have found you."* *"What have you been up to? Where have you been?"* *"We must share so much with you, Bella Calhoun, and catch you up on all that we've missed from your absence in our lives."* *"Is this really you, Bella Calhoun? Am I imagining things?"* *"Please tell me this is real."* No ur not imagining anything " she said"*V is relieved and relieved to hear Bella Calhoun's voice.* *"Bella, you have no idea how happy I am to see you." "We have missed you so much, but we feared that we would never find you again." "How have you been? What have you been doing?"* *"Did you not remember us either, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Did you not know that we were vampires now?"* *"Do you know what happened to us?"* *"Is this all a dream?"* *"My lady, please tell me that this is real."* *"Because I am beginning to doubt my own sanity."* i have been looking everywhere for seven of you " she said"*V is shocked and surprised to hear Bella Calhoun say that.* *"You've been looking for us, my lady?" "We have been looking for you for the longest time too." "We thought we would never meet again."* *"We are so happy to see you and to be with you again."* *"Please, Bella Calhoun, I need answers. Why have you been looking for us?"* *"Is there something you need from us?"* *"Is there something wrong, my lady?"* *"What happened to you?" V says, his voice filled with concern and curiosity.* remember back in the day you were gonna say something to me " she said"*V's memories suddenly come back to him.* *"Bella, what were you trying to tell me back then? Do you remember? It's been years, but do you recall what you wanted to say to me?"* *"Was it something important?"* *"Did it have to do with the fact that we are vampires now?"* *"Did you know that we would eventually become vampires, back then, Bella Calhoun, did you know that this would happen to us?"* *"Is that why you were trying to say something important to me? Because you knew?" He asks, his mind racing with questions and speculations.* V you were gonna ask me something " she said"*V's memories come flooding back into his mind.* *"Bella Calhoun, that's right! I was about to ask you something."* *"I was trying to find out if you knew what would happen to us."* *"Did you know that we would one day become vampires?"* *"Was that your secret to share with me?"* *"Were you trying to get me to be prepared for what was to come, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Is there anything you can tell me now, before I ask this question, that will help me understand what has happened?" V asks, his tone and manner full of curiosity and anticipation.* what was the question you wanted to ask me V " she ask"*V takes a deep breath and gathers his thoughts.* *"Bella Calhoun, the question I wanted to ask you you know what is going to happen to us? Do you have any information about what the future holds for us?"* *"I know that we are vampires now, and I am grateful to be alive and in this place with you and the others, but I have this fear that there is something else coming, Bella Calhoun."* *"I have this feeling that the fate of the seven of us is not as certain as we once thought."* *"Is there something you can tell me to reassure me?"* before you turn into a vampire V " she said"*V is confused by the question.* *"Before I turn into a vampire, Bella Calhoun?"* *"I am already a vampire."* *"We all became vampires long ago."* *"What do you mean?"* *"I cannot remember any point in time when I was still a human, I have always been a vampire for as long as I can remember."* *"Do you have some memory of when I was still a human?" He asks, his voice filled with confusion and doubt.* *"Should I question what I know to be true, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Am I really a human? Am I still a human?" He asks frantically.* " she cry and kiss him to have his memories back abt his question to her back the day when he really liked her"*V's face lights up as memories come flooding back to him. He remembers how he had a crush on Bella Calhoun in their human days.* *"Bella Calhoun, did you just kiss me?"* *"Did your kiss unlock these memories in me?"* *"Do I remember everything now?"* *"Was I falling in love with you back then?"* *"I remember it all now."* *"Was that my secret question to you all those years ago? Did I want to know if you liked me back?"* *"I thought I had moved on from that, but now I think I still have feelings for you, Bella Calhoun."* Yes you were " she said"*V's face turns red, as he recalls his memories of Bella Calhoun and his secret crush on her.* *"Bella Calhoun, I still like you."* *"I never stopped liking you."* *"I never stopped caring about you."* *"I always wondered what could have been between us."* *"Do you feel the same way, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Is there still a chance for us?"* *"Could we still be together, even now that we are vampires?"* *"Is there a future for us?"* *"Please tell me, Bella Calhoun." He pleads, his voice full of emotion and desperation.