(A/n I'm back after like five months but anyway I'm continuing this fic because I'm sweet)


Will left. Will just fucking left him alone. Will was the one person he genuinely cared about and he left. It's not like he moved to another country, but he still left mike alone in his room. Mike missed Will a lot. When they were younger Mike and Will always played together and hanged out a lot, but now everything changed.

It's not like Mike would blame Will for it though, maybe Will has better things to do than read comics and watch the television with him.


Will hadn't called him in three weeks. Three weeks. He wasn't even texting Mike anymore. Did he really hate Mike?
——-party gc-——

Hey have you guys heard from Will
In the past  3  weeks?

I did but it was a week ago

Awww Is your boyfriend not texting you

Shut up max 
But no  he's not


Could you stop ignoring me?

It's really annoying

Sorry that I ignored you but theres other stuff going on




Well he didn't expect that.
But really? What could be more important than Mike? His literal boyfriend. Or maybe he was just being selfish. No actually he wasn't 'maybe selfish' he was just being selfish.

Mike looks out of the window and sees his parents, outside, fighting with some random woman. His mom is getting pushed against her car and his dad gets mad at the woman. Normal people would help their parents, but apparently Mike wasn't normal. He did do something though. He told Nancy that his mom got pushed and Nancy immediately got outside. After that he was just watching like some freak. A few minutes later, Mike saw the one and only Spider-Man. Helping the woman who pushed his mom to get out so Mike's dad could calm down. He didn't though. The second he got into the house he started to hit Mike.


Will was swinging around the big buildings of Brooklyn when he saw MJ's mom and dad in a fight with some woman. It was weird. He had never seen Mike's parents like this before. He started to help the woman since she was getting hit by Ted and getting cursed at by Nancy (she probably deserved it) "get inside or I will bring you to the police office," Will 'Spider-Man' said to Ted Wheeler. Once Ted was inside. He started to talk to mrs.wheeler and Nancy. " You know that she was the one who pushed my mother right?" Oh that was new information. "No, I didn't, i only saw the woman getting attacked," Nancy gave him a disgusting look. Like he had eaten a rat infront of her face. "Well she did,  my little brother told me so." Will decided that it would be better to just say his goodbyes and swing around Brooklyn again. So he did.

After a few hours of swinging around town(again) he went over to the Wheelers. Of course he first went home to change to his normal clothing. When he got to the Wheeler's, he immediately noticed something was off. He rang the bell and Holly (the youngest wheeler sibling) opened the door with teary eyes. "Hey Holly, what's wrong?" Holly just looked at him and let him in without replying. He went upstairs to Mike's room. And knocked on his door "go away mom," Mike said sounding tired. "It's Will actually not your mom." "Oh, come in," MJ said with a few seconds between 'oh' and 'come'. Will opened his door and saw Mike shirtless on his bed. He was probably trying to sleep because he looked tired. "Hi Mikey," Mike stared at him for a second. Probably trying to stay awake. " Hi.." he said with a soft smile. As Will walked up to Mike's bed, Mike started to make grabby hands to Will. So Will and Mike ended up cuddling.

They stayed like that for a while until Mike fell asleep. Mike moves a lot in his sleep so he escaped Wills comfort. Will started turning Mike's tv on in his room. Soft enough to not wake Mike up. He zapped to the news channel and saw a building burning down in the street next to where Max lives. So he had to go help them.
Will looked for paper everywhere but couldn't find it. That's when he found a journal . Mike's journal. He really wanted to  respect his privacy though, but he still took it with him. he left a note for Mike with mom called me and told me to home. And turned the tv off.

Wowowow a new chapter? Sorry for not updating this fic but here I am (totally not six months later) hope you all got a merry Christmas and happy holidays 🫶

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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