Chapter 3

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The next morning dawned with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The events of the previous night weighed heavily on your mind, and the desire for clarity propelled you forward. With determination in your heart, you decided to reach out to Claire and arrange a meeting.

As you composed a message on your phone, you carefully chose your words, aiming for a balance between curiosity and understanding. "Hey Claire, can we catch up later today? There's something on my mind, and I'd really appreciate talking to you about it. Let me know if you're free."

The minutes that followed felt like an eternity as you anxiously awaited Claire's response. Finally, a notification appeared on your screen. "Sure, let's meet up. Coffee shop on Elm Street at noon?" Claire's reply was concise, leaving you with a mix of relief and nervousness.

Noon approached, and you found yourself seated at a corner table in the quaint coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee surrounded you, but your mind was occupied with thoughts of the impending conversation.

Claire walked in, her familiar smile brightening as she spotted you. The warmth of her greeting was genuine, and you exchanged pleasantries before delving into the heart of the matter. As you shared your feelings about the unexpected call with Leon, Claire listened attentively, her expression shifting from surprise to understanding.

"I had no idea you were seeing Leon," Claire admitted, her brows furrowed in genuine confusion. "He's an old friend, and after I saw his contact on your phone I really wanted to catch up. I didn't mean to intrude or make things awkward."

You sighed, a mixture of frustration and relief coursing through you. "I wish I had known. It just caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel a bit... blindsided, you know?"

Claire nodded, offering a sincere apology. "I should've communicated better. I value our friendship, and I would never want to jeopardize that. If you're uncomfortable with me talking to Leon, I'll respect your boundaries."

"No, no, no! We're not even dating yet truth be told, but even if I do like him a lot... he still deserves good friends like you." You say, putting your hand over hers. Your smile is now genuine, and you feel more relaxed, squeezing her hand a bit.

Claire looked more joyful as well, she squeezed your hand back until she took another sip of her coffee that was placed in front of her. As she licked her lips and made eye contact again, she became serious, her smile fading away. "Now here's the truth. I didn't call Leon to get to know him again. I called to persuade him to become a federal agent again."

You lean over the table a bit, your elbows helping you remain good posture; curious about what she has to say.

"Apparently, someone is running Umbrella again. They're working on a new virus, and it could lead to a new outbreak...!" She says with a tone of excitement, suddenly seeming happy she has work to do again.

"B-But how!? Racoon city is gone... a-and-"

Claire cuts you off by putting her finger up to your lips, as you went silent, she took down her finger. "I know you have many questions, and those can be answered later. But for now, I need you to help persuade Leon into joining again. He's a top agent and we need him! He seems like he trusts you, there's a low chance of him not listening to you." 

You lean back into your seat, sitting there confused and shocked. "So, he didn't even accept your offer?"

Claire shook her head, making a frown while showing her teeth. "Unfortunately, not. So, what do you say? Will you accept my task?"

You think of the pros and cons, crossing your ankles as you bite your lower lip. You take a deep breath in, your final answer coming out. "Fine... but don't get your hopes too high Claire."

Just then Claire gets out of her seat to rush to you, embracing you in a hug as she holds you tight. "Thank you, thank you so much! See, I knew I could depend on you!" She giggled, placing her hands on your shoulders as she sighs with relief. She stands back up, stretching a bit. "Well, I must go back to my... 'work'." She says, winking at me. She turns around and walks over to her car, unlocking it and opening the door. She drove away.

Hard of Desire - Leon S. KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now