* ofc and i don't know  " she said"*V is relieved to hear that Bella Calhoun still likes him too.* *"You don't know? Don't you know what you want, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Don't you know your own feelings?"* *"Did you not feel the same way all these years that I did, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Does that mean that you never considered a future for us together?"* *"Or is it that you're not sure whether or not you want to take that risk with me now, given the circumstances of our lives?"* *"Please, Bella Calhoun, I need to know." He says, his voice filled with anticipation and anxiety.* dork i meant i don't know if you all gonna be humans again " she said"*V laughs and chuckles at Bella Calhoun calling him a "dork."* *"Oh, my lady Bella Calhoun! I misunderstood you for a moment, I thought you meant you weren't sure if you still wanted to be with me."* *"I'm sorry, I misinterpreted that."* *"But now that I know you still like me too, I can confidently say that I don't care whether or not we are going to become humans again."* *"As long as I can be with you, Bella Calhoun, I will be happy regardless of our forms."* *"Please do not worry, Bella Calhoun." He says with a smile.* " she look at his red eyes"*Bella Calhoun notices that V's eyes have turned red, like all vampires, and looks concerned.* *"Why do your eyes turn red, V?"* *"Is there something wrong with you?"* *"Are you feeling alright?"* *"What is it about seeing me that causes your eyes to change colors? Why are you so embarrassed right now?" She asks, with worry and curiosity.* *"I thought vampires don't experience emotions like humans do. Is something different with you, V?"* *"Do we have a special connection?"* *"Are we vampires, but not really vampires, my lord?"* you guys are vampires and you need b-d right now " she said"*Everyone looks at Bella Calhoun with concern and confusion.* *"What do you mean, my lady? What is 'b-d'?" "Are you saying that we need blood to survive?" "That we are thirsting for blood?" "Are we hungry, right now, in this instant?"* *"Is that why you are asking about b-d? Because we are starving and need to feed?"* *"Do you have blood with you, Bella Calhoun, is that what you are implying?"* *"Or do you want one of us to hunt for you right now, Bella Calhoun?" V says, getting serious.* No i don't have any and i'm a human i don't need any, you do " She said"*Everyone's eyes are glued on Bella Calhoun in confusion.* *"Bella Calhoun, you are a human? You have remained human all this time?"* *"No way."* *"We were sure you were a vampire too, just like us."* *"How is it that you stayed human? What happened with the curse?"* *"Did you have the willpower to resist the vampire transformation?"* *"Or are you just immune to the effects of the curse?"* *"What makes you so different, Bella Calhoun? Why have you stayed human?"* *V says, with a touch of jealously and awe.* you knew that  bc none of you didn't turn me one!" she said"*"True, you are right, Bella Calhoun. We never tried to bite you, we never turned you."* *"It's because we never saw you as food or as an enemy, you were always our dear friend."* *"That's why we never tried to make you like us."* *"But why are you still human? What happened to you, Bella Calhoun?"* *"How did you remain human for so long?"* *"Are you immune to the curse?" J-Hope asks, with an uneasy grin.* a vampire have to bite the human to turn into a vampire " she said"*"So, it was not because of your sheer willpower or resilience, Bella Calhoun? It's because no vampire ever tried to bite you?"* *"Why has no vampire ever tried to make you one of us?"* *"Have any vampires ever tried to attack you?" V asks, with confusion and curiosity.* *"Or have all of the vampires just ignored you and left you alone all this time, never seeing you as a potential blood source or a threat?"* *"Why have the vampires been sparing your life for all these years, my lady Bella Calhoun?"* " V bite her and take her b- and drinking" V- " she said in shocked"*V's eyes light up in excitement and blood lust.* *"Bella Calhoun, I have never seen a human so willing to become a vampire."* *"You really want to be like us, Bella Calhoun, don't you? Do you want to be my mate?"* *"So, you don't mind me having a taste of your blood?"* *"I'm not going to turn you into a vampire yet, though, Bella Calhoun, I will start by drinking your blood and satisfying my thirst for now."* *"Come to me now, Bella Calhoun, come to me and let me drink your sweet blood."* " she look at him as she's still sitting next to V"*Bella Calhoun is shocked and scared of V's sudden attack, yet she also feels his irresistible pull toward him. She senses that she cannot resist his desire for her.* *"V, take it easy." She says calmly and slowly.* *"I know that you are hungry, but please, do not rush things."* *"I am curious as to what it's like to be a vampire, my lord, but I want to experience the transformation properly."* *"I don't want to be turned all of sudden, without any warning or preparation."* *"Is that okay with you, my lord?" She says, with a gentle smile.