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I watched in disbelief as the video started with a still photo of Tae and I on the rooftop terrace, the leaked photo. "First of all, this is my English tutor with Taehyung," Areum said.

A screenshot of me from Areum's computer with arrows pointing to my jewelry was seen. "And here she is on a Zoom meeting with me. Notice her earrings, necklace, and ring." A screenshot of Tae with arrows pointing to his jewelry was seen. "Here is Taehyung in an interview wearing the same jewelry. These were taken three days apart." Then a screenshot of me at the coffee shop, accusing arrows drawn. "I don't know about you, but in the K-pop world, this means they are dating!"

I looked at Tae, his lips pursed, then back at the screen. Two more pictures showed Tae wearing the jewelry during the Inkigayo performance and me entering the apartment complex noting it was the same complex that houses the BTS dorm. She followed me home?!

The video ended with one last comment by Areum. "Okay, ARMY, what do you think? Is my tutor dating Taehyung? Let me know in the comments below. And don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel!"

I furrowed my brows and tensed my jaw. How could Areum do that to me? I turned my eyes to Tae. "Am I in trouble?"

He rubbed my back and told me, "Everything will be okay. I will talk to the company."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Once again my stay in Seoul was in jeopardy. "Thanks, Tae. That's what I love about you. You got my back."

Once more the BTS managers went into damage control mode. This time they posted a fake post claiming to be the original poster who admitted that the photos were all fake and photoshopped. That seemed to work on netizens but the company wasn't happy with me. They said I was banned from all BTS tapings.

The anger I felt made me think. I had to do something. First, I reported Areum as a difficult student to "Learning E" and asked that she be removed from my student list. When I confronted her one last time on a video chat, she asked me plainly, "Teacher, are you dating Taehyung?"

I scolded her. "I am only his English tutor. In fact, I work for HYBE as a translator. That's all. Please, take the video down. I'm getting hateful comments on Twitter." I showed her my phone screen of various tweets with 🤮 and "#Tutor_is_Trash."

"Areum, why did you do this? I'm in trouble with the company. The BTS members are mad. I could lose my job."

She explained, "Did not you see my profile? I am solo stan of Jungkook. And I ship him and Jimin."

I scrunched up my face at the absurdity of her reasoning. "Tell me the truth. Are you also the poster of the photo of Tae and I on the rooftop terrace?" She hesitated. "You owe me that much."

"No, teacher. I did not know anything about you two until I noticed the jewelry. And one time I think I heard Taehyung in one of the video calls."

My shoulders drooped. "Good-bye, Areum."

When I pressed on the "leave meeting" button, I stared at the computer screen and made the "cuckoo" sign, circling my finger by my head at her craziness. The second thing I felt I had to do was drastic but needed. So I checked if the apartment complex provided a certain service, called to make sure they were open, and made an appointment.


A few days later, I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror and turned my head from side to side. My new jet-black hair, styled in a short bob, swished back and forth. I was still getting used to the style. I even had bangs for the first time in my life. I had texted Tae a 😲 emoji to let him know I had a surprise for him. He had texted back a 😮 so I think he had one for me too, or he was just surprised that I would have a surprise. There were times our texting wasn't always crystal clear.

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