Chapter 1

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Scotland, 1768

My breathing was jagged as I walked down the grassy hill. It was now day light and not a single soul was around. "Fiona! Roger!" I called out as my eyes roamed my surroundings. Where the fuck was I? I turned back to look up at the stones, more greenery than before, but then again it was night when I last visited the stones or even the highlands.

I walked along a path that led me into a wooded area. "Holy fuck" I panted, I didn't recognize anything. I kept walking for what felt like an hour, when I noticed houses in the distance. I was unbelievably thirsty and I was sweating in this dress.

"What the fuck" I mumbled as I approached the village, I saw a young boy playing with a stick in the grassy area near one of the houses. "Excuse me? Hi..Lad, um where may I find the city" "city?" he questioned, looking at me puzzled, "Yes like a village?" I questioned and his eye brows perked up, "jus' furthr' down the road miss" he smiled and pointed, I thanked him and continued walking.

I stopped in my tracks when realization hit me. The village, the houses, the young boy. The fucking stones. Roger wasn't yapping because he was drunk. It was true, the stones transport people. It fucking sent me back in time to Scotland.

I roamed the small path as the road split into two directions. I followed the path to the right. My feet ached in my boots. I felt like I was going to pass out from dehydration. I certainly looked insane. I came across a big field of wheat. I groaned as I couldn't see anything over the tall field. I turned around and followed the path that went straight this time.


My mouth was dry and I was starting to get a headache. I kept trudging through the dirt road and I reached a busy village with views of a port and ocean. I needed to find food and water. I was smaller than the men going about their business. The horses that walked passed with their owners. I noticed some barrels with cloth piled on, I grabbed one and kept my pace turning the buildings corner. I moved it around to notice it was a cloak or jacket looking thing. I quickly put it on, adjusting its sleeves when I felt a slightly heavy weight in the pocket. I glanced down and in my hands was a small bag with coins. My eye widened and I quickly took some out and into the pocket, then I placed the bag into the top of my dress. I walked towards a tavern that looked to be a pub. I took a breath and pushed open the door.

There were men and women sitting and drinking or women sitting on the laps of men. I assume them to be prostitutes. My eyes roamed the room when I spotted a bar with a women behind it. I carefully walked towards the bar and asked for a drink, "that be two shillings my dear" the woman spoke and I handed her the coins. She placed the cup and a small roll of bread. I wasted no time in taking a bite. I was starving.

"Aye there lass, ye' hungry?" She questioned with a chuckle, I nodded my head, "I'm passing through, going home" I spoken, taking a drink from the cup. "Aye where ye' from then?" I paused before I spoke, I needed to be careful. I remember Fiona would tell me how they accused anyone of being a witch if there were good reasoning. "Ireland" I spoke and she nodded, "I ken ye' need to get on a ship dear" She looked at me, "der' sailors will be stoppin' by 'morrow, ye' ken?" It took me a minute to register what she said. I needed to get on a ship in tomorrow if I wanted to go "home". I nodded my head.

"Do you have an room I can sleep in until the sailors arrive?" Maybe, I could find my way back if I talk to one of these sailors. Someone here has to know how the fuck do I get back to my time. "Aye, it'll cost ye' 5 shillings, the owner 'tis a brute" She chuckled, I nodded my head and handed her the coins, then she walked me upstairs and to an empty room.


I made sure the door was locked and I placed a wooden chair under the door handle. I laid on my back and tried to go over everything that has happened since last night. I was too exhausted to continue with my thoughts as I turned by body and closed my eyes to sleep.


I was woken up by a knock at the door, "Aye dear, 'tis mornin' time for breakfast" Ms. Fritz spoke as I heard her footsteps going away from the door. I groaned and sat up. I adjusted my shift and placed my corset back on along with my skirt. My shoes were muddy and beaten through the hike I endured yesterday. I combed through my brown hair with my fingers and placed it back up in the bun, removing some pieces that framed my face.

I looked outside the window and saw two ships docked.

My heart rate increased as I walked down the steps.

The tavern was filled with more sailors today. My eyes scanned the room for anyone who looked so much as a captain.

My eyes landed on a man in a dark green coat and dark brown hair. I made my way towards him when my wrist was grabbed and I snapped my head towards an older gentleman with brown-gray hair. "Lass why don't ye' grab me a drink from Ms. Fritz" he smiled up at me, I yanked my hand away, "get it yourself" I snapped. His table laughed and as I was walking away, I felt a smack on my ass.

I gasped and was ready to smack him when a hand grabbed mine before I laid it on the jerk.

"Freya, dear com' help me" Ms Fritz pulled me aside.

She gave me sympathetic eyes. "Sorry lass, these men are brute at times". I huffed. "You could've let me give it to him once" I mumbled, "aye, that would bring nun but trouble" she tapped my shoulder, rushing away to the bar.


"I'm in need of passage to Ireland, I'll pay" I said to multiple sailors, none of them agreed to take me or were going the opposite way of where I needed to be.

I was feeling so distraught after walking around the dock.


It wasn't until I spotted a tall blonde man and decided to take my chances. I tapped his shoulder as I walked from behind him.

"I'm in need of passage to Ireland, I can pay" I spoken, keeping my confidence high.

"Aye and just how much can you give" the man spoke turning around, smirking at me. He looked me up and down. I covered myself with my cloak. "Ten shillings" "tweny' five" he smirked, I huffed, "make it fifteen and I'll throw in this cloak" I smirked back at him. He chuckled. 

"Fin' we set sails shortly" he said signaling an 'after you' with his hands.

"thank you captain.." I paused, "Captain Stephen Bonnet, sweethart" he smirked.

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[ AN: LET ME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK <3 hes so fine, I kinda wish he had a better season *CRY* ]

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