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South Carolina, 2023

It's been two months since I graduated from college. It was hard to find a job at first because of the lack of experience I had, but how else was I to gain experience when no one gave the new graduate a chance? Thankfully, I finally landed a well-paying job that was fifteen minutes from my home. Life was going good at the moment and I couldn't be happier. My college roommate, Fiona, had invited me to spend the summer in Scotland with her.  I was ecstatic because it would be my first time outside the US since I was a babe. I was born in Ireland but moved to the US with my parents. I didn't inherit the accent like my parents because I was raised here, much to my demise. 

I began to pack for Scotland last minute as I always do with anything. One carry-on and my duffel bag would suffice, since I can shop while I'm there. 

I basically pulled an all-nighter and waited until I was to leave for my flight at 5am. I was uneasy about being on a plane but if I am able to sleep through it, I'd be fine. 

Inverness, 2023

"Freya!" I heard as I stepped out of the airport's restroom. My head snapped to the direction of my name and there stood Fiona and a tall, brunette man. "It's been so lon' dear" Fiona pulled me into a hug and we cackled as we always do. "Freya, 'tis my friend, Roger Wakefield" She motioned towards the man. "Hello, It's nice to meet you Roger" I smiled and shook his hand, "Aye, yer as well Freya." Roger insisted on rolling my carry-on and I let him. I was exhausted.

"Oh yer gon' love it here, ders' a small festival up in te' highlands 'morrow night" Fiona beamed and my eyes widened. I loved hearing about Scotland from Fiona during semesters and even trying some of the sweets she would smuggle on the plane for me. I have to remind myself to not forget to do the same when I am going back home. 

Fiona and I spent the next few hours getting settled in at her home and catching up. After three bottles of wine and two rom-coms we finally decided to get some sleep. 


We both groggily got up in the early afternoon, we suffered from mild hangovers. This is what happens when Fiona and I get together. Wine drunk women. 

My eyes beamed at all the shops around Inverness. I had insisted that Fiona and I dress up in 1700s attire to fit the Scottish festival we would be attending. 


We walked into the last shop of the day, already securing our dresses, but I wanted to check out this antique store. 

My eyes scanned the shelves and the tables covered with jewelry. My eyes landed on a battered ring. It had a big, dark red stone in the center. I fell into a trance as I could not take my focus off of it. Hearing a buzzing in my ears that seemed to get louder as I reached for the ring and admired it. "Ye' keen that one" Fiona's voice broke me out of my trance. "Yeah, I feel so drawn to this one" I mumbled and she gave me a puzzled look, and her eyes moved down to the ring. "Aye 'tis a bonnie ring" She smiled.

 "Aye 'tis a bonnie ring" She smiled

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Later that evening, Roger came over and would accompany us to the festival. Fiona helped me tie my corset and I wore some ankle boots. The ring was a bit loose for my middle finger so I placed it on a necklace and wore it that way. It truly was enchanting. I grabbed a cardigan in case it got cold and we left for the highlands. 


We were having such a good time enjoying the festival. The old whiskey was very tasty and Roger was a cheeky drunk. 

"Aye Craig Na Dun is just up the way, if ye' want to see it" Roger smiled and I nodded for him to show me the way.

I trudged up the small rocky hill and low and behold, there were several tall stones at the top of the hill. 

"Woah, this is so cool" I breathed out, "Aye 'tis"  he said taking a swing of his drink.

"Ye' know they say the stones speak to those who 're special" "What?" I said, turning to look at him. "Aye, some say that the stones are able to transport certain people places" I stared at him puzzled, it was seriously the alcohol talking. 

"Okay Roger, you think you've had enough whiskey?" I laughed and hooked my arm into his as I dragged him away from the stones and back to our friend. 


We were calling it a night after Roger could barely walk, so Fiona would drive us all back to her house. "Ah shit, I think I left my cardigan, be right back" I said to Fiona, who was strapping a drunk Roger in the back seat.

I roamed the festival grounds and couldn't find my cardigan anywhere. I hobbled up the rocky hill and towards the stones. I heard the familiar buzzing sound and faint sound of waves crashing. I furrowed my brows and walked towards the edge of the hill to see if there was an ocean. My eyebrows furrowed as I only saw lights from few buildings or houses. 

I circled the center stone and felt the vibrations pulling me in.

I was back in that trance and I my hand came closer to touching the stone and in that moment I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

[ AN: WELCOME to my newest obsession: Stephen Bonnet from Outlander. Don't bully me, ok? I know he is kind a monster but HE'S SO FINE && I already read a fanfic of his sooo here I am creating my own. PLS don't hate me bc I have others on hold to pursue this one :// ALSO, I cringe at my attempts at a scottish accent for the characters, so cringe with me and enjoy lovelies. Share your feedback and OFC WATCH MF OUTLANDER !!!! SO good. ]

Lover of Mine • Stephen Bonnet AU [slow updates]Where stories live. Discover now