The Secret Mission

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Pretending was my specialty. I had been trained to do it since I was a kid, to adapt to any situation and role, to blend in and not stand out. I was a master of disguise, changing my appearance and personality to fit the occasion. It was a skill that I needed as a servant of the Shinomiya family, one of the most powerful and influential families in Japan.

My name is Hayasaka Ai, and I have been working for Kaguya-sama, the youngest daughter of the Shinomiya family, since we were both six years old. She was my friend, my boss, and my assignment. I was loyal to her, and would do anything for her happiness. That's why, when she told me to spy on Shirogane Miyuki, the student council president of Shuchiin Academy, I accepted without question.

Shirogane Miyuki was Kaguya-sama's opponent and crush. They were both brilliant, but from different worlds. He was a poor boy who worked hard to get a scholarship to the elite school, while she was a rich girl who had everything given to her. They were always competing with each other, trying to make the other confess their feelings first. It was a silly game, but I understood Kaguya-sama's motives. She was scared of rejection, of losing her dignity, of disappointing her family. She wanted to know if Shirogane really loved her, and if he deserved her.

That's where I came in. I was supposed to infiltrate the student council, get close to Shirogane, and find out his secrets. I was confident that I could do it. I had done similar jobs before, and I was good at reading people. I could be anyone I wanted to be, and no one would doubt me.

I joined Shuchiin Academy as a transfer student, and applied for the student council secretary position. I had done my homework on Shirogane, and knew what he liked and disliked. I acted like a bubbly and friendly girl, who admired him for his accomplishments and shared his hobbies. I praised him on his speeches, helped him with his paperwork, and laughed at his jokes. I made sure to be respectful, but not too formal, to show him that I was comfortable around him. I also made sure to avoid Kaguya-sama, who was the student council vice president, and acted like I didn't know her. It was hard, but I had to keep up the act.

It didn't take long for Shirogane to notice me, and to start trusting me. He opened up to me, and told me about his dreams, his challenges, and his fears. He confided in me, and asked for my opinion. He smiled at me, and thanked me for my support. He was nice, honest, and sincere. He was nothing like the arrogant and cold image that Kaguya-sama had of him. He was a good person, and a good leader.

And I was falling for him.

I didn't realize it at first. I thought I was just doing my job, and playing my role. But as I spent more time with him, I started to feel something more. I started to care about him, not as a target, but as a person. I started to enjoy his company, not as a means, but as an end. I started to look forward to seeing him, not as a duty, but as a wish.

I was in trouble.

I knew I had to stop. I knew I had to report to Kaguya-sama, and tell her everything I had learned. I knew I had to end the mission, and cut off all ties with Shirogane. I knew I had to forget him, and move on.

But I couldn't.

I was in love with him.

And he was in love with me.

He told me one day, after a long and stressful meeting. He asked me to stay behind, and closed the door. He looked nervous, but determined. He took my hand, and looked into my eyes. He said he had something to tell me, something important. He said he had been feeling this way for a while, but he didn't know how to say it. He said he was scared, but he couldn't hide it anymore. He said he loved me, and he wanted to be with me.

I was speechless.

I didn't know what to say, or what to do. I felt a wave of emotions, a mix of joy, shock, guilt, and fear. I wanted to say yes, to hug him, to kiss him, to tell him I loved him too. But I also wanted to say no, to push him away, to run away, to tell him I was sorry. I was torn between my heart and my loyalty, between my happiness and Kaguya-sama's.

I didn't say anything.

I just stared at him, with tears in my eyes.

He must have sensed my hesitation, because he let go of my hand, and looked away. He apologized, and said he didn't mean to pressure me. He said he understood if I didn't feel the same way, or if I had someone else. He said he just wanted me to know, and that he hoped we could still be friends.

He smiled, but it was a sad smile.

He opened the door, and left.

I collapsed on the floor, and cried.

I cried for him, for me, and for Kaguya-sama.

I cried for the love that I had found, and the love that I had lost.

I cried for the secret that I had kept, and the secret that I had revealed.

I cried for the mission that I had failed, and the mission that I had completed.

I cried for the end of the story, and the beginning of the story.

The end.

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