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Cato's radio goes off early in the morning, " I can't wait until I can get rid of this damn thing." Cato mutters answering, " Yea?"

I can hear Zane on the other end of the line, " Get up. We have official discussion prepping for the Capitol."

Before Cato could respond the line was dead again, he throws it carefully off the bed halfway into one of his military packs sighing before looking at me. " You heard him." He taunted.

I chuckle slowly rising from the bed, " I'll get dressed and meet you back in here."

He looks over, " You don't have anymore clothes in here?"

I shake my head, " Nope."

" Well.. bring some when you come back." he says giving me a kiddish grin.

" Yea.. ok." I laugh walking out the door. I walk briskly to my room getting changed into the drab gray clothing, tying my hair into a braid, tying my boots before going to the door again..with more clothes so Cato will be happy.

He looked satisfied when he saw the heap in my arms opening the door for me as I put more of my stuff in one of the drawers he emptied for me. I close it looking back at him, " Happy?"

" Yes, very." He answers, " Let's see what they want."

We walk to Command, looking for the guards outside of the door, they let us in where everyone else was just arriving with some... new faces.

" Soldier Hadley.. Musak." Plutarch greets.

" Plutarch." I manage a nod as we sit.

My eyes wandered to the 3 new people in the room sitting on the left of President Coin. A set of twins and an older women with dark hair and eyes with an awefully bland look on her face.

They take their time looking back at us, I know the older women was looking at me as I examined the twins. Taller, maybe 5'8 both are lanky looking with bright blonde hair pulled in a simular updo.

The last ones to come in was Finnick, River then Octavia. I also noticed Johanna and Cal not being here, which sparked more of my interest, normally Gale and Evangeline are by the Mockingjay. But both look in her direction, quickly looking away.

She sits by River, who glanced at her, then I see his arm move ever so slightly... I feel my eyes widen, I supress any sound.. you got to be shitting me.. Priya, who was on the other side of me must've saw it to because she tumped my leg with a little force.

We share a look before Coin began. " Good Morning everyone, congratulations to you all... you passed your Block exam and will be making it to the Capitol for the final take down. I know we've all been waiting a long time for this.."

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