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Like this their vacation went smoothly and they return to Korea and handle their office. It has been 2 days they reach seoul but they didn't interact much.
So they are gather at jeon mansion.
Namjin and chaesoo has went outside to buy groceries and some snacks.
After 1 hour they hadn't return. So everyone is tense.
Jk- There phone are also switch off.
Yg- let's go and check the cafe.
Jk- let's go.
They left otherside with taemin
Tae's phone Ring
Tae- hello
??- hello bitch ifu want your sister alive the come to abandoned building xx road. And Don't be smart because I know you are mafia queen V.
Tae-(smirk) jimin get ready we are going somewhere.
Jim- okk tae. Lisa and noona take care we are going our mansion they must be there.
Jen- u take care of yourself.
They left to their mansion. After sometime they reach there.
Tae- get ready we are going to save our hyung.
What they wear:

What they wear:

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V's gun

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V's gun

Chim and jen

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Chim and jen

Taehyun and kai

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Taehyun and kai

HobiAnd took their earbuds and left from there

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And took their earbuds and left from there. After 30 minutes they reach there.
They were fighting furiously shutout noticing that someone has left a smoke bomb. After taking opportunity their enemy unconscious them. When they open their eyes they found themselves in dark room tied with chair.
V- what the fuck? Where am I?
Jisso- bear they also kidnap you.(cry)
V- nonna who ?
??- Me sweetheart.
Chim- U mother fucker chou u
??- Not only him.
V and others- IU
IU- yess bitch me jk is mine I will marry him.
V-(smirk) did you think he will marry u? Never bitch never.
IU-(slap V) He will if he want u all live.
??- My girl don't waste your time on this slut.
IU- u are ryt dad.
V and others- Mr.lee.
Mr lee- oo u all remember me.
Jin- u motherfucker  I will kill u.
Mr.lee-(lick his lips) still so fisty?
??- let them tell their sin.
Jen- Mr. Chan
IU- let me start dad.
Mr.lee- Go ahead princess.
IU- u bitch u snatch my man(to tae).
Cho- what did you like in him. I will satisfy you more than that jungkook.
V-(laugh) I am not slut like u bitch.
Mr.lee slap him hard.
Mr.lee- I dare u to call her again and I will kill u.
Mr.chan- jimin ur boyfriend distroy my drug business by expelling me from college.
Mr.kang- Because of u Namjin I loss deal with jungkook.
Mr.lee- We loss our almost all businesses partners.
Cho- let's have fun babyboy. IU till the call his boyfriend.
IU- sure
Suddenly door brust open.
??-Did someone remember me

To be continue

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