chapter 1

4 2 1

Explosions. Fire. Screaming.

Elizabeth dashed frantically across the rocky highway, her breath ragged and bloody. In the distance, she could clearly hear the prompt clicking of footsteps of several people running after her, but the thumping in her chest seemed louder.

She couldn't let them capture her. Not now, after she'd learned so much. It was a war in her mind and body to decide which side.

Some moments, she felt the hot hate coursing through her veins, and sometimes... She wanted to join them. She even craved it....but how?

Her legs and feet were soaring with adrenaline. Elizabeth knew that the people following her would soon catch up. Ironically, as she thought about this, a pair of hands snatched her from behind, making her choke briefly. She was lifted quite high into the air, and several fresh, cool tears sprang from her eyes.

She could vaguely make out the long nails on the surprisingly slender and smooth hand that was holding her. It was so unlike a stereotypical mugger on the streets. But then again, she was dealing with bigger people.

In the same position as a bait on a hook, Elizabeth squirmed and tried to position herself to see the figure holding her. As they held her by the collar, raised up above them, Elizabeth noticed that the people surrounding them all had an intricate white symbol on the back of their jet-black hoods, as well as on their shoulders. It was small, but grabbed her attention enough for her to notice its actual intricacy. Sewn on carefully, it seemed to be the image of an hourglass. All the sand was at the bottom, except for one tiny grain barely visible to the naked eye. As Elizabeth gasped for breath, she noticed that the figure clutching her was whispering. 

The 16 year old did not recognize the strange language coming out of their tongue. It was hushed, frantic, and endless. Behind them, the crowd of people were in a circle around them humming a slow song of some sort, and the sound rebounded back and forth. She scanned the hoods, looking for any indication of faces behind them. 

Suddenly, her eyes met 2 bright, ocean-blue ones. This person didn't have their cloak hood on, so she could see their earthy almond skin tone, and short wavy raven-black hair, opposite to Elizabeth's light brown locks. They seemed to be a bit older than her, and a long and pale scar stretched down the side of their face. Unlike the other people, they intentionally looked straight at her. Besides the whispers, all was silent until the figure drew a short cylinder-like shape from their pocket. Its wires glowed electric blue as it activated.

 Through the shadows, Elizabeth feared it was something far worse than reality. The blue eyed individual's eyes shown as the figure pulled their cloaked arm back, stabbing the points on the cylinder into Elizabeth's stomach. As the object touched her skin, waves of shock vibrated through her, and she let out scream. The girl quickly clutched the part that was impacted, but she felt her eyelids gain weight, and they started to close. But just as she lay motionless she watched the people depart. One pair of feet stopped. 

She tilted her head to see the same person with the scar. They stared, searching for something within her. The boy parted the ways of his cloak, taking out a flat, metal item, barely visible in the dark. He slid on a heavy mask onto her face. It seemed to clutch to her skin, as if it was supposed to be a permanent accessory. He twisted a knob on the side of it, and something in Elizabeth seemed to change. Calm words that didn't seem like hers rose from her lips. 

"See you soon." A glint showed in their eyes as they stood up, shoes clicking promptly as they left.

Elizabeth woke up with a jolt, and a short sudden gasp.

She blinked in confusion a few more times, realising it was a nightmare. She was more than glad for that. She rubbed her eyes, wishing she could stop the beads of sweat running down her neck, soaking her pyjama-tee. Through her window, she could see the sun rising and cracking through the darkness of the night. It was still early, but wiping her face with a sleeve and breathing slowly, she staggered into her bathroom and got ready for school. After recuperating herself, she walked down the stairs, carrying her backpack filled with the assortment of items she insisted were necessary for school. Her pomeranian, Xavier Junior, started a yapping frenzy and made circles around Elizabeth's legs, making it very hard for her to walk into the kitchen. 

