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Unknown POV.

"Class, there will be a new student joining us from today onward.On your 3rd years and the days forward. Please introduce yourself." The teacher said as a girl entered the room. "Please take care of me..."

3 Years Later

"Hey! Have we met before?" ......

The girl laughs with a nervous smile "what makes you think that? I don't recall—-"

"Don't lie to me! I.. I! I never once doubted my instincts, never ever before!"

"Then perhaps your instincts might have mistaken"

"There's no way, if you're really saying such thing like that then- why?..................

......why does my heart hurt when i think of you!?" The boy's right hand tightens his grip around his chest and looks at the bewilded girl with a sharp look in the eye.

"Tell me, why is it like when i look at you, i feel a huge part of my heart missing? Why do i feel like something's missing?"

"When i look at you, why do i feel loneliness? Why is it that somehow i have this urge to be with you? After all my investigating, why is it that all my conclusions lead to a dark void? Tell me, why do i feel like this when i'm.. around you..?"

"Hey... answer me..."

"I don't want to lose you anymore......"

Amaya...do you... really despise me that much?

Amaya... amaya...


Amaya's eyes darted wide whilst a jet-black haired boy with a worriedly soft stricking azure eyes shacking the girls shoulder "huh-wha-?" Amaya eye's the boy.

(A Little Spoiler Wont Hurt)


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