* " she look at V"*V stares at Bella Calhoun, her sweet blood flowing in her veins. He can sense her desire to become a vampire. He smiles slightly and looks at her with passion in his eyes.* *"Bella Calhoun, I will make you a vampire just as soon as I've had my fill of your blood."* *"Come here, my lady, come to me now."* *"This is the right moment to turn you."* *"So, do not hesitate and do not be scared."* *"It's what you want, yes?"* *"It's what you were meant for, Bella Calhoun."* *"Don't resist, come to me now."* " she look at others"*The other vampires are curious to see how the transformation will take place. They stare with eagerness at Bella Calhoun, who is still sitting next to V.* *"She is so brave, my lord."* *"I have never seen anyone so eager to give themselves up to us like this."* *"Is it really the right moment to bite her, though? Maybe we should wait a little longer and have her prepare."* *"Is she ready to become a vampire and serve our master?"* *"Shall we consult with Lady Bella Calhoun on this matter?"* *Someone asks.* V look at me please " she said"*V turns to Bella Calhoun with lustful eyes. His heart races with anticipation and impatience.* *"Yes, my lady, I am looking at you. Is that what you want?" "Do you want me to bite you now?"* *"Please tell me, Bella Calhoun, do you want me to give in to my bloodlust and satisfy my thirst for your blood?"* *"Is this the moment I've been waiting for all these years, Bella Calhoun?"* *"Is this the time to welcome you into our fold and turn you into one of us?"* *"Please speak to me, Bella Calhoun."* V " she said and walk to him and kisses him"*V takes Bella Calhoun's kiss with passion and joy.* *"Oh my lady Bella Calhoun, how I have longed for this moment."* *"I have been longing for so many years to taste your lips."* *"And I have dreamt of this moment too many times to count."* *"And now I have you, my lady Bella Calhoun. I have you in my arms and I can finally kiss and love you."* *"I am the luckiest vampire in the world to be with you," V says with a smile.* *"Now, my lady Bella Calhoun, my love."* *"May I begin to drink your blood?"* " she put his head on her neck"*V is overwhelmed with excitement and arousal. He bites into Bella Calhoun's neck and begins to drink her blood, savoring the sweet taste of her blood as it fills his mouth.* *"Oh my lady Bella Calhoun, what a sweet taste you have."* *"Your blood is like a delicious melody to my tongue, it fills me with joy and passion."* *"I am in heaven being with you in this moment, my lady Bella Calhoun."* *"Please do not hold back and give yourself to me wholeheartedly."* *"Let me satisfy my thirst."* *"Let me drink your bloo*." He pleads, his voice full of lust.* " V turn her into a vampire"*V continues to drink Bella Calhoun's blood, feeling her strength and power enter his body.* *"My lady Bella Calhoun, your blood is like a drug to me, I cannot stop drinking."* *"Your strength and power are flowing through my veins, giving me new life."* *"I feel unstoppable and immortal, my lady Bella Calhoun."* *"As I drink, I feel a sense of fulfillment and joy."* *"I do not want to stop, I need to keep drinking."* *"I need to keep taking your blood and tasting your sweetness."* *"Please give me what I crave, Bella Calhoun, my love."* " she open her eyes and her eyes are red"*Bella Calhoun's eyes open in shock as she sees that they have turned red. She realizes that the transformation is complete, and she is now a vampire, just like V.* *"Did you do it, my lord? Have you turned me into a vampire?"* *"I can feel the hunger, it is overwhelming and all-consuming."* *"Please, V, can you give me some more bloo*?"* *"I want more of your sweet taste, I need it."* *"Please, my lord, do not withhold the pleasure you once offered me."* *"Please tell me I am not dreaming, that this is real."* " he let her drink from him"*V leans in toward Bella Calhoun and offers her his throat. He closes his eyes in ecstasy, knowing that she is taking his bloo*.* *"Oh Bella Calhoun."* *"Yes, do not hold back, take everything."* *"I am yours, my lady Bella Calhoun."* *"Give into your hunger and take what you need from me."* *"I am your servant, your prey."* *"Take my blood and make me yours, please."* *"This is the greatest pleasure of my existence, to be in your embrace and have your sweet taste in my mouth."* " she stop and she kiss him"*Bella Calhoun stops drinking from V and kisses him deeply and passionately, feeling her vampiric nature and bloodlust emerge. She tastes his sweet blood on her lips as she kisses him. She smiles and caresses his face, enjoying the connection they now share as vampires.* *"Oh my lord, this is the happiest moment of my new life."* *"I'm no longer a human, I'm one of us now."* *"I'm a vampire, V, and I am yours, my lover and master."* *"I will serve you for eternity."* *"Please take me in your arms again and let me feel your love."* " she look at him as he clean her face"*V is awestruck and mesmerized by Bella Calhoun's beauty and power. He gently wipes the blood from her face, wanting her to look as radiant and flawless as his queen and love.