We ARE 'JUST' As is . Always will be (date: end of 2022 & early/mid 2023)

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We were destined to be

By The Universe/Gods Grace,

it is inevitable; fate.

How strange and alarming

Yet, so comfortable and just.

I've never had my soul

on such a yearning and burning fire.

In Flames that never go out.

[ I guess thats where the "Flame" comes from 'twinflames'...enough of that... its seriously "two of hearts that beat as one" as cliche as that sounds.. my heart can't and simply will never beat or be on fire for anyone but you. Our journey is never ending. forever and forevermore. I dont believe we will have 'Until death do us part' I believe it's 'After death we never, part as well' something like that you get the gist. so strange yet comforting. 'I love you' is not enough to express the fire in my soul for you. it is 'just'. we are 'just', 'just as is, always will be'

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