Chapter 2

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Denver colorado 2023 ( 20 years later )
( There was a blonde girl in her bedroom looking for something to wear to the party.)
Ella: What to where? What To Were? Dammit.
Rosie: You need any help?
Ella: Mom what are you doing here?
( She turned around and saw that her mom was right behind her.)
Rosie: I was getting ready to go get more stuff for the movie night and I heard you talking to yourself.
Ella: Yeah I have no idea what to wear to the party.
( Her mom went into her closet and picked out one of her black tank tops with ripped jeans, & white sneakers.)
Rosie: Here you go you would look great in this sweetie.
( Ella hugged her mom and smiled)
Ella: Thanks Mom you are the best.
Rosie: You're welcome so now that over with this party be safe.
Ella: Mom I'm not going to have sex.
Rosie: I meant don't get hurt.
Ella: Oh that too.
( Her was going to say something but Ella's phone ding that she got a text.)
Jody: ( Hey girl I'm here outside waiting for you )
Ella: ( Okay I'm coming down right now)
( She looked back at her mom with a smile.)
Ella: Jody is here for me
Rosie: Okay let's go before I change my mind.
( They walked downstairs and when they opened the door Ella's best friend in the whole world was waiting for her.)
Jody: Finally I almost left your sorry ass.
( The mother and daughter duo laughed and Ella hugged her.)
Ella: Sorry Jo I didn't know what to wear.
( She looked at Ella's outfit up and down.)
Jody: What do you mean your outfit is fine?
( Rosie just smiled at that comment.)
Rosie: That's because I picked out that outfit.
Jody: Makes sense you have a better fashion sense than her.
( Ella gives her friend an offensive look.)
Ella: Hey I have good taste in clothes.
Rosie, & Jody: Sometimes.
( And while they were laughing Ella just looked at them)
Ella: Don't we have a party to go to?
( They stop laughing)
Jody: Yeah let's go.
Rosie: By girls.
Jody, & Ella: Bye Ms. Stevens/ Bye Mom.)
( They left the house and when they started walking they linked their arms.)
Jody: Okay El your mom is the best.
Ella: I know Jo I don't know what I would do without her.
( Everybody was now dancing at the snack table or making out while Ella was just on his phone looking at YouTube.)
Jody: Oh fuck no get off your fucking phone and have fun.
Ella: And how is that?
( Jody was looking around and she found a really cute boy who was around their age.)
Jody: Hey Max this is my friend Ella She was wondering if you want to dance with her?
Max: Shure.
Ella: I don't think that is a good idea.
Jody: Yes it is having fun is good.
( Ella grabs the boy's hand and starts to dance.)
Max: How are you doing?
Ella: Good you?
Max: Good.
( Rosie was driving her way back home and she saw that her house was open.)
Rosie: what the hell I Thought I locked the door when I left.
( now she was so confused if she shut the door.)
Rosie: I did shut the door and locked it right?
( She got out of her car and walked into the house and when she got there it was trashed.)
Rosie: What the fuck is happening?
( She walked into the kitchen and every cabinet was open.)
Rosie: Okay what is going on here?
( She was looking around the kitchen to see if anything else looked out of place.)
Rosie: Okay everything else in the kitchen is fine.
( After she got out of the kitchen she went upstairs and saw everything was tipped over.)
Rosie: Okay what is going on here?
( She was going to walk again but her phone rang and it was an unknown number)
Unknown ( Hello Rosie.)
Rosie (Hello do I know you?$
Unknown ( No you don't but you will be)
and Rosie: (Were you the one that broke into my house and trashed everything)
Unknown: (Indeed girly)
Rosie: ( Okay who the fuck do you think you are and what do you want?)
Unknown: (Revenge.)
( The guy hangs up the phone and after he has hung up on her she hears a crash.)
Rosie: Hello?
( And back at the party Ella was dancing with Jody and some other kids from school.)
Jody: Are you having fun now El?
Ella: Yeah I am.
( And then She went to the outside campfire making smores with Max.)
Max: I had fun with you tonight Ella.
Ella: I did to Max.
Max: Do you know what would make it even more fun?
( He leans into her for a kiss and she is about to kiss back but is interrupted by Jody.)
Jody: Ella We have to go!
( Ella looked at her best friends and saw a worried look.)
Ella: What's wrong?
Jody: It is your mom she tried to call you 20 times and got 10 messages.
( She looked at her phone and saw she was right.)
Ella: Oh shit.
Jody: We got to go.
( they ran all the way there and when they got there the door was open.)
Jody: Why is your door open?
Ella: I don't know.
( When they walked in they saw the place.)
Ella: Mom, Mom!
( They walked up the stairs and she saw her mom dead on the floor.)
Ella, & Jody: Mom/ Ms. S. No!
( They went downstairs and called the police but they didn't see the person watching them.)

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