Chapter one

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Cold alleys, dark corners, shovels, dirt, burnt flesh, and blood. The bloodcurdling trauma I've endured to bring me to this point. The countless bodies I've buried that were for once no fault of my own, but those who looked after me. The cruel "family" my "mother" sent me too. After her little cuck of a boyfriend set me ablaze. Burnt me. Charred my once soft flesh and left me for dead in an alleyway. I was a child. No more than 13? Maybe 12? I'm not sure. I never went to school. I can't spell read or do any maths. This family took me in. I was the "runt" they didn't expect me to live. I did, Im here now ain't I? They made me burry the bodies of the poor bastards that didn't make it. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, I was constantly worked. Like their fucking tool. Well I'll tell you this now. I'm not nobody's fuckin tool.  And they found that out right away. Nobody. Fucks. With. Me. Eventually they all get their karma. Their dues get paid and their bandwagon slows to a stop. I put their whole operation to stop. No more sending kids to die. I killed em, I made it so nobody else had to suffer at their hands. I was on my own. A small teenager covered in bandages and blood roaming backroads with a kitchen knife. There was a car just parked on the side of the road, I thought " we'll Ive killed two why not make it a third so I have a place to sleep." And so I did, I gutted that blonde headed bimbo right on the hood of her own car. I was covered, drenched even, in blood. My bandages shirt and pants were soaked, but at least I had a place to sleep for the night. I awoke to the sound of taps on the car window. It was an old man. "Jeez" I thought to myself, "how many people have that big of a death wish?!". I turned to see an old man with visible concern on his face " I can smell blood, is everyone alright?" He sounded concerned. I didn't care, he clearly couldn't see as he just stepped right in the lady's brain matter. I opened the door. " yea everything's fine." I said to the old blind man, " just felt like killin so that's what I did." The man raised an eyebrow. " why don't you come with me." He said, and so I did, I never knew his name, he was mugged and killed shortly after taking me in. He was the first person to care about me. He made sure I ate and didn't have to dig through the trash just for food. I was...grateful?  At least while I had him around. I left shortly after he died, he left me one thing. His hunting knife. The day he didn't come back I went out in search for him, knife in tow, untill I found him in a ditch and a group of smug looking teenagers digging through his wallet a couple yards away and over a hill. I was angry, actually angry was an understatement, I was beyond livid, these chumps took away the only person to care for me over two nickels? It doesn't seem worth it to me. So I did what anyone would do. I got revenge. Stabbed the girl right infront of her boyfriend right before killing him, it wasn't quick or painless, they felt every moment. Just like I felt every moment of being on fire, every beating, every hunger cramp, blister and bruse. The old man made sure I felt none of that while I was with him fresh bandaids, soups, water he made sure I had basic necessities. I wasn't gonna allow a group of fuckups to take that from me without consequences. Killed em both, sat and listened to their screams and gurgles. The next kill I had was this group of drunk guys in an alley. This guy thought he was all that, stumbling into down the alley with his little group of friends clutching a bottle concealed by a brown paper bag. He rammed into me. Yelled at me for "being in his way" you couldn't tell if this guy even knew where he was. He looked at me called me a pipsqeak and lunged. I stabbed him. Right in the stomach. His buddies looked in horror and tried to run, they weren't fast enough. "Ya know"I thought to myself "im gettin pretty good at this". I hadn't been caught yet. I kept on killing. Kept stealing running and overall just getting fucked in the ass by life. But it was what I had to do to survive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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