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Although anti-Imqayan rhetoric had been spread within the Qharyian Empire since its founding, 1983 marked a rapid escalation of hatred. It was common at this time for Qharyian news networks to galvanize viewers against the "decadent Imqayans". The most notable of these
television hawks was Bhartu Lehidi, the chief anchor of QNNN(Qharyian National News Network). Lehidi was known to commonly frame Qharyians fleeing to Imqaya as cowards and traitors. The February 12 shooting of two Imqayan families by Reizedol Narva was praised by Lehidi as vigilante justice. During February and March of 1983, over four thousand hate crimes against Imqayans were reported, with three hundred of those being murders. Protests began in Qhary's major cities, with the largest protests receiving international coverage. As with prior protests, the Qharyian governmental response was brutal. At least four hundred protesters were killed, while another six thousand were deported to the prison isle of Hujara. On March 31 1983, an impromptu assembly was organized by the Global Council. There it was decided a series of charges would be drawn up against Qharys, if they were to escalate cruelty against their citizens. This is believed to be the primary cause of the SOQ(Sons of Qharys)to be founded in April. This ultra-nationalist group was led by former sergeant Ayusili Hattin and Jervan Tekra, a high-ranking member of the presidential guard. This group began targeting foreign nationals, assassinating them in broad daylight. Government officials denied that there was any connection between the regime and the SOQ, although most of the SOQ's high command was paid with government dollars. These terrorist attacks were condemned worldwide, with talks of sanctions being placed upon Qharys entering public discourse.
  On April 16 1983, work began on Operation Bleeding Harpy. This operation would be the first stepping stone towards invading Imqaya. Seven miles from Imqaya's eastern coast laid the small nation of Aimi. Aimi, like Imqaya, had been freed from its colonial status in 1967 AGR. Aimi had never been a lucrative colony, serving as a strategic point within the Starry Strait, which separated the Qhimaeyan continent from Essaria, where Qharys was located. Aimi had a peaceful transition to that of a constitutional monarchy, which had been ruled since founding by Prince Aremidelphis I. The prince had overseen a period of rapid development and modernization. Although nowhere near the level of Imqaya, the standard of living in Aimi ranked highly amongst Qharys' former colonies.
  1983 saw the emergence of a new crisis. Aremidelphis had submitted an application to join the global council, after the entrance of Imqaya in 1974 AGR. Qharys, who was denied entry in 1964 AGR and did not reapply, saw this as a threat to their hegemony. Members of the growing SOQ were sent to Aimi, in order to galvanize the island's Qharyian minority.
On May 11 1983, the SOQ struck. The crown prince, Livytan, appeared at a military parade in Geraya, the nation's capital. The twenty-seven year old was joined by his younger brother, Prince Brygmophyster, his wife Talora, and Prime Minister Gobihana Tetanura. A crowd of nearly twenty thousand had gathered in attendance. Hidden amongst the multitude were four members of the SOQ. Hanoides Lima stood in the front row near the procession's start. Two blocks down, Kryptobatar Zuril & Tacitilian Jobaris placed themselves beside an alley. At the end of Imperial Way, where the parade was to end, Zykaris Lesalyn attached ninety-six pounds of C4 to the back of a building.
  When the royals and prime minister neared, Hanoides Lima began to shoot into the crowd indiscriminately. Panicked, the royal procession attempted to continue down their path, but Kryptobataar and Tacitilian struck first. From his KGR-26 assault rifle, Zuril fired seventy-five rounds. Three hit the crown prince in his torso, while his driver, Neriz  Ayuk, was struck four times in his skull and died instantly. Four rounds from Jobaris' sidearm killed both Talora and prime minister Tetanura. Another four rounds struck three members of the royal security detail, with one fatally wounding Prince Brygmophyster. The terrorists were promptly shot by the royal security, but having heard the gunfire Zykaris Lesalyn would soon make the situation much worse. He detonated the C4 he'd planted, not only sacrificing himself but collapsing the building and crushing hundreds beneath the rubble. In total, over four hundred and fifty nine were killed in the attack, and the international community began outcries for the SOQ to be brought to justice.
  The day after the attack, Sarkhanus Laza appeared in an interview with Bhartu Lehidi, in which he condemned the SOQ attack on Aimi.
  "This SOQ organization has terminated its contract with life. I condemn this unnecessary loss of life wholeheartedly. Aimi has done no crime against these...these terrorists. I have increased the police presence in every major city. Anyone suspected of being SOQ will be brought to justice, so that an event like this will never again occur."
  The strong statement from Laza brought some nations to reconsider their previously strong positions against Qharys. On May 19 1983, Qharys, alongside Aimi, Tesafon, and Urdus signed the Agreement of Qharyian Friendship, which insisted that as descendants of Star Isle, they must aid one another in times of conflict. As they were also small island nations within the Starry Strait, Tesafon and Urdus felt immensely pressured to sign. They feared an attack similar to that that occurred on Aimi happening to them. This agreement effectively reverted these nations back to a colonial status. Imqaya had been invited to participate, but they refused. This refusal is seen by many Imqayans as their fatal mistake. In June of 1983, the Seven Sisters alliance fell apart when war broke out between Ves, Safa, and Nordu over control of the Sadamallic Islands. Aassenlaan, not wishing to be pulled into an expensive war, retracted their membership, as did Caihong, who had been fighting the Nuan Ghac rebellion for three years at that point. Imqaya had been abandoned by its allies, and this would not be forgotten.


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