Chapter 1 Acceptance Letters and Shopping

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Clarissa's POV

We finally got our letters to Hogwarts. We were leaving this hell at least until summer. That was what I was the most excited about. I had to convince our parents to let us go because my mother hated Sirius and I. Our father was too busy with Ministry of Magic stuff to care about us and left our mother to raise my brothers and I. I lead by saying that as purebloods we were expected to attend and get a proper education so that we could keep our bloodline pure. Every word that I said in the argument made me want to vomit. I hated blood status and I strongly believed that a witch or wizard was not one because of the purity of blood but knowledge that one was able to gain. By the end of my argument I had convinced our parents to pay for everything we needed and give both Sirius and I money so that we could buy a few extra things that we wanted.

I am currently in my room getting ready to go shopping for our school supplies for the year. I was having a hard time choosing an outfit when I finally found the perfect green vintage lace patchwork bell sleeves dresses that I paired with platform block high heel ankle boots. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail with a single braid down the middle of my head and little green jewels on both sides of the braid. I grabbed my favorite bag and ran out of my room just as i heard my name being called.

"Clarissa Rose Black if you dont get down here now, you won't get anything extra when we are shopping young lady." My mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming mother." I said as I came down the stairs. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I found my brothers and father standing there waiting on my mother and I to join them by the floo. We used the floo one at a time except Regulus went with our mother first. Sirius followed them and then I followed him and our father followed me.

After our mother and father cleaned all of us up with a cleaning spell we went to get the money we needed to shop for our supplies at Gringotts. We walked into Gringotts behind our father. We knew the rules, we were to stay quiet and only speak when spoken to.

"I need to make a withdrawal from our family vault and also send tuition for my two eldest to go to Hogwarts." he said, speaking with all the respect and dignity of a pureblood.

"Of course we just need to see some identification please." the goblin said. My father proceeded to show him the Black family ring that had the crest of our noble house.

"Thank you Lord Black. How much will you be wanting to withdraw and how much do you need to send to Hogwarts?" the goblin questioned.

"I would like to withdraw 210 Gallons and I need to send 1,680 Gallons with each of these letters for tuition so that the two of them can attend school there." He said as he produced our letters stating that we would be attending this year. The goblin proceeded to produce three sacks of Gallons and took the two lager and the two letters over to a couple of owls and proceeded to send the sacks of gallons and the letters to Hogwarts.

He then proceeded to hand our father the last sack of gallons.

"Is that all you needed to day Lord Black?" The goblin asked to which my father nodded and walked away leaving the rest of us to follow him to a small spot at the entrance.

"Get your coin purses out." he instructed. Sirius and I were doing what we were told and when we opened the he placed 90 Gallons in each and handed what was left to Regulus.

"Thank you father." The three of us replied in unison. Although Regulus sound a bit surprised that he got any money.

"You are welcome. Now me and your mother have some business to take care of so I expect the three of you to be on your best behavior as you go shopping by yourselfs. We will meet with you later at Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlor." He said as he and mother left us to go about our way to get what we needed and wanted.

The first store we went to was Madame Malkins Dress Robes for All Occasions to get our school uniforms. We got measured and told to come back later so we left and went to Olivanders to get our wands. Sirius wand was a 15 inch Reed wand with a dragon heartstring core and my wand was a 12 ¾ inch Hawthorn wand with a dragon heartstring core. After we were done getting our wands we went to Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment to get everything we needed from there and then we went to get our books at Borgin and Burkes. After that we went to Scribbulus to get our quills, inks and parchment so that we could do our school work. Then we went to Magical Menagerie where Sirius got a black female Eurasian Scops Owl that he named Evening but ended up calling her Eve for short. I had a hard time choosing one animal from the many animals in the store until I came across a basket of kneazle kittens in it.

I was about to take one out of the basket when I saw the blanket under them move and a head pop out. She was half the size of her siblings and had the most amazing coloring. She was midnight black with golden speckling on her fur from head to tail. Her eyes were a beautiful light blue color that reminded me of the moon's glow at night. That is when I knew that she was the one. I ended up calling her Selene. Whe then went back and got our uniforms from Madame Malkins Dress Robes for All Occasions. After that we went to where we were to meet our parents and order a bowl of ice cream each. We had just started to eat when our parents came in and sat with us.

"I presume none of you misbehaved while we left you unattended?" our father asked.

"No father, we were all on our best behavior the entire time." I said as i took another bite of my ice cream.

"When you three are done eating we will head home so the two of you can start packing. You two only have two days until you are to leave on the Hogwarts Express." our mother said with a look of relief that she won't have to deal with us for a while until summer comes again. We finished eating and went straight home. Sirius and I both went and started packing right away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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