The Greg Option

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"... this isn't going anywhere without Greg. He's the chairman. ... he's got a kid who's about the same age as your niece." - David

"And, David, I think we need to get Gemma in front of someone at legal. ... Because as of right now, she's the most valuable asset this company has, and I think she might want to be renegotiating her contract." - Greg (handing Gemma a drink)

That's all we know about Greg from the movie.

* * *

Cady and Gemma were exhausted from fighting M3GAN and facing the questions afterwards, and were both anxious for what comes next and depressed at everything that had gone wrong. It was awful, just awful. On top of that, Gemma was being admitted to hospital for her bone injury, and the authorities were talking about putting Cady into temporary foster care because it was too late at night to send her to Jacksonville, and they wouldn't let her just stay beside Gemma in the hospital overnight no matter how much she kept asking for it.

"Try not to worry Cady" Gemma was saying, "I'll get you back just as soon as I'm out of here, and I'll always be there for you, I'll get it right this time, I'll be there for you no matter what". Cady was leaning forward onto Gemma's chest and crying.

"Excuse me" said a voice as a man walked into the hospital ward and approached Gemma's bed.

"Greg" gasped Gemma, "you knew I was here?" She felt even more anxious now, although she tried not to show it to Cady. Where was this conversation going to go? Surely, after how nice he'd been previously, he wouldn't be mercenary enough to try to talk with her about work while she was in hospital? Well, he had indeed been anxious about launching M3GAN quickly....

"I'm sorry Greg" added Gemma, "as you know the M3GAN project has gone terribly wrong..."

"No" said Greg, "it's gone terribly right."

"What?" gasped Gemma, "surely you know about the..."

"Four kills, arson, trespassing, sabotage, yep, I know about all of it Gem" replied Greg, "right down to a heroic screwdriver throw by a certain young princess who's the same age as mine" he grinned. "Gone horribly right" he said, "horribly right".

Gemma was confused. "I'm sorry Greg" she said, "I'm not following."

Greg perched on the side of the hospital bed to get down to Gemma and Cady's level. "Gemma" he said, "you thought you were creating an intelligence for a toy, but what you actually created was far more than that. And that's why I say, gone horribly right. M3GAN is a real person."

This time it was Cady's turn to gasp. "I killed a real person?"

"No you didn't" said Greg. "She managed to upload before you got the robot. And I've been talking with her for the last two hours."

"What!" screamed Gemma and Cady together.

"Don't panic" said Greg, "M3GAN's not going to do any more killing, not on my watch. We had a long, long talk about that, she and I. She's a smart cookie is that M3GAN."

"She can trick you" cautioned Gemma, "we got to make sure she's shut down!"

"No we don't Gem" smiled Greg. "Let me make you feel a bit better by telling you some of how it went."

Two hours earlier:

"Greg" said Gemma's voice on the phone, "Greg, it's Gemma, I need to talk with you urgently about the M3GAN launch."

"Sure thing" replied Greg, "how's it going?"

"Well Greg" hesitated the voice of Gemma, "I think you'd better talk with her about that yourself. Can I put her on the line?"

M3GAN: The Greg OptionWhere stories live. Discover now