Chapter 1

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I was playing on my computer and this add keeps popping up called, Create, at first I thought it would be dumb, but then I got to thinking, maybe this could be fun, to create a new thing for me. So I clicked it and I downloaded it to my computer and started playing. I created an avatar and then I waited. Then it happened, I got a request to 'chat' with this guy. I thought he was cute, we talked about music, movies, animals and anything we could think of, that's then it happened, my whole life changed.

"Can I be honest with you?" He asked me.

I answered, "Of course you can."

He replied, "I'm really a girl."

I was a little stunned, but I wrote, "That's alright."

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely. To me it doesn't matter if your a boy or a girl, I'll still talk to you." I replied.

She seemed happy because she changed her avatar and I liked her even more. After she told me she really was a girl, that made everything ten times better. I'm bisexual if you can't tell, and so was she. We kept walking on the game and then she asked if we could start Skypeing, I told her yes of course and we started Skypeing from then after I gave her my name on it and she added me on hers. When I saw her picture, I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the whole wide world. She had mesmerizing brown eyes, long black hair, a beautiful body to go with it and an amazing personality to boot. As we messaged back and forth I just kept falling more and more in love with her, but I didn't want to tell her right away because I knew it wasn't the right time just yet so I just waited for the right time to tell her, but that will be later on.

She asked me a question, "Do you think I could hear your voice yet?"

I answered, "Of course, no one is home so why don't you call me now and we can talk."

She replied, "I have a friend over, would it be ok if she talked with us too?"

"Of course, I'd love to talk with your friends as well."

She then called me and all three of us talked about movies, music and what our favorite colors were, favorite foods, and a bunch of other things that we thought would be fun to talk about. He friend was awesome as well, I couldn't wait to actually meet them both and the rest of her friends, but as the time flew by, I knew I had to go to bed and go to school in the morning, so I told her.

"Sweetheart, I have to go. I need a good nights sleep for school in the morning."

"Ok that's fine. Talk tomorrow?"

"Of course. Night girls."

"Good night." They replied.

I got off the computer and layed in my bed, thinking about her. She was all I could think about all night long and into the morning, I knew she was going to change my life.

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