Fabula I

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Once upon a time, there lived a girl in a place far from where you and I reside.
This girl had met misfortune after misfortune throughout her life. Death, Injury, and Sickness alike all called her name. "Irene!" They'd shout. But because she had such a big hopeful heart, never did they ever drag her down.
She had no living relatives, Nor were townspeople fond of her. Yet still she walked with her head high.
However, She was very upset about this. Though she never let it show, it seeped out in trace amounts. In passing conversation, or perhaps some felt her aura. The girl who spread misfortune is what they nicknamed her.
Juno, The goddess of tricks and deals, saw great potential in this vessel for chaos. Thus, suggested a contract with the young woman.
"I wish to rid the world of its grief" she requested.
And so, the contract was made. Irene went on to spread chaos and make deals on Juno's behalf, in a blissfully ignorant ideal that she was doing wrong for right reasons.

After years of this pattern, she is lost once more, having someone very near to her leave a scar so deep, that what little hope she once had trickled out into the sea of madness. Swallowing her up whole, ambitions and all. "Grief is truly timeless, isn't it?" She asked to the sky.
She no longer had any tears left to cry, and all that was left was resentment for a life that had treated her all but kindly. She cursed Kronos, the God of Time for his cruel and punishing life. "If you're so good, then why have you forsaken me, Time? If you love your people so much, why must I ache over and over?" Irene shouted. A voice carried by the wind seemingly brushed her ears, "A life without choice is not a life of love." It spoke, but the girl made no sense of it at all.

Returning to Juno, she asked to alter her contract.
"It's a mutual agreement, of course you can alter it!" Juno declared happily. But her expression soon turned grim when Irene opened her mouth and let the words fall out. "I see now the error of my ways, for how long I have lived in blissful ignorance." She stated, her cloak hanging just low enough to cover her tear-stained face. "I want what you have. Your divine power."
The enmagiked document before the two lit up, its words changing as the young woman continued to speak.
"You, Goddess, Will someday reap what you sow. Your tricks and deception will inevitably lead to your demise, and by gods will I be the one to drag you from your silver throne."
The faint tinking of a gemstone being knocked at with all the intent to break it flooded the void. It seeped into every archipelago, their streets, villages, seas, and grand palaces.
"I want to take from this world what it has taken from me. I wish to finally be the monster that it made. And someday, I will watch not only this pitiful world burn—but every world that could have saved me; yet turned a blind eye to my suffering."
And just like that, Irene lost everything that'd made her human. Her new contract was fulfilled, and upon completion it tore itself apart, just as her physical body had done. Her charm expelled itself from her body, filling with the melancholy and wrath that had turned her heart and mind sour throughout the years. Too much, too much! The now fragile stone had become cracked, looking old and long dead. And with her final words spoken, the little rock had now shattered, giving birth to a monster completely unrecognizable. One that was there in a moment, and gone the next. No trace of the girl was left behind, only her cloak. Not even the fragmented pieces of her soul remained in the dark, endless, space.
Juno remained still, Shocked at what had become of one of her clients. A whirlwind of emotions took her by surprise. Perhaps because she'd truly cared about the girl? No. That couldn't be.
But now, any care was in vain, and for the universe to now see its wrongdoings was futile. As clear as day, and in the blink of an eye, a new goddess was born.

Eris, The Goddess of Torment.

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