"the sun and the moon" - 0.42

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In the celestial dance that spans the sky,
Two luminous beings catch every eye.
The sun, a fiery ball of radiant light,
And the moon, a pearl that shines through the night.

The sun, a symbol of vigor and might,
Embodies warmth, banishing darkness from sight.
Its golden rays, like a guiding flame,
Illuminate paths, igniting life's game.

With brilliance undimmed, it rules the day,
Inspiring growth, chasing shadows away.
A symbol of strength and eternal power,
The sun's presence heralds life's vibrant hour.

Yet, the moon holds its celestial sway,
In tranquil nights, it comes out to play.
A gentle orb, casting a silvery glow,
It whispers secrets only the night can know.

The moon, a symbol of solace and dreams,
Reflects the light of the sun's vibrant beams.
In its quiet beauty, it finds its might,
Guiding lost souls through the darkest of night.

Together, they represent a duality rare,
A cosmic balance, a vivid pair.
The sun, the giver of life and the day,
The moon, the guardian of dreams on display.

In their celestial journey, they impart,
Lessons profound that touch the human heart.
Like the sun, let your spirit radiate,
And like the moon, find solace in the great.

For within their symbolism, we find,
A reminder that life's blessings are kind.
In the sun and the moon, let us embrace,
A harmony that's boundless, filled with grace.

authors note:
im backkk i hope u enjoyed🤍
and i will now be taking requests so if u have any js lmk and i will give u credit

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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