Black Christmas One-Shot

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At the school of UA highschool, snow fell from the sky but not as peaceful as everybody thought it would be. There was a snow storm that was blocking everybody from enjoying their time on a snow day. All the students had to stay in their dorm buildings while the teachers had to seek shelter inside the school or go with the students. It was such chaos for everybody, it was torture to see them that they can't play in the snow without freezing themselves to death. At the time, they have to stay in until the snow storm goes away. That's the only hope they have for now. It was even so bad, classes were canceled for the day. All the students and teachers had to stay inside and try their best to keep themselves as warm as possible. All students and teachers were gathered with supplies that will keep them warm and have food to eat. They won't be able to go outside to get any lunch or snacks from the cafe or bending machines. They weren't even allowed to go outside while the snow storm was getting stronger. If they tried, they would get detention or extra hero training if they wanted to go outside while the snowstorm was still active. With extra hero training, none of the students didn't want to try it, especially since the teachers are watching them and keeping a close eye on them. Keeping a lookout for anything that the students will try to do behind their backs. What made it worse for the students is that some of the teachers were living in the dorm buildings, just until the snow storm clears off.

In the Class 1-A dorm building, Izuku was sitting at a table with his head turned to the window. All he could see was pure white, nothing can be seen outside. He couldn't see the sky or the grass or not even the trees. There was nothing but a pure white void. It was a bit scary for him but he contained it, keeping this secret to himself. He was quiet through that all time, thinking of the unknown of what was going to happen next. There was nothing that he could think of what could happen next in the future of this snowstorm. He thought it was going to be a good snow day but instead it turned into chaos. In the midst of his thinking, he felt a hand being laid upon his shoulder. Izuki flitched, turning to see who was touching his shoulder. Who touched him on his shoulder was just Iida, who just wanted to check up on Izuku, "Midoriya, are you okay? We're drifting off." He asked him. Izuku didn't say anything, which was strange, he stayed quiet. This alarmed Iida, Izuku is always the chatterbox. He loves to talk to his friends and analyze things that he finds catches his eye or is interesting to learn about. But seeing Izuku staying quiet like this was worrying Iida to his very core. He wasn't sure what was wrong with Izuku, he wanted to check up on his well-being.

"Izuku, are you sure you're alright? You're really quiet." Iida shook his shoulder just to catch his attention again.

But instead of getting his attention, it just made Izuku on edge more. Izuku pulled out the chair and got, crossing his arms, and walking away. Izuku looked back at Iida before walking towards the window and standing in front. He stared out at the window, trying to see the outside. Iida only watched when he witnessed Izuku shifting himself away from his side. It was like Izuku didn't want to be bothered and just watched the pure white snow outside. That only made Iida worry more about his dearest friend. He knew something was wrong but he couldn't know what it was and how to fix it with the ability that he can do it for. Iida wanted to come up to Izuku to check up on him but it was cut off when Aizawa came into the room. Aizawa looked around the room before he walked up to Iida. Aizawa snuffed, "Hey Iida, have you seen Eri anywhere? I haven't seen her since last night. When I put her to bed and read her a story." Aizawa recapped while Iida shook his head 'no' that he hadn't seen her. Aizawa was left in worry, he didn't know where Eri could be. He didn't know where she was and where she was. He thanked Iida for trying to help him and left to ask the other students if they saw Eri around.

Iida stared off at Aizawa, walking to the other students. Iida started to become more uneasy about Eri. She was a little girl who needed to be watched all time but for her to disappear without a trance. It was a little scary to think about but then again, she could be hiding somewhere or went into one of the student's dorm rooms. Eri could be fine but there are the possibilities of anything bad happening to her. He didn't think further into it, Eri could be somewhere in the dorm building. He knew she wouldn't leave the building. She doesn't go anywhere without Aizawa or Izuku or Mirio. They're the only three people that she really trusts to be around and going places too. He trusts them that they'll find Eri on time, somewhere in the dorm building. He's not sure where and when but they'll eventually find her. He hopes she's not hurt or scared somewhere in the dorm building. Whatever happens, he knows that Eri will be safe especially when the others find her. Who knows where she's at but they'll eventually find her somewhere. He hopes that Eri will find her way to Aizawa or Izuku or maybe mostly the teacher just because Izuku isn't himself at the time.

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