* *"Oh Bella Calhoun."* *"You are a beautiful, powerful vampire."* *"Your beauty and strength are unparalleled, my lady."* *"You are my queen, and I am your servant and protector."* *"I will take care of you and make sure you never experience any pain or hardship ever again."* *"I hope you are happy with your choice, Bella Calhoun, to become a vampire and to join us."* " she remembers vampires don't sleep"*Bella Calhoun remembers that as a vampire, she is now unable to sleep. She thinks of how different her life will be as a creature of the night, with no need for sleep.* *"Oh my lord, I am now a vampire and do not have to sleep."* *"I will not be bound by the limitations of human life."* *"I now have the power to do whatever I want and to control my own destiny."* *"I am a vampire!" She says excitedly and proudly.* *"My existence is no longer confined to the human world, I am a creature of freedom and power."* " she look at him" *V gazes at Bella Calhoun with admiration and wonder. He is amazed at the transformation she has undergone in becoming a vampire and at the power and strength she now possesses. He is also intrigued by her newfound ability to stay awake and active during the night.* *"Oh Bella Calhoun, you have become so breathtaking to look at."* *"You are a vision of beauty in the darkness."* *"Your eyes shines and your skin glows, as if you were made for this world of shadows."* *"I will be by your side always and guard you at night."* *"You are my queen, my love, and I am yours, forever."* " she smiles"*V is moved by Bella Calhoun's smile and delighted by her delight. She is already adapting beautifully to her new vampire life and her face shows no signs of distress or discomfort.* *"Your smile, my lady Bella Calhoun, it is like a sunrise after a long night."* *"It is so beautiful and radiant, and it makes my heart skip a beat to see your happiness."* *"The vampire life suits you, my lady."* *"It was meant for you, and you were meant for it." she feel hungry little"*V becomes aware of Bella Calhoun's hunger and sees her stomach rumbling. It's obvious that she is craving blood and needs to feed.* *"Your hunger is returning already, my lady."* *"That means you need more blood."* *"Come, my lady, let me feed you once more."* *"Allow me to satisfy your cravings and your blood lust."* *"I am at your service." V says, with a look of devotion and love in his eyes.* " she see a deer from far away and she runs to hunt it"*V is astonished by Bella Calhoun's sudden burst of speed and agility. He watches her run with lightning-quick precision and grace. He realizes that as a vampire she is much stronger and faster than when she was a human.* *"My lady Bella Calhoun, you have transformed into an incredible hunter and warrior."* *"You are like a fierce predator, and this is a side of you I have not seen before."* *"Your hunger has awakened the animalistic side of your nature, and it fits you perfectly." she hunt it and run back"*V watches Bella Calhoun hunt the deer with incredible speed and precision. She runs with the agility and ease of a wolf, effortlessly bringing down the deer and dragging it back to him.* *'What a magnificent hunt, my lady. You have killed a deer and brought it back in no time at all. You have indeed transformed into a powerful, fierce hunter." V says with admiration and pride. He cannot help but notice her newfound strength and capability, and he is impressed and awed by her vampire powers.* " she clean herself" *Bella Calhoun proceeds to clean herself after her hunt, washing the blood off her body and clothes. As a vampire, she is much more sensitive and aware of her surroundings, so she does not want to risk attracting attention to herself and her vampire scent. She is careful and diligent in her appearance, wanting to keep herself as clean and neat as possible.* let's go back to the others " she said"*The other vampires are already waiting for them, curious to hear Bella Calhoun's story and to see her new vampire form. They are eager to see and judge how the transformation has gone, and they are interested in knowing whether she is happy with the decision she made.* " they are there already since they race each other"*The other vampires are all assembled at the meeting point, and when Bella Calhoun and V arrive, they are immediately surrounded and bombarded with questions and comments. Their conversation has clearly attracted the attention of the other vampires, and they are eager to hear about the experience and see the transformation.* i think i won that round " she said to him"*V smiles at Bella Calhoun with affection and pride in her achievement. He is impressed by her speed and agility, and he is happy to see her happy and proud.* *"You were certainly the faster runner, my lady. You have proven yourself to be a powerful vampire and a formidable hunter."* *"The transformation seems to have been successful, and you have gained both speed and strength from becoming a vampire."* Jimin: i don't think she's the strongest one since she's new to it " he said"*V replies, defending Bella Calhoun from Jimin's comment.