Mama's day

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Hey guys, I am really sorry for updating this late. I just hope you will put a smile on my pretty face by liking and voting after reading.

Felicia's POV

'You should have called when you knew you wouldn't make it back home yesterday.You should have seen Ella's expression when she asked of you this morning.Edward,it's high time I stopped defending you each and every time,I'm starting to get fed up!'I shouted at him,still holding the phone to my ear using my left hand,while driving with my right.

'Sweetheart, I am sorry'.He replied at the other end.

'Here we are again, all you keep saying is 'sorry'.I don't need your 'sorry' anymore,just come home and be a good husband and better father to your children.Edward, is that too much to ask?'

'Not at all honey,you deserve better.I know I have not been treating the family well,I will try to do something about that.I am really sorry.'He replied remorsefully.

'Do what you've gotta do quick.I won't go on like this anymore',I replied with tears in my ears.

'I love you dear.I promise I will change'.

'Really?that's good to know.'I replied sarcastically,hanging up on him.

Driving into the parking lot of my office, I parked my car slowly.

'Don't tell me i have to come drag you out of that car,cos i've been watching you since you drove in'.I raised my head from the steering i had rested on for 5mins,still thinking about my husband's attitude,unconcious of my surrounding,when i heard my friend'Solape'who was leaning beside my car.

'Maybe'.I replied trying to fake a smile.

'Just come outside already.You wouldn't want to get queried by 'Toad' this morning'.

'Oh,of course not!'.Talking about 'Toad',he is my boss,and he really is an ass.I can never forget the day he got so angry,just because nobody took coffee to his office that morning. He came outside his office,screaming and barking.When his secretary tried to calm him down, he had hit him hard on his face,screaming his usual words at him'This is my office,nobody tells me what to do,I can do whatever i want,anytime, anywhere,anyday!',widening his eyes as if the eyeballs would fall off.Isn't he really a 'Toad'?

'So what's wrong,you look like someone who hasn't been sleeping for 20 years.Your eyes are swollen also'.Solape asked,looking worried.

'Oh,it's nothing.'

'You've gotta be kidding me.When did we start keeping things from each other? You better spit it out now or i blow it out of you'.She said jokingly. 'Solape',an African woman that has her own way of making you comfortable.

'Let's just talk about it during lunch'.I replied,wanting to open the door to the office before she pulled me back.

'You promise?'

'Of cos!'.Can i go now mum?,I said giving her the'just let me be'look.

'Okay hon'.She replied smirking.


'So what's up baby doll?'

'What the hell?..Since we started work,she has been asking me same question, she won't just leave me the hell alone.What have i done to deserve this adamant friend?'

I was lost in my thought when I heard another question from her.

'What's wrong for goodness' sake?'

'Just let me finish this food,will you?'I asked feeling frustrated.

'I am not gonna leave you alone,till you tell me why you've been moody since morning'.

'Okay.It's nothing to worry about,it's just about the family.'I replied, my expression changing from frustrated to sad.

'What's wrong with the family?'

Help me mother of God,she just wouldn't stop with her 'who wanna be a millionaire'questions.

'It's my husband.I think he doesn't care about us anymore'.I replied clenching my jaw.

'I am really sorry about that dear but how?'

'Oh,For the love of God!.Is she this stupid? She couldn't even figure it out already'.I thought annoyingly.

'He just doesn't come home again as before, not making his family happy'.I expatiated,not wanting her to continue her numerous questions.

'Oh,I understand now.Why don't you just talk to him dear?'

'I have done that countless times Solape,all he keeps saying is sorry'.I replied looking to my friend's eyes, like I am searching for my promiseland.

'Maybe he is just too occupied then'.

'Occupied he wouldn't even care about the feeling of his family?Occupied he doesn't care about me?Is that what you're trying to say?'I barked at her angrily,earning me stares from co-workers in the restaurant.

'I am sorry if that came out wrong dear,didn't mean to upset you'.She said trying to calm me down.

Realizing what i've done,I looked at her with pleading eyes and murmured'I am sorry i shouted at you'.

'Don't be sorry dear,I know you just want to let out your pains'.

'I am tired of living like this,I just want to be happy.Is that too much to ask?'I asked fixing my gaze on the table,as if waiting for it to reply me.

'It's gonna be fine dear, we will find a way'.She said rubbing her thumb on the back of my hand.

'I hope so dear'.I replied wiping the tears that had slipped down my face.

'I can't take this anymore, I can't afford to see my friend crying,what should I do now?where should I go?Better still,should I buy her ice cream?'she said faking a cry.

'You're so out of your mind.I think i would like ice cream' I said,holding my stomach for laughing so hard.

'Ice cream sellers are off duty,what will I do now?'she replied still faking a cry,at the same time sticking out her tongue.

'Just shut up and let's go'.I replied still laughing.

'She is always like this,I think I won't be able to do without her, though she can be so annoying atimes' I thought.

'What?Annoying?'She asked with her mouth wide open,looking as if she would kill me anytime from now.

'Omg! Did i say that aloud?'I thought covering my mouth with my hand.

'You're so dead!'She said taking a knife and moving towards me.

She is going to kill me anytime soon!

If you think it's still short,I apologize.I have been ill for some days now.I just managed to update this.Don't forget to comment and vote after reading tho.fnks a bunch!

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