Chapter 3

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     I wake up feeling dizzy. I sit up clinging tightly to the covers around me. A slight chill still latches to me. What was that? Was it a dream? It felt so vivid. The images of the butterfly turning to dust before my eyes and the sound of the sobbing haunt my memory. I try to shake it off and clear my head. It's ok. I'm ok.

     I finally get up and make the bed as neatly as it was before. I walk over to the closet. When I open It I see it's filled with all kinds of sweaters, jeans, skirts, and cardigans. This is like my dream wardrobe, Back home my closet consists of thrifted grandpa sweaters and mom's hand-me-downs from the '90s. I paired a white long-sleeve under a black graphic tee and a dark floral patterned midi skirt. I hear a knock at the door as I tie my shoes. "Come in" I call. Iris opens the door and steps in "Oh, you're already up. good," She says looking around the room. "Well, I see you're all settled in. It could use some natural light but at least it's neat. Maybe you can teach Casper that concept" She says with a smidge of irritation through her teeth. I chuckle "I'll try"
"Let's hope, speaking of can you go get him, I'm gonna put breakfast together. He's in his room" She then switched to a quiet mumble saying "He better not still be sleeping" before turning and heading downstairs.

     I exit my room and stroll over to Casper's door. I take a wild guess that it's the one with the crow on it. I knocked a couple of times. "Casper, You up?" no response. I roll my eyes and twist the door knob walking inside. When I'm inside I stare amazed at the huge room. The poster-covered walls were slanted meeting in a point at the ceiling. The early morning sunlight streamed in through the windows. "Casper?" I call as I wander through the room. I come up to a desk scattered with paint, loose pieces of paper, and pencils. Propped up next to it was a tall wooden easel, On it sat a large canvas with an unfinished painting of a pale pretty woman with short curly pink hair and what looks like rabbit ears poking through her curls. The wall behind it is pinned with little paintings and drawings ranging from landscapes to some rough sketches and portraits. I continue over to a big circular bed at the far end of the room. Pillows and sheets are thrown messily over it, but no Casper. "Well at least I can see what Iris was talking about with needing help with organizing"
"Hey, I'm organized" I hear Casper rebuttal.

     I turn around and see him popping his head in from a propped-open window behind me. "Is the organization you're talking about in the room with us?" I say looking around. He climbs back into the room, His wings brushing against the window sill and folding neatly behind him. Even folded back they nearly touch the ceiling of the already high ceilings. "I have a system," he claims.
"Right," I say unconvinced. "Who's the painting of?" I point to the canvas on the easel. His eyes follow "Oh, that's my mom. It's still a work in progress though so don't judge it too harshly," He says a little shyly.
"Judge it? It's beautiful. I couldn't make something like this if I tried" I say, admiring the painting. The woman in the painting is laughing, strands of her light pink curls glow warmly in the sunlight. There are little daisies in her hair, one of which had a bumblebee resting in the center of it. "Even unfinished, your attention to detail is gorgeous," I say. Casper rubs the back of his neck. "You really think so? Thanks,"
"What's your mom like? She looks like a lovely person to be around"
"She is," he says his face growing reminiscent. "I was really clingy to her when I was little. It never bothered her though, she'd take me everywhere with her. She's the most supportive, genuine person I know" He smiles.
"I'm super close with my mom too, I already miss her so much" I sigh leaning against the desk.
"I get it, believe me. I miss my parents every day. I haven't seen them in months. With training and Vince running around, I have to be extra careful. I love Iris, She raised me too in a way but It's just not the same y'know"
"Yeah, I can imagine, at least Iris seems cool. I know she's a little tough on you but I think it's because she cares,"
"Yeah you're right," He says, sounding more like he's trying to convince himself more than me.
"Anyway, Iris wanted me to get you. She's making breakfast"
"Yeah right," He chuckles "The breakfast is making itself,"

The Rainbloom Witch: Within The Forest WallsWhere stories live. Discover now