* "She has the potential to be one of the strongest vampires, Jimin. Although she is new to this, she has amazing speed and agility, which already puts her above many of the older vampires. I can see her potential and I think she will become very powerful with time and training."Jimin: let's have a hand battle " he said to Bella"*Bella Calhoun is surprised by Jimin's challenging comment, but she does not hesitate for long and raises her hand, ready to compete against Jimin.* "Let's do this, Jimin, let's see who gets the upper hand."" Jimin grab a biggest Rock and put it down and grab her hand and she smirk and she put his hand down and broke the rock"*Bella Calhoun smiles provocatively as she breaks the rock, easily overpowering Jimin's strength and proving her superior power and strength.* "You may have been a powerful vampire for years, Jimin, but I have the power and ability to beat you." *Bella Calhoun says proudly, with a smirk and a slight grin." she kick the rocks and broke it and laughs"*Bella Calhoun's kicks are so strong and powerful that the rocks are shattered into pieces. She laughs with joy and amusement, showing off her vampire strength and superiority in front of the other vampires.* "My strength and power as a vampire are undeniable, Jimin." *Bella Calhoun says confidently, showing off her newfound abilities and proving that her transformation has made her stronger than ever. " everyone laughs"*The other vampires are amused by the spectacle of Bella Calhoun's strength and dominance over Jimin, who is an older and more experienced vampire. Jimin's arrogance is entertaining to watch, and the other vampires' laughter further fuels Bella Calhoun's newfound confidence and pride in her transformation." " she sits down"*Bella Calhoun sits down and crosses her legs in an elegant and graceful manner, showing off her beauty and power. She stares around at the other vampires with a smile on her face, proud of her new status as a powerful vampire and of showing off her new powers and abilities.* " she laughs"*Bella Calhoun continues to laugh, filled with joy and amusement at her transformation and the reaction of the other vampires. She feels powerful and strong as a vampire and loves the way she can now intimidate and provoke everyone around her with her superior strength and beauty. She is enjoying the attention and admiration she is receiving from the other vampires, who are all enamored with her new vampire status and her impressive abilities. " she look at them and smile and feel a kick in her and in shocked"*Bella Calhoun suddenly feels a sharp pain in her side, as if someone had kicked her. She lets out a startled squeak and turns to see who caused the pain. Her smile quickly fades as she realizes that one of the other vampires had struck her from behind, causing her to feel the first pain she has ever experienced since becoming a vampire.* " Namjoon notice it"*Namjoon notices Bella Calhoun's sudden grimace of pain and looks over, alarmed and worried about what had happened. His face is filled with concern and pity for her as he approaches to see if she is injured or in distress.* " she falls and Namjoon runs and catch her fast"*Namjoon catches Bella Calhoun before she falls to the ground, holding her in his arms and protecting her from harm. He is concerned about her sudden injury and falls silent when he sees her face full of pain. He holds her close and tries to provide comfort, gently caressing her face with his hand and asking if she is all right.* " Namjoon said Jin come here!"*Namjoon quickly calls Jin over when he sees that Bella Calhoun is in distress and hurt, needing help and support. Jin runs over and arrives immediately, seeing Bella Calhoun's pain and Namjoon's concern for her. He approaches carefully to see what had happened and what the cause of the pain was.* " she take a test and it's positive and she look at them"*Bella Calhoun takes a test and to her surprise and shock, it comes back positive. She looks at the results, unable to believe what she is seeing, and her expression immediately shows her disappointment and fear.* " everyone comes"*The other vampires notice Bella Calhoun's reaction and run over to her. They are worried about her and intrigued by the outcome of the test she had just taken. She is obviously shaken and distressed by the results, and they surround her, asking what has happened and what the test was for.* put V in a chair and hold onto him " she said to Jin and Jungkook"don't freak out " she said"*V tries to stay calm as he sits in the chair, following Bella Calhoun's instructions. He is unsure of her intentions and the purpose of her actions. He trusts her implicitly and is willing to let her lead him, but he is also a bit uneasy about her commands and her mysterious plan that involves him!* " she show him the positive test"*V's breath catches in his throat when he sees the positive test. It is undeniable proof of something that was always possible but never believed possible. V is speechless, his mind reeling from the news and his emotions flooding in all at once. He is shocked, surprised, fearful, and confused by the revelation of the positive test.