dreams i wish i could keep

42 1 1

A/N: i want banana milk :(

??? POV (yes yet another new character)

"Haruka showed me this pretty flower yesterday."


"She told me it means 'my thoughts will follow you into your dreams.' They also said that the meaning was very poetic."

"Say, Haruka's been teaching you a lot of words lately."

"She also showed me a sentinel."

"A what?"

"She said it was a little raptor design thing that her family was going to send to an exoplanet. For lab researchers or something. Defending themselves against the drones who go rogue."


"It has a little camera on top of its head that it uses to bootloop a drone, and then it takes the drone and crushes it-"

"T-that's enough murder talk for one day. We should probably get back to work."

"...oh. Okay."

I shook my head, snapping out of these stupid memories. I had to get...back to work...

I stood up, stretched a bit, and scanned the area.

Not a worker drone in sight.

I sat back down and sighed. I didn't know what to do. My squad just went out hunting, and they normally spend 3 hours. They weren't going to be back for a while.

That little shred of memory didn't leave my mind. One of the voices was definitely mine, albeit far more accented than my current one, but that other one? Was it Kiri? Or Yume- no, neither of them would start rambling about murder and stuff.

I turned my head around back to the landing pod. "Bingsu, you up yet?"

A little worker drone groaned. "I'm up. I've been up for the last 3 hours charging while trying to read. You guys even have any interesting books in here?"

"I suppose I can grab some from a colony. Any prefere-"


"Like shoujo or-"

"Can you find like. Something that was in with the humans back when they were alive? You know what those are, right?"

"Yeah. I'm guessing just the first couple of volumes of Oshi No Ko or something I dunno..." I outstretched my wings. "Kiri an' Yume'll be back in a little bit." I gave Bingsu a little salute and flew off.

As I flew to a nearby colony to raid it, I thought about how I had met Bingsu in the first place.

~ flashback ~

"WAH-" I heard Yume's little yelp from down the hall. I was shredding apart a worker drone but Yume's cries for help were distracting. Too distracting.

"Yume, the fu-"

"IT- IT HAS A GUN-!" Yume shouted as I turned the corner and he jumped on me.

"YUME- ohhh." I suddenly realized the gravity of the situation. The worker drone Yume was about to kill...had a gun. Not like a small revolver, but one of the big scary ones that could kill a disassembly drone like us.

"S-stay away! My parents are in that-" It paused to point to a room. "-that room! Kill them! Just let me stay alive, please!"

"...Yume. Go."

"Y-yes, Ame." Yume nodded, getting down from his hold on me and going over to the room. He was a quieter killer than the rest of us, meaning I could talk to this drone.

"Hey." I knelt down to their level. "Give me that." I held out my hand for the gun. The worker drone looked a little scared now that I was in this proximity to it, but it complied and handed me the (oddly heavy) gun. "Good..."

"You're not...gonna hurt me, are you?" It whimpered.

"No...I'm better than all the other disassembly drones, I have morals," I said in an attempt to make them laugh. "I don't just mindlessly kill."

My plan worked, as they began giggling. "Good, then you'll understand that my parents should die because of how ffffffucking abusive they are!" The giggles turned into crazed laughs as they continued.

I didn't stop them. I remember Haruka would always laugh like this when we discussed her parents.

It sort of gave me a sense of security, like I was back with my caretaker duties instead of being like...this.

Robo-God, this kid was just like Haruka.

Their laughter died down as I smiled and held out a hand. "You're most likely an orphan now. Take me to your room and I'll help you pack up. You can live with me an' the rest of my squad."

"...Why do you even care?" Their mood quickly shifted.

"Because I feel bad about your situation. Also, I'm not just killing a kid like you."

"I'm 19."

"So? You still live with your parents. Or, lived."

"...Can we just get out of this dump?"

"I mean, sure. Grab whatever worker drones need."

"That's just my charger and a couple spare uniforms."

"Go grab it. I'll wait."

And that's how I met Bingsu.

Bingsu's not their actual name.

They just wanted a different one. The other one was "too feminine." I thought it was pretty; it meant "lily."

Focus, Ame. It's not important right now. I scolded myself. I saw the colony come into view, and I started subconsciously humming.

I'll fill my quota for the day as well. Efficiency.

A/N: short chapter my b!!!! just didn't feel really up for it. also, notice the title change? yeah i thought murder drones: relapse would be better. cover also was updated so that's fun :D
btw you didn't hear this from me but im drawing something for the next chapter

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