ADA Reunion but Dazai is in the PM

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Ranpo decided that it was time that the Ada had a "family" reunion. So he invited everyone that is or was in the ADA to the HQ that the ADA resides in

Kunikida was in charge of the main course meal and Ranpo was in charge of the snacks, Yosano was in charge of the beverages

Everyone came

The only person who hasn't shown up yet was Dazai

Lucy and Poe were invited because Ranpo that it'd be funny

Ranpo was pacing whilst eating pocky waiting for Dazai he knew Dazai would come and be late but didn't really know how late and he hated it

Atsushi, (somehow) convinced Ranpo that Akutagawa could come and actually got there before Dazai himself, stood next to Kyouka and Akutagawa holding a glass of a champagne

Yosano held a glass of wine and graciously took sips

Ranpo held one of the pocky to his lips "where is Dazai?! What's taking him so long?!" Ranpo asked furiously

Atsushi looked at the detective with a confused look as Aku was trying to convince him why strawberry cake is better than plain ole vanilla "can't you ultra-deuce where he is? Isn't that you're known for?" Which stopped the pacing Ranpo "why didn't I think of that sooner?!"

The raccoon lover that Ranpo loves so much, Poe, held a book as he stood not very far from the pacing detective "because you were too busy stuffing your face with biscuits and pacing-" he says as Karl, who was peacefully on his shoulder, decided to pat Poe's head

Soon the door opened before Ranpo can fully deuce where Dazai's where abouts where the door opens revealing Dazai in attire that resembles Chuuya "sorry I'm late, I had to finish writing a report to the boss" he said as closed the door and putting a familiar fedora on his head

"Dazai whose hat is that?" Asked Kunikida "I borrowed it from the slug" he said

They had gotten to the dinner portion and the reunion was inttrupted by the president with someone with familiar orange hair

Fukazawa called attention to the ADA and it's former member, Dazai, to ask a question

Fukazawa sighed "who here has a-" before Fukazawa could finish, Chuuya sprints towards Dazai. "Called it" was heard from Ranpo, Atsushi, and Akutagawa as Junichiro, Naomi, and Kyouka puts 40 dollars in the middle for each of the winners

Dazai took of the hat and put it above his head "if Chibi wants the hat Chibi has to-" and before Dazai could react Chuuya jumps and now had the hat

Yosano somehow convinced Ranpo to let Chuuya stay and somehow convince Chuuya to stay and Dazai had to drive Chuuya home


Came from my Tumblr

I got bored okay-

Words: 466

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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