part 1

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Its been a lovely morning but not so lovely for her and why so cause of course why would it be lovely when there is no one by your side .

well yes , I am talking about yn " kim yn " , she has been working in a small cafe from a week as about 15 days ago her parents died , her parents died in a car accident but not really bcz according to yn it was a murder her parents was in a cab and from there they were going to there brother's house , according to the police , it was just a car accident, but when the accident happened surprisingly yn was also there , that time she dont have a job as she is just 19 years old , she saw that a different car hit the cab in which her parents were sitting , nothing happened to the car that hit that cab nor anything happen to that cab driver only her parents died . but about this yn cant do anything.

yes yn's family were very poor it was very hard to even afford a cab or to even afford a proper meal for all 3 of them from a resturent .

From that day yn became alone , yes , she had relatives but no one of them wanted to keep her as she was poor , after her parents dead she is just living in a small apartment and working in a cafe .

And the only person who is by her side is her best friend sara.
Sara helped her to get a apartment and to get a normal job .

For yn , if she can trust anyone in this world now , its only sara .
Her trusted bestfriend !!!!!

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