The Next Day and Forward

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It was early morning and you awoke with a weird feeling in your stomach.

A day before, your terminally ill husband Tommy left with the Cobra guys to enjoy their final rendezvous together. You were more than supportive of that because it's the best way to have their last ride together in the little time he has left, more comfortable than spending it in the hospital which smells strongly of products that keep it overly sterilized and constant sounds of machines that they had Tommy hooked up to.

You told Bobby and Jimmy that he has a day left and they agreed to bust him out of the hospital to do what they enjoyed doing together, along with Johnny. Only one missing is Dutch, as he's serving time in Lompoc. You hated that he couldn't be there for his old buddy during his final time. You blamed their former sensei for instilling his so-called philosophy that only got them in trouble with the real world, and in Dutch's case, incarcerated as a result from driving a golf cart into a pool, although it's not really a big surprise as he's volatile and abusive. Even so, if John Kreese never existed or even never mentored them, maybe Dutch would've been a little more easy-going.

Before he left, he gave you the biggest hug and you embraced it with all your heart and emotions, knowing it'll be your last time, wishing that you could be in that moment forever. You told him how much you love him, with him sharing the sentiment. After a kiss goodbye, you watched him walk off with his friends. Once he's out of sight, you gathered your stuff and called your best friend Ali, telling her you'll be spending the night at her house, to which she happily agreed. You made sure the guys knew that so they'd know where to reach you.

Ali knew about Tommy's cancer and so, she's willing to be there for you during your delicate time. She understands how emotional it is, having lost her grandmother to the same disease some years back.

You got up from the guest bed to grab a bite of some vegan bread, not having much appetite for a full breakfast meal.

"Good morning, Y/N," you heard Ali said. You turned to her standing there, smiling warmly at you.

"Morning. Didn't even hear you come down," you replied, feeling a bit sad.

"How are you feeling," she asked as she pulled out a pan from the cabinet, getting ready to make some eggs. You shrugged, not giving her a verbal answer.

Before Ali could respond, you heard a knock on the door, startling you. Ever since Tommy was diagnosed, you've been feeling on edge. Particularly this morning since you woke up.

You looked at Ali before warily walking to the front door and after a quick hesitation, you opened it to see only three former Cobra Kai guys, when there should've been four. They had a solemn expression on their faces.

That's when it hits you.

Tommy is dead.

Your lower lips quivered, struggling to words out. Almost as if gasping for air, you said ever so quietly, "W-where is he?"

"At the morgue," Bobby replied and you can hear the sad tone in his voice. You felt your whole world falling apart as he said that. By this point, Ali had approached the group and she gasped at Bobby's response.

"You can come in," she said, ushering the men in while escorting you to the couch. You slowly sat down, feeling a pang of confusion and denial. You knew he didn't have much time, yet you refused to believe the fact that your husband is gone.

As the guys settled in, with Jimmy sitting down on the ottoman, Bobby on the other side of the couch with Johnny standing, the pastor spoke up.

"I-I'm really sorry for your loss." You looked at him and nodded. Upon taking a second look at him, you can tell he had been crying. In fact, they all had been.

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