Chapter 8- Solace

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In the dimly lit cell they shared, Ty sat in a heavy silence, his eyes haunted by the recent revelations. Blue, the stoic figure beside him, decided it was time to breach the fortress of Ty's solitude.

"Ty, talk to me. I've seen you angry, but this... this is something else," Blue said, his voice a steady undercurrent in the silence.

Ty, his emotions a turbulent sea, finally broke the stillness. "I trusted Burns, Blue. We were brothers, and he stabbed me in the back—literally."

Blue nodded, understanding the gravity of the betrayal. "People change in here, Ty. It's survival of the fittest, and sometimes, trust becomes a luxury."

Ty's eyes, once burning with anger, now flickered with a despondent glow. "Why'd he do it, Blue? What did I ever do to deserve this?"

Blue leaned against the cold prison wall, choosing his words carefully. "Burns was jealous, Ty. You were getting all the attention, the popularity. He wanted to take that away from you, make you feel pain."

Ty's face contorted with a mix of disbelief and sorrow. "Jealousy? We were supposed to watch each other's backs. How did it come to this?"

Blue sighed, "In here, Ty, the line between ally and enemy blurs. Survival twists people into shadows of who they used to be."

As the weight of reality settled on Ty's shoulders, Blue continued, "You can't let this consume you, Ty. Burns may have betrayed you, but you're still alive. Use that to make things right, for yourself and those who still care about you."

Ty, the fire in his eyes replaced by a dull ache, looked at Blue. "I don't know if I have anything left, Blue. Everything's falling apart."

"Listen, Ty," Blue said, his tone firm, "you still have friends in here. The Devils, me, even Ragdoll. We can't change the past, but we can decide what we do with the time we have left."

A heavy silence settled between them, punctuated only by the distant sounds of prison life. Ty's anger had transformed into a melancholic acceptance of his reality.

As they sat in the cell's gloom, Blue offered a glimmer of hope. "You're not alone, Ty. We'll get through this, together. Just promise me you won't let the darkness swallow you whole."

Ty, his shoulders slouched, nodded with a faint flicker of acknowledgment. The echoes of their conversation lingered, a fragile bridge connecting two souls in the vast expanse of Shank-taw Maximum Security Prison.

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