The Invisible Brother|Ted and Felix|

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(Felix and Ted are 17 in this au)

I was at home, and I started to feel a strange feeling, Ted had been strangely sad all day, and he never seemed like that, he was usually happy, and I hadn't seen him in hours, he wasn't even in his room. It started to torment me, I hate to admit it, but I really care about Ted, he is different from me, kinder, and cares more about people, but he is invisible to our parents, he is seen as useless, I really feel sorry for him, but I hate my parents, they always expect the best from me, and when I don't do my best, they ignore me for a long time, and they treat me very well if I do my best, but Ted doesn't even do his best, he is treated better. Anyway, I'm going to look for Ted.

Time skip

I looked for him in the whole house, there's only one place left, the basement, no one usually goes in there, because it's very dark, but maybe Ted wanted to isolate himself. until I heard a loud noise, and I couldn't identify what it was. "TEDDY, ARE YOU THERE?"I yelled. "What do you want?"Ted said. "What are you doing?" "What difference does it make if I tell you? You don't care about me..." "Teddy, please come here" "Go live your life, nobody cares about me, I'm invisible." "TEDDY STOP!" "If I stop, what difference does it make? Nothing will change, bye Felix". I looked for a flashlight and when I found it I ran out to look for Ted, when I found him, he had... hanged himself, and was dead. " can be.."

I woke up and I was in my room....Was it all a dream? I ran to Ted's room and hugged him. "Felix? Is Everything fine? You can talk to me" Ted said. "T-Teddy I'm s-sorry t-to h-have t-treated you so b-badly, p-please d-don't k-kill yourself"I said while crying. "Felix, I'm not going to kill myself, and you don't treat me so badly, in fact you're getting better at it, you're the person in this house who treats me the most well" "But you weren't sad?" "But of course not, Felix, I'm not sad, I've always been treated like this, like an invisible person, I've gotten used to it, I have other people to talk to besides you and my parents, i have Penny, Ozzy and etc, I'm not alone" "I'm sorry for always treating you badly Ted" "No need to apologize, You are not a bad person..."

(This plot was rubbish, but I didn't want to kill Ted)

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