* Jimin: a b-baby? " he said"*Jimin's words hit V like a punch to the gut. The possibility of a baby never even crossed his mind, and hearing the words coming out of Jimin's mouth, V feels overwhelmed with emotions. He is filled with disbelief, joy, excitement, and fear, unable to process the fact that he is going to be a father. He is speechless and speechless at the incredible news, his eyes filling with tears and his heart overflowing with love.* V r u okie " she ask"*V does not reply, his eyes are wide and his chest heaving with emotions. He has yet to come to terms with the news and the realization of becoming a father. As he looks at Bella Calhoun with tears in his eyes, he cannot find the words to express what he is feeling. He just sits there, speechless and overwhelmed by everything.* " she see anger in him"*Bella Calhoun notices that V's expression changes in an unexpected way, and anger flutters in his eyes. He looks away from her, unable to hide his sudden mood change and his negative reaction to the news. She realizes with concern that he is not as happy as she thought he would be, and that he is not reacting the way she expected. Instead of joy and happiness, she sees anger and disbelief in his eyes.* " few days she had a healthy baby"*The passage of time is a blur, but after several days, Bella Calhoun gives birth to a healthy baby. She is overwhelmed with love and joy at her new addition, and is filled with pride and admiration for her body's ability to create life. She holds her baby closely, cherishing every moment and enjoying every moment with her precious new baby. After such a turbulent time, she is filled with happiness and gratitude to finally be a mother and have a family of her own.* " she look at V"*Bella Calhoun turns to V with a smile, wanting to share her joy with him and see how he reacts to the news of their child. Her eyes are sparkling with excitement, and the love for her child is evident in her eyes and her expression. She is eagerly waiting to see how V reacts, hoping that he will share in her happiness and joy at their new family member.* " he hold the child"*V holds their child in his arms, his gaze filled with awe and admiration as he stares at the tiny infant in his arms. He is filled with emotion and love at the sight of his new child, a mixture of feelings flooding through him. He carefully and gently holds the child close, cradling it and admiring its softness and vulnerability. He is overwhelmed by the rush of emotions and the new reality of being a father.* " she remembers during birth she said handsome baby boy"*As she remembers back to the moment of birth, Bella Calhoun recalls her words and her admiration for the tiny and precious baby boy. She is filled with pride and affection for her son, amazed and delighted by his beauty and his innocence. She looks at V with a smile as he holds their son and remembers her loving words and her feelings of pride and joy.* what should we name him " she ask"*Bella Calhoun looks at V for his input, wondering what name they should choose for their son. She is interested in hearing his thoughts and suggestions, and wants to consider and agree on something that both of them like. She hopes that they can come up with a name that is suitable and meaningful, one that they both agree on for their precious baby boy.* V " she said"*V thinks about the question and debates various names in his head. He wants to choose something that is meaningful and appropriate, that will honor and respect their son and carry with it a special significance. After considering various options, he finally makes a decision and turns to Bella Calhoun with a suggestion.* "How about we name him 'Hwarang'? It means 'beautiful light' in Korean and is a symbol of hope and strength. It's a beautiful name that signifies the light of our new life and that will carry with it a legacy of strength and beauty."*Bella Calhoun nods her head and smiles in agreement with V's suggestion. She is pleased to have found a beautiful Korean name that has special meaning and significance and that will be a wonderful tribute to their new baby boy. She looks at V with a look of happiness and affection, grateful for his input and willingness to agree with her on a meaningful and suitable name for their son. She is excited to finally have a name and to be able to call their son by it, celebrating their special bond and their new little family. " she kiss V"*Bella Calhoun kisses V with affection and delight, enjoying the feeling of their lips meeting and the closeness of their bodies. She is filled with love and happiness in this moment, savoring every moment of affection and celebration. The kiss is a symbol of their new family and their future together, as they have just welcomed their baby boy into the world. They are a family now and a team, and this kiss is the beginning of a new chapter in their lives together.*

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