TP: The Comeback

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Kath's POV (5 years Later)

I am currently driving to where DJ's....t-tomb.

Yah...he's dead. Though there's no body found. It was said that no part of his body was found because it was shred to p-pieces and.....the explosion was too....powerful.





PUTEK! Red lights na pala. Keep your eyes on the road Kath. That was waaayy too close. I almost died!

I...I..I wish I died.

Shit! Don't cry Kath. You're strong.



I checked my phone and got a text from Kuya Neil

From: Neil Coleta

A friendly reminder, Crying douesn't mean you're weak. It means you've been too strong for a long time.


Perfect timing. Just...perfect. I stopped at the side of the road.

I felt the tears brush in my cheeks and before I knew it I was crying my heart out.

After a few minutes I fixed myself and continued driving.

Well as you can see the whole 5 years wasn't as bad as it seems. Well not ALL bad.

Kuya Neil and Ate Yen are business partners. There business expands all over the world. They may be business partners but nothing really changed between them. They still kept on fighting. Which makes me kinda happy. I dunno why.

EJ and Kiray are engaged. They run a fashion line that amazed critcs all over the world. They are just planning to expand there fashion line worldwide due to many request from different designers all over the world.

Albie. He went to States and built his own business there. He became a succesful man. And is currently dating a girl named...I think it's Celine? I don't know. I only met her once and trust me she is fabulous!

And the best suprise is....JULIA AND DIEGO ARE MARRIED! Well of course we forgave and forget what has been done. They are having a restaurant called "Juliego"

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