"Good morning, baby." Elizabeth cooed. Xavier Junior, who the family had gotten a year ago, made any morning worth waking up. Her agitated and hyper behaviour, despite it being early in the morning, made the house lively. As soon as she escaped the puppy, she entered the large kitchen finding her mother there, sipping a coffee. Annie Yang, Elizabeth's mother, greeted her. Elizabeth noticed the light brushes of makeup on her eyelids, and her softly curled hair that floated airily on her shoulders, indicating she most certainly was off to work. She gestured to the iced lemon water and croissant awaiting her. It was a treat when she got such a delicious breakfast, and it was a Friday tradition of theirs. Elizabeth sat at the countertop beside her mother. She and her sister came from a European-Asian mix. Her mother was English and her father was Mandarin. As Elizabeth sipped her drink, she sketched the figure in her dream on a thick piece of sketchbook paper. When she finished, she noticed that she had also included a small stitching under the cloak, reading the number 2, and the word "male" beside it. She hadn't intended to, but when drawing, Elizabeth intended to let her hand work it out. Beside her, Elizabeth's mother stood up, but paused as she noticed her daughter's sketch. 

"Who's that?" 

 "Ahh... Just somebody I thought up." 

"He looks...interesting." Mrs. Yang tilted her head thoughtfully. "Your art style is getting better." Elizabeth's mother made it a point to notice her daughters' hobbies and pastimes.

 "Thanks, mom." Elizabeth replied, smiling. "I need to go, okay dear? I love you." 

"I love you too." 

Elizabeth remained seated as her mom grabbed her bags and clicked the door shut. Liz finished eating her croissant, brushed her teeth, closed her notebook, and climbed the stairs to wake her sister. As she reached her bedroom though, she noticed Laurie's bed was neatly made, no crinkles whatsoever. As she turned around, a small face came into view. It was Laurie. Today, the 10 year old had clipped sparkly, rainbow pins on the side of her dark brown bangs (the hair colour she inherited from her father), and her collared top was much more vivid today, indicating her happier mood.

"Good morning, Lizzie." said Laurie, tone and expression composed.

"Oh, hey!" replied Elizabeth, not quite matching Laurie's mood the way she wanted to.

Elizabeth and Laurie were, unlike most sisters, quite alike despite the 6 year age gap. Most qualities were similar, though Laurie was much more shy, and she particularly wore "studious" as well as tailored outfit. Both of them spent their days reading, studying and hanging out with well loved friends. 

"Why don't you just grab a croissant, and we can leave?" Laurie asked."I've already eaten and brushed my teeth, so we can go if you're ready." 

"If you say so." 

Elizabeth was more than used to the timbre Laurie used in her voice, and though it at first bothered her, it had simply become routine, and she had learned to let her sister be herself. As the sisters walked down together, Elizabeth snatched her keys, and they pulled on their jean jackets, with Liz also putting on her new beige green Converse, which she and her friends all agreed that it was perfect now that summer was here. As they reached the place they had to part ways, the girls bid goodbye to each other. Laurie started to her bus stop, and Liz to hers. She didn't wait for long until her bus came. As she clambered on, she gave the bus driver a warm "good morning" as always, and found her usual spot, right beside her best friend, Kailani. Kailani was of Hawaiian origin, but she was born in America in the same town as Liz. At a young age, the girls quickly bonded, making sure that when they graduated, they attended the same high-school together. 

"Hey, girly!" Kailani said, tossing her short, choppy dark brown hair. 

 "What's up?"

 "Hi, Lani. Not much..I had an interesting dream last night. "

 "What was it about?" Lani asked, curious

"I'll tell, and show, you later." Liz replied simply.

As she reopened her notebook to continue drawing, the most disturbing thing occurred. Elizabeth found a small note tucked inside, which fluttered oddly onto her lap, a peek of cursive writing showing. Though she assumed her parents had written another cheesy lovey note, or she forgot about a reminder she gave herself. Much to her horror, it was nothing of the sort. Her face paled, and heart began racing as fast as it possibly could. She tried to calm herself, insisting that it was nothing. Trembling, she read the sentence. 

I'm back. Meet me behind the school, at 12:00. TELL NO ONE. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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