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(TW: THIS CHAPTER HOLDS A LOT OF HEAVY TOPICS. Please go back and read the disclaimer in the first chapter. 0)


That night that I fell asleep in her arms, that night Mizu went to go speak with Teigen. I pulled myself from under the covers, and packed a bag. I left.

I can't say that I didn't look back. But I had a mission, I always have, before I'd ever met Mizu I'd had a mission. One that was much bigger then me or her.

I truly think I've fallen for that women. She's amazing, she's beautiful, down to her face, hair, and her vengeance, anger, her soul. She was beautiful. I can't let her get caught in the crossfire, not like Tora did.

Years earlier,

before Izumi gained her blades.

A light knock on the door made me jump out of my trance, the door opened and Tora walked in. She had on a warm smile and a basket in hand.

My hands sat limply at my side, as I was dressed by one of the "servants" into a robe. My hair fell over my bare skin messily. My eyes stared into the bare wall with anger, I feel empty, so fucking empty, but somehow full, like I've been stuffed with cotton. I feel so heavy. My body hurts. I can't sleep but I'm always exhausted.

Every part of my being feels dirty, in a way that I can't wash away. The light bruises cling onto my pale skin like I've been branded.

That day in the snow, it ruined me.

"Izumi" I look over at Tora, she's weakly smiling back at me. her black hair is put up into a tight bun, her skin looks darker then mine, she's covered in darker dots. She's been by my side since I've moved to the palace.

"I'm going to clean you, okay?" She asked me, holding up the wet cloth. I nodded weakly. She did exactly that she wiped me down the best she could. The warm cloth brushed against my skin, it felt like I was being confronted by her. Her gentle hands, how cautious she was with her movements, all to make sure I was okay.

"I'll bring over some food and tea, okay?" She perked up after dressing me. "No, I'm alright" I shook my head. She looked back at me with a pained smile. "I'll be back in a short moment." She ignored me and left.

The light shining in as she opened the door, and disappearing just as quickly as she left. I hadn't been out in what felt like forever. I hadn't felt the sun against my skin, hadn't walked through the grass, hadn't played.

I miss trailing up the hill with my siblings for water, I miss Ryo's singing, Rina's attitude, my mother's laughter, Shiro's giggles. I miss it all.

The door opened again, Tora walked in with a tray in hand. She sit in down on the short table in front of me. I looked down at it in shame. It looked good, an assortment for meat, vegetables, and fruit. Tea sat next to in a pot.

I turned away my heart filled with guilt. "Izumi, please. If not for you, for the baby." Tora pleaded. I looked back at her with a sigh.

It's only been a few months, I'm not even showing. It feels like I'm being used as an oven, like I'm some vessel for a kid who might become a monster like it's father. But somehow I do care, I care for what it might look like, what it's first words are, if it might learn to walk, run, or even sing.

"Fine. But use that on me again, I'll make you pay" I scoff and grab a spoon. "I'm sure you will" Tora chuckles. Her voice, her laugh, they bring a light smile to my face. "Are you doubting me?" I ask with a grin, as I slip the spoon into my mouth.

"Oh never, I'd be punished!" She jokes, sending me a wink. "Oh, shut up" I roll my eyes and wave her off. Tora is quite literally one of the only women I see constantly. Especially since Takayoshi doesn't like people seeing me, since I'm different.

Tora shows up at dawn, and always shows up with a basket. Some times she sneaks me treats, like candy, or street food that isn't in the palace.

After I ate, me and Tora played Shogi and talked. She told me about all the things she had done that day, and the gossip that was going around the grounds. I told her about the book.

She began to do my hair, she said that I had the longest hair she'd ever seen. Tora loved my hair, she told me that she could sit for hours and play with it. She didn't judge me for the way I looked, she rarely even brought it up, it's like it didn't matter.

The brush finally went through my hair smoothly. Tora leaned forward from behind, placing her head against my shoulder. "Are you feeling alright?" Her voice rang through softly.

"With you here, yes." I whispered, looking over at her. Her worried gaze met mine. Her skin glimmered in the candle light. "Izumi-" I cut her off my leaning in and pressing my lips against hers.

After a moment she pulled away. "You seriously need to stop doing that when I'm talking." She told me sternly. I smiled and nodded. "I promise Tora, I'm fine" I'm not letting that pig ruin my day. If I broke down every time a man laid his hands on me without permission, I'd be a pile of parts.

I slipped my kimono off and grinned. "Now, are you just going to ask me questions all night, or?" Tora scoffed as she chuckled. "Your unbelievable." She whispered as she leaned forward.

"Uh-huh" I smiled against her lips.

The next day I woke up with Tora gone. It didn't take me by surprise, she had other duty's to tend to. I read to pass the time, sang, drew, studied. But when the time came for Tora to show up at dawn she wasn't there. I bit my tongue when I realised. I'm going to give her a mouth full when she shows up.

She's been late before. So it's not something I'm not used to, but it still bugs me. I finished an entire novel on birds, and slammed it shut out of frustration. Where the the hell is she?

She's hours late. Suddenly three knocks made me sit up and turn my head away from the door. I'm going to make sure she knows I'm annoyed. I'm obviously not going to give her that hard of a time, but messing with her is fun.

The door slid open and I sighed. "Your late" I looked back, my eyes changed from annoyance to confusion. A girl I've never met stood there carrying that same basket that Tora brought in everyday. My brow raised in confusion.

I stood up quickly. "You shouldn't be in here." I state sternly. "Sorry ma'am, the prince has appointed me as your servant from now on." She was soft spoken, and young, extremely young. Was she taken from her parents?

"Where's Tora?" My brow raised. "I'm sorry, I don't know." My feet drove me forward. "No. You tell him NO!" I shouted angrily. She looked terrified, and I felt like the angry Witch they called me. "I'm sorry-" she apologised with wide eyes.

"Get out." The tears in my eyes began to well up. "Leave the basket, and Get Out! The child set the basket down quickly and rushed out. I got on my knees holding back my tears and opening the basket up frustrated.

How could this happen? How could he do this? How could she leave me without warning? How? I ripped open the basket angrily, but suddenly my anger disappeared, replaced by fear.

There sat Tora's severed head. Her hair a cut up mess, her blood fresh.

I fell back in shock, my hands covering my mouth, a blood curdling scream escaped my lips as tears streamed down my face. My heart pounded in my chest, the world around me blurred into a nightmare.

Between my heavy breaths and the sound of my sobs, I look down and noticed the blood between my legs. Guards rushed in, servants followed after.

In that moment I knew, every man who did this to me, he was going to pay.


And the plot has thickened 🥰

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