Chapter 10

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"So, what are you here for again?" Dr. Dewiski asks for the umpteenth time since I walked through the door and took a seat on the fairly comfy sofa. His office resembled a greenhouse with various plants everywhere and the overarching windows.

There is even a serpent in here that keeps staring at me. The walls are painted a dark blue which paired nicely with the dark wooden floors, littered with more flowers. Dr. Dewiski himself wasn't surprisingly an older, balding man, but on the contrary, a young guy who appeared to be about no older than twenty-three years old.

I swear if I meet one more person who is not at least a decade older than me, I'm going to flip. Who is the mayor? Who runs this town? 

Dr. Dewiski or as he prefers I call him, Shannon has long and seemingly natural blonde hair that he has neatly pulled over his left shoulder. I notice that his figure is very lithe as he sits on his large glass desk and stares at me.

"I told you I'm here because they told me that everyone must partake in a mandatory meeting with their counselor every month and--"

"And since you ditched out on a meeting with me your first month here," Shannon crosses his leg over the other as he continues, his tone amused, "You now realize that you have to?" I nod. "Well, don't I feel flattered? But that doesn't answer my question."

"Then what does?" Shannon doesn't reply.

"What is it that you want me to say?" I rephrase trying not to raise my voice at Shannon, but he's being unreasonable.

Shannon raises a single eyebrow. "I don't know. Something other than you're here because you have to be. I mean you're new here, right? Tell me something about you."

"Right. Uhm, well I'm from a town called Andesville and I moved here with my mom a month ago." I stop only to get an encouraging smile from Shannon telling me to continue. "Can't you just read about all of this in my student files?" I suggest handing Shannon my manilla folder.

He takes it with slender hands and flips through it before throwing it over his shoulder, leaving a pile of papers on the floor. "Why did you do that? That lady outside said I needed to bring that back!"

"Please. Ashley doesn't care, all she cares about is getting paid. Like the rest of us. Plus, I don't want to read that, I'd rather have you tell me about yourself."

"Why? Are you too lazy or bored to read my 'required files' "?

"No, I just prefer you tell me," Shannon says calmly even though I know I'm being a jerk right now.

"You literally just told me all you care about is getting paid. So why are you so interested?" Shannon just continues to stare at me, the corner of his lips lifting slightly in amusement despite my aggressiveness. I roll my eyes before speaking once again, "It's either your way or the at least ask me some questions."

Shannon clasps his hands together with a loud clap a smile adorning his beautiful features. "Looks like you're going to be my favorite!" I raise an eyebrow in confusion, but Shannon doesn't dwell on it. "So, have you made any friends?"

"Yeah, Tanner Oswin and a girl that agreed to take me on a tour around town."

"Tanner Oswin," Shannon repeats. "She's...good. How did you meet her?"

"In the hallway on my first day. We bumped into each other."

"How cliché. How uninteresting."

"How blunt. How rude," I comment in the same airy tone and the eccentric counselor just smirks as if further amused by my demeanor.

"Well, I'm happy you've made a friend," Shannon says jumping off of his desk and sitting in his plush white office chair. "Anything else?"

"There's this girl that doesn't like me," I confess hating that I even have to think about the wrench. "I don't know her name or the names of her friends, but she practically rules this school, gets whatever she wants, the embodiment of perfection. The whole buffet."

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