Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

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The planet of Coruscant lay in the heart of the known galaxy, proudly standing amid the core systems as the place The Republic called home. A once-mountainous and lush world, washed away by ever-expanding oceans, the past millennia had rendered its natural surface unseen under swathes of bureaucratic architecture. Few documents remained to describe the days before the planet had become the galaxy's biggest ecumenopolis, and only the squatters and so-called 'street rats' of the city's underbelly - who dwelled miles beneath the expensive, golden surface of the city, beneath industrial pipeworks and artificial caverns of water - were rumoured to have glimpsed long-dead patches of grass and plant life.

But the citizens of the upper city never needed to consider the lives of their inferiors. Politicians, celebrities and business officials alike all had the privilege of enjoying the warmth of the planet's sun, the day's light and the views of the apartments, business districts, and - standing far above the towers around it - the Jedi Temple.

"Again, Meetra." Jedi Knight Bastila Shan stood over her friend, and current training partner, Meetra Surik. They were both dampened by sweat accumulated over hours of vigorous exercise, and clutched their lightsabers firmly.

Bastila Shan was a young woman - young to be a Jedi Knight, as she was constantly reminded by the Council. Standing stoically over Meetra, who lay sprawled on the floor, exhaustion lined her face and tugged at her thoughts. 'Clear your mind, Bastila' she reprimanded herself. 'Exhaustion is merely an obstacle. Overcome it.'

Meetra Surik, who was slightly younger than her friend, slowly rested a fist on the ground to push herself back up. 'This is pointless. I can't catch a break.'

"Calm your doubt." Bastila sternly advised Meetra.

"You're starting to sound like my master. Does becoming a master teach you to mind-read?"

"No, I don't need the force to sense you're not giving this all you have."

"Well forgive me, master." Meetra sighed as she pulled herself back to her feet. "Six non-stop hours a day doesn't exactly leave room for total commitment every second."

"Stop complaining."

"It's not my fault I can't pass the trials. If everyone stopped trying to get me better by forcing me to train longer and longer-"

"It's not your fault, Meetra, but it is your problem."

"See, now you're really starting to sound like my master."

"I said stop complaining." Bastila lifted her dual-bladed yellow saber, assuming a firm combat stance. "Now duel."

Meetra, using her visible exhaustion to hide her plan, suddenly lunged forwards, striking at Bastila. The latter swatted the blade aside, spinning to allow Meetra's momentum to cause her to stumble. Bastila's double-bladed lightsaber allowed for better defence, and so the need for quick footwork was greatly diminished - allowing her to keep her ground during duels. As a disciple of the Makashi lightsaber form, her priorities lay in precision, defence and disarmament.

Meetra was a training user of the first form of lightsaber combat - Shii Cho. She remembered her earlier days of practising with training staffs, when her master had taken her through the various forms. 'I have no idea what any of this means,' she had thought. 'Still don't,' she admitted. Form I had been chosen almost randomly, with the same type of carelessness as she felt towards the Jedi Trials that she would soon have to deal with.

"Shii Cho is making you unbalanced. Your movements are too wild." Bastila warned her friend. As if on cue, Meetra took two failed swings at Bastila, who leaned back from the danger with ease. "Perhaps you should study a second form." Meetra rolled her eyes at the suggestion.

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