Let's Make A Band

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It started as just a way to win karaoke night.

Jake's country twang could make anyone weak at the knees; Natasha had four years of school choir experience under her belt; Bradley's piano-playing that night at the Hard Deck was its own proof; Micky and Javy were both in Glee club; Bob had a surprisingly strong tenor voice after a few lessons; and Reuben's falsetto could bring anyone to shame.

One night after they had gone on, someone in the audience had yelled, "When's the album coming out?"

Everyone else had laughed it off, but it stuck with Bradley. He started doing some research between training and nights at the Hard Deck, slowly learning all he could about forming a band and making music.

Soon, he was convinced they could make it big as a band, and he told them as much one late night at the Hard Deck. The others, however, weren't as optimistic.

"C'mon Rooster, none of us can even write music! How are we going to form a band?" Jake scoffed, taking a swig of his beer.

Javy snickered, nudging him in the side with his pool stick. "We could be an a cappella group!"

Jake grimaced, "No way in Hell!"

The two broke down in laughter.

"Seriously, guys." Bradley called over them.

Natasha pointed a finger at Javy "Weren't you in an a cappella group?"

Javy stopped laughing, mumbling something about, "It was high school."

Bob spoke up from his seat on the other side of the pool table. "We don't exactly have loads of free time anyway, Rooster."

"He's gotcha' there Bradley." Micky muttered quietly in concentration, bent over the pool table. He took his shot but none of the balls went into the pockets. "No!"

Natasha clicked her tongue at him. "There's still time to back out, y'know."

He gave her a look like she was crazy. "And give you the satisfaction? No way!"

Natasha shrugged before leaning down to line up her shot, voicing her opinion to Bradley as she did.

"And by the way Bradshaw, I don't think me and Bagman in a band together would end well."

She took her shot, and three balls go in the pocket. She stood back straight and leant against her stick, sending a smug smile in Micky's direction, who let out a string of curses.

"Yeah, plus I see you guys enough as it is." Reuben said, gesturing with his beer to all four of them.

Bradley sighed; this wasn't going to be easy.

"Guys, guys c'mon!" He waited till they all calmed down, then started his pitch. "Okay okay, so it won't be perfect. We won't have much time to practice, we'll have to sing songs by other artists and there'll probably be lots of bickering between all of us-"

"You're not really helping your case here Rooster." Jake laughed.

Bradley ignored him, looking around at the others. "But all of that already happens with karaoke. We only have a few hours every week to learn the songs and they're all covers, and you two," he points between Jake and Natasha. "already bicker like crazy. So, what's the difference wether it's for karaoke night or for a band?"

The six pilots don't say anything back, looking between each other with shrugs and half-nods.

After a few seconds, Natasha spoke up. "Well, guess you got a point Roo."

She set the pool ball stick on the table, earning protests from Micky about not finishing the game, and moved to stand next to him.

"And, I always have wanted to be in a band." She nudged his shoulder with hers with a smirk. "I